
Sentenced Murderer Professed Vows In Prison

Luigi, 40, who received a 30 years sentence for murder and now lives in a prison, professed his private vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience on Saturday, in the presence of Reggio Emilia Bishop Massimo Camisasca.

Camisasca told Avvenire, the gay-daily of the Italian bishops, that Luigi was an altar-boy who wanted to become a priest. His friends used to call him "Don Luigi" [Father Aloysius].

Then, alcohol, cocaine and violence ruined his life. Unter the influence of drugs he killed a man.

In prison, he converted, became a lector at Mass, and began to pray and study. Last year, he started corresponding with Bishop Camisasca.

Picture: © Steve Mays, CC BY, #newsHcirjhakdu
Alex A
Worked in the prison system. Came across a number of 'conversions' in the prison population. Not many lasted beyond the 'honeymoon' period. Sincerely pray this one will last.