Hypocrisy: Francis Wants to Absolve the Impenitent

Speaking to participants at a conference on the formation of priests on 8 February, Francis returned to his fixation with absolving sinners who do not repent. "I want to add something I said before: …More
Speaking to participants at a conference on the formation of priests on 8 February, Francis returned to his fixation with absolving sinners who do not repent.
"I want to add something I said before: please do not tire of being merciful. Always forgive. When people come to confession, they come to ask for forgiveness, not to hear a lecture on theology. Please be merciful. Always forgive, because forgiveness has this grace of embracing, of welcoming. I urge you: always forgive".
Francis makes a fundamental mistake: in confession, it's not the priest who forgives, but Christ. The priest (or the Pope) is not the boss, Christ is the boss.
The impenitent sinner can't be forgiven according to the words of Christ: "Whose sins you shall forgive, they are forgiven them: and whose sins you shall retain, they are retained" (John 20:23).
Francis' statement was also hypocritical, since he is personally brutal and merciless towards those he wants to punish.
Picture: Vatican Media, #newsVisylkwyhc
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What Sin Sends the Most People to Hell? The Terrifying Truth, Revealed By Our Lady of Fatima (churchpop.com) “The sins which cause most souls to go to hell are the sins of the flesh,” or sins against chastity.
Bergoglio contradicts Scripture because clearly Saint Paul teaches that God's will is our sanctification and that we turn away from the sins of sexual immorality. And the Holy Scripture …More
What Sin Sends the Most People to Hell? The Terrifying Truth, Revealed By Our Lady of Fatima (churchpop.com) “The sins which cause most souls to go to hell are the sins of the flesh,” or sins against chastity.

Bergoglio contradicts Scripture because clearly Saint Paul teaches that God's will is our sanctification and that we turn away from the sins of sexual immorality. And the Holy Scripture emphasizes and adds that those who OPPOSE this teaching are not opposed to any human authority but to God himself. So Bergoglio's falsehood and rebellion is demonstrated.

1 Thessalonians 4:3-8

New Catholic Bible

3 It is the WILL OF GOD that you should lead a life of sanctity. You must refrain from sexual immorality. 4 Each of you must learn to acquire a wife from pure and honorable motives, 5 not to gratify passion[a] like the Gentiles who do not know God. 6 No one is ever to wrong or take advantage of a brother in this regard.
As we have previously instructed you and solemnly warned you, the Lord is the avenger in all this. 7 For God has called us to holiness, not to impurity. 8 Therefore, anyone who rejects these instructions[b] rejects not human authority but the God who also gives his Holy Spirit to you.
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The Bergoglian heretics show us that they do not profess the Catholic faith either because the Lord's Prayer is part of that profession of faith and when they say that May your will be done they show that they do not even know what they are asking for.
Catechism of Saint Pius X: 10. How many and what are the main and most necessary parts of Christian doctrine? - The main and most necessary parts …More
The Bergoglian heretics show us that they do not profess the Catholic faith either because the Lord's Prayer is part of that profession of faith and when they say that May your will be done they show that they do not even know what they are asking for.
Catechism of Saint Pius X: 10. How many and what are the main and most necessary parts of Christian doctrine? - The main and most necessary parts of Christian doctrine are four: The Creed, Our Father, Commandments and Sacraments.
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“La mayor parte de los que van al infierno, van por no conocer la Doctrina Católica”San Pío X.
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Opera 369
Wow! I vote that Sally M. McGillicuddy be proposed for 'canonization' by Jorge Bergoglio! Hopefully she won't get her hand violently 'slapped' by the man, as it happened to the Asian woman in the audience.
Sally M. McGillicuddy
He did not say that extramarital sex sins aren't that serious. He said they are not the most important. Some of you are willing to outright lie, and others to lie by deliberately twisting the man's words around to feel like you're holier than he is. But he was right: pride is a worse sin than lust, and while more people go to hell for sins of the flesh than for any other kind, glorying in spreading …More
He did not say that extramarital sex sins aren't that serious. He said they are not the most important. Some of you are willing to outright lie, and others to lie by deliberately twisting the man's words around to feel like you're holier than he is. But he was right: pride is a worse sin than lust, and while more people go to hell for sins of the flesh than for any other kind, glorying in spreading lies doesn't put you above him in any way. I don't care whether he's the legit pope or not. Even if he were the antichrist, telling lies would be totally unproductive. You need to look to your own behavior.
John A Cassani
The thing is, they are not the most serious sins, but, since they are far more widespread, and more pleasurable, than the really serious sins, they are easy to fall into, and harder to get over. The mystics are almost certainly correct that far more people go to Hell for impurity and unchastity and other sins of the concupiscible appetites, than for the really serious sins situated in the rational …More
The thing is, they are not the most serious sins, but, since they are far more widespread, and more pleasurable, than the really serious sins, they are easy to fall into, and harder to get over. The mystics are almost certainly correct that far more people go to Hell for impurity and unchastity and other sins of the concupiscible appetites, than for the really serious sins situated in the rational appetites, or even the irascible appetites.
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Saint Hildegard: "In reality the Antichrist, possessed by the devil, when he opens his mouth for his perverse teaching will destroy all that God had established in the Old and New Law, and will affirm that incest, fornication, adultery and other similar ones are not sin"
St. Hildegard Prophecy on the Antichrist:

He will publicly announce a hostile doctrine on religion. He will attract the peopleMore
Saint Hildegard: "In reality the Antichrist, possessed by the devil, when he opens his mouth for his perverse teaching will destroy all that God had established in the Old and New Law, and will affirm that incest, fornication, adultery and other similar ones are not sin"

St. Hildegard Prophecy on the Antichrist:

He will publicly announce a hostile doctrine on religion. He will attract the people to himself by granting them complete exemption from the observance of all divine and ecclesiastical commandments, by forgiving them their sins and requiring of them only their belief in his divinity.

“He will spurn and reject baptism and the gospel. He will open his mouth to preach contradiction
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Bergoglio promotes the sin of final impenitence which is a sin of Blasphemy against the Holy Spirit in which the sinner refuses to repent and continues to sin with full knowledge and is therefore condemned. The apostate Jorge Mario Bergoglio, in addition to challenging the laws of God, urges priests to commit sacrilege. In such a way that Bergoglio commits a double murder, you souls. Bergoglio rebels …More
Bergoglio promotes the sin of final impenitence which is a sin of Blasphemy against the Holy Spirit in which the sinner refuses to repent and continues to sin with full knowledge and is therefore condemned. The apostate Jorge Mario Bergoglio, in addition to challenging the laws of God, urges priests to commit sacrilege. In such a way that Bergoglio commits a double murder, you souls. Bergoglio rebels against the Law of God and against the author of the law and he puts himself in the place of God to grant invalid absolutions without the need for repentance.

Even the apostate and atheist Eugenio Scalfari put it bluntly: "Pope Francis has abolished sin"



1857 For a sin to be mortal, three conditions must together be met: "Mortal sin is sin whose object is grave matter and which is also committed with full knowledge and deliberate consent."
Sally M. McGillicuddy
Hypocrisy: en.news accidentally accuses Jesus Christ of "fundamental mistake" over lame technicality that Peter can't actually forgive sins
Denis Efimov
Oh my God, how cruel these conciliars are. They began by changing the prayer for the conversion of the Jews, and now Francis is sending unrepentant souls to hell who are supposedly absolved.
Heretical opinion of Luther, condemned under threat of excommunication by Pope Leo X:
"If through an impossibility he who confessed was not contrite... if nevertheless he believes that he has been absolved, he …More
Oh my God, how cruel these conciliars are. They began by changing the prayer for the conversion of the Jews, and now Francis is sending unrepentant souls to hell who are supposedly absolved.

Heretical opinion of Luther, condemned under threat of excommunication by Pope Leo X:

"If through an impossibility he who confessed was not contrite... if nevertheless he believes that he has been absolved, he is most truly absolved".
Hound of Heaven
False mercy is one of the most pernicious counsels one can give to another who is struggling in his/her spiritual life.
Tony M
Bergoglio's fake mercy will result in at least some of these sinners never repenting and finishing up in Hell forever. And Jorge thinks he is doing them a favour??!! Gimme a break!!!!
He is allowing them to think all is OK with their sinful ways.
So the question comes to mind, "Has he repented of so many of the sins he has publicly committed before the whole world......if he doesn't think repentance …More
Bergoglio's fake mercy will result in at least some of these sinners never repenting and finishing up in Hell forever. And Jorge thinks he is doing them a favour??!! Gimme a break!!!!
He is allowing them to think all is OK with their sinful ways.
So the question comes to mind, "Has he repented of so many of the sins he has publicly committed before the whole world......if he doesn't think repentance is necessary???..... Many proven heresies in Amoris Laetitia & Fiducia Supplicans & other documents....pachamama worshipping in Vatican gardens...blasphemies uttered against God & Our Blessed Mother. Has he corrected any of these words & deeds???