
Liberal Buddies: Cardinal Cupich Gave Honorific Speech For Cardinal McCarrick's "Spirit of Francis" Award

Chicago Cardinal Blase Cupich presented in 2016 the so called “Spirit of Francis” award to Cardinal Theodore McCarrick who in the meantime was accused of homosexual abuse. During the bestowal of the …More
Chicago Cardinal Blase Cupich presented in 2016 the so called “Spirit of Francis” award to Cardinal Theodore McCarrick who in the meantime was accused of homosexual abuse.
During the bestowal of the award, Cupich lauded McCarrick for his “own unique way of making a mark on the Church.”
The price, awarded by the fundraising organization Catholic Extension, is named after Pope Francis, Francis of Assisi and the founder of Catholic Extension, Father Francis Kelley (+1924).
According to LifeSiteNews.com (July 10) McCarrick’s name has now been wiped from CatholicExtension.org.
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Faggot prize.
San Atanasio ora pro nobis
McCarrick a key U.S. lobbyist for Bergoglio’ election.
McCarrick in 2013: Francis will 'change' Church in 5 years
angry bob
Birds of a feather flock together.