
Holy See "Suspends" U.S. Cardinal – Homosexual Abuse

Pope Franics has instructed retired Washington Cardinal Theodore McCarrick (87) to “no longer exercise publicly his priestly ministry”.

According to press releases (June 20), McCarrick is accused of “sexual abuse of a teenager” almost fifty years ago. McCarrick was at that time a priest in New York Archdiocese. Details of the case are not known.

The “review board” of New York Archdiocese investigated the accusations and called them “credible and substantiated”.

Cardinal McCarrick is maintaining his innocence, “I have absolutely no recollection of this reported abuse, and believe in my innocence.”

McCarrick is “sad” that the allegation were found credible but accepted the decision of the Holy See.

When McCarrick was archbishop of Newark (1986-2000) there were rumours in Rome that McCarrick was receiving young male adults in the private rooms of a weekend-house. According to people familiar with the situation, the present accusations are only "the tip of the iceberg".

McCarrick, sometimes called "smiling Ted" was one of the many liberals, John Paul II promoted.

Can anything good come from New York or DC?
No recollection? Hope that’s a lie. If he’s not lying it means either it was one of numerous acts of sodomy or his conscience is not bothered by these mortally sinful actions
Hugh N. Cry
Nasty pouf
Gesù è con noi
Nick Donnelly @ProtecttheFaith
Homosexual Cardinal Theodore McCarrick referred to his priestly protégés as "nephews", encouraging them to call him "Uncle Ted"
He refers to his "nephews" in this talks about his role in the election of Bergoglio at 3.55
How many nephews are in power? Cardinal McCarrick in 2013: Francis will 'change' Church in 5 years
Nick Donnelly @ProtecttheFaith
Homosexual Cardinal Theodore McCarrick referred to his priestly protégés as "nephews", encouraging them to call him "Uncle Ted"

He refers to his "nephews" in this talks about his role in the election of Bergoglio at 3.55

How many nephews are in power? Cardinal McCarrick in 2013: Francis will 'change' Church in 5 years
GJA Taylor
Is it any wonder why the "New Church" keeps losing members? It's like asking a sex offender to watch your kids while out on the town.
Dr Bobus
From Rod Dreher
We will soon be hearing a lot about all the young Catholic men befriended by "Uncle Ted" McCarrick, and taken under Uncle Ted's wing, especially when he was a mere fundraising monsignor needing summertime travel companions.
And I'd like to know why The New York Times, in 2012, had on the record accusations against Uncle Ted, by one of his (adult) victims, but killed the story.…More
From Rod Dreher

We will soon be hearing a lot about all the young Catholic men befriended by "Uncle Ted" McCarrick, and taken under Uncle Ted's wing, especially when he was a mere fundraising monsignor needing summertime travel companions.


And I'd like to know why The New York Times, in 2012, had on the record accusations against Uncle Ted, by one of his (adult) victims, but killed the story. Why were they protecting the cardinal?
Dr Bobus
And Smilin' Ted seems to have had experiences with young men.More

And Smilin' Ted seems to have had experiences with young men.
One more comment from Dr Bobus
Dr Bobus
Another nail in the coffin of the neo con Church. Has not worked. Is not working. Never will work.
Why not invite him to share his experiences at the "LGBT Synod" for the "LGBT Youth" in October?
De Profundis
Whistleblower priest Father James Haley: Cardinal (then Bishop) Theodore McCarrick allegedly had "invited" certain seminarians to sleep in the same bed with him.
Whistleblower priest Father James Haley: Cardinal (then Bishop) Theodore McCarrick allegedly had "invited" certain seminarians to sleep in the same bed with him.

When Scottish Cardinal O'Brien was accused of improper sexual relationships in 2013, he was allowed to resign at the traditional age of 75. Two years later he renounced all "duties and privileges" of being a cardinal but was never barred from ministry.
Maybe it was also that +McCarrick settled two cases of inappropriate homosexual activity with seminarians while Abp of Newark two decades ago, that led the Holy See to bar him from public ministry, not just the latest accusation.
Dr Bobus
He was also Lying Ted for misrepresenting Cardinal Ratzinger's letter to the US bishops.
When the DC archdiocese opened up, the obvious choice was Abp Rigali, then in St Louis, who was a trained diplomat and former rector of the Vatican School of Diplomacy. Instead, McCarrick's buddies got him the job.More
He was also Lying Ted for misrepresenting Cardinal Ratzinger's letter to the US bishops.

When the DC archdiocese opened up, the obvious choice was Abp Rigali, then in St Louis, who was a trained diplomat and former rector of the Vatican School of Diplomacy. Instead, McCarrick's buddies got him the job.