First Court Case Against Mandatory Vaccination: Attorney Interview. In this interview, Spiro is joined by Attorney Ana Garner of New Mexico. Garner represents her client Isaac Legaretta, an officer at …More
First Court Case Against Mandatory Vaccination: Attorney Interview.
In this interview, Spiro is joined by Attorney Ana Garner of New Mexico. Garner represents her client Isaac Legaretta, an officer at the Doña Ana County Detention Center and a military veteran, who is suing the county over its new policy for first responders to receive the COVID-19 vaccinations or face termination. Attorney Garner explains the significance of this case and what is at stake, as it is the first of its kind and may set a new standard for legal precedent regarding mandatory vaccination. Garner says she is prepared to take this case to the Supreme Court if necessary. Spiro and Ana Garner also discuss another case of her’s that is ongoing currently. A case that challenges not only the Governor of New Mexico, but the emergency itself.
Source: youtube.com/watch?v=t3P9CYGq9M4
Miles - Christi
Miles - Christi
@Cuthbert Mayne There is not such thing as anti covid vaccine "propaganda", just a necessary self defense reaction against the global eugenistic elite who want to harm us by this genetic and experimental "treatment" and their criminal lockdowns; and let's not forget that vaccines had a pretty dark historical record behind them also. The situation we are in is very abnormal, to say the least, and we …More
@Cuthbert Mayne There is not such thing as anti covid vaccine "propaganda", just a necessary self defense reaction against the global eugenistic elite who want to harm us by this genetic and experimental "treatment" and their criminal lockdowns; and let's not forget that vaccines had a pretty dark historical record behind them also. The situation we are in is very abnormal, to say the least, and we need to react, strongly, loud and clear, in every possible way, before it's too late... Vaxxed: From Cover-Up to Catastrophe - 2016 - English with Spanish Subtitles - PLANDEMIC DOCUMENTARY: THE HIDDEN AGENDA BEHIND COVID-19 - Dr. Lee Merritt About Scamdemic And Covid Vaccine. - PLANDEMIC 2 INDOCTORNATION - SPANISH SUBTITLES Source: bitchute.com/video/GBsoYSB24FgS/ [https://www.bitchute.com/video/GBsoYSB24FgS/] - CONFIRMED: COVID-19 Plandemic a Known, Live “Training & Simulation Exercise” under WHO - Major docum… - THE NEW NORMAL - A DOCUMENTARY BY HAPPEN.NETWORK - DR DAVID MARTIN AND JUDY A MIKOVITS - THIS IS NOT A VACCINE. Source: bitchute.com/video/4fVFgHXPELoO/ [https://www.bitchute.com/video/4fVFgHXPELoO/] -
Cuthbert Mayne
What are your credentials to be able to make an educated critique ?? Are you a medic ? If so what speciality ? Or are you a molecular biologist? Or if nothing else a moral theologian? If not I think you’re punching above your weight and acting above your pay grade. And have nothing to offer.
Miles - Christi
Take a look at the videos I posted and you will understand what I mean...
Cuthbert Mayne
There’s a whole industry of anti vaxxer hoax videos. I’m afraid I get my information not from the lunatic fringe flat earthers but from reputed scientific journals. And I try to practice evidence based medicine. (I think you’d appreciate that if you or someone in your family fell ill, and the person treating you didn’t suggest placing crystals around the bed and smoking a herbal pipe)
Cuthbert Mayne
Let’s hope you or any of your family won’t die the horrible death I’ve seen patients die of with the non existent Covid 19
Miles - Christi
I thank you for your good wishes. But I clarify that I do not deny that the virus exists. What I deny is that there is a "pandemic", under the pretext of which destructive measures of the economy of the world and the lives of the people have been implemented, in an insane and brutal way, for more than a year, which will cost far much more lives than the virus does. I also deny that there is a need …More
I thank you for your good wishes. But I clarify that I do not deny that the virus exists. What I deny is that there is a "pandemic", under the pretext of which destructive measures of the economy of the world and the lives of the people have been implemented, in an insane and brutal way, for more than a year, which will cost far much more lives than the virus does. I also deny that there is a need to vaccinate the entire world population -in a detestable emotional blackmail in order to return to "normality"- with an experimental "vaccine" -which is actually a genetic treatment-, whose adverse effects in the medium or long range are totally unknown, especially considering the very low fatality rate of the coronavirus. l I believe that this is a crime against humanity, since the elite of enlightened eugenicists who rule the destinies of the planet have decided to use us as guinea pigs... On the other hand, it seems to me that it is legitimate and necessary to question oneself about the designs of the billionaire "philanthropist" Bill Gates and the Great Reset programmed by Klaus Schwab and his henchmen: Bill Gates, Enemy of Mankind - "Event 201": A global pandemic exercise just before it happens - The dystopian world is landing: Introducing BILL GATES MICROSOFT COVID-1984 SCHOOL PASS. - The Great Reset: Three Enlightening Examples - The World Economic Forum and the "Great Reset" - COVID-19: The Great Reset, Written in June 2020 by Klauss Schwab Creator of the World Economic Forum -Lockdowns Are Quietly Improving Cities | World Economic Forum Deleted Tweet & Video #wef21 [https://www.youtube.com/hashtag/wef21]. - James Corbett Explains The Great Reset [https://www.corbettreport.com/interview-1600-james-corbett-e… - Davos Agenda 2021 - "The pandemic has radically changed the world as we k…
ALan Luckstedt
Let the guinea pigs try the experimental vaccine , their science project, and wait a year or more to see what happens to them and the reports of side effects and death from this science project vaccine. There is no way I will never have this forced on me against my will. Let the Pied piper play his flute and bring all the guinea pigs with him into the river to drown. Control is what it is, puppets …More
Let the guinea pigs try the experimental vaccine , their science project, and wait a year or more to see what happens to them and the reports of side effects and death from this science project vaccine. There is no way I will never have this forced on me against my will. Let the Pied piper play his flute and bring all the guinea pigs with him into the river to drown. Control is what it is, puppets on a string.
Cuthbert Mayne
Just to be clear, as elsewhere on GTV I have criticised anti vaxxers, mandating vaccines or any other treatment when a person refuses it is wrong. However, it must be said that vaccines help not only those vaccinated but other more vulnerable un vaccinated people. The anti Vaccine propaganda for Covid 19 vaccines have spilled over to other childhood vaccines and their uptake has dramatically fallen …More
Just to be clear, as elsewhere on GTV I have criticised anti vaxxers, mandating vaccines or any other treatment when a person refuses it is wrong. However, it must be said that vaccines help not only those vaccinated but other more vulnerable un vaccinated people. The anti Vaccine propaganda for Covid 19 vaccines have spilled over to other childhood vaccines and their uptake has dramatically fallen in my practice. This is a dangerous situation which would jeopardise many new born infant’s lives. Those who are pro life and anti abortion should also spare a thought about the living.