
Francis Cancels All Friday Audiences

Francis cancelled the Friday audiences (May 26) at short notice because he has a fever, the Vatican press office, known for lying, said. No meetings with groups were scheduled, but he did not receive …More
Francis cancelled the Friday audiences (May 26) at short notice because he has a fever, the Vatican press office, known for lying, said.
No meetings with groups were scheduled, but he did not receive individuals either.
Picture: © Mazur/cbcew.org.uk, CC BY-NC-ND, #newsGzbsnpkjcg
P. O'B
I hope he cancels all audiences in perpetuity.
Ivan Tomas
I hope all audiences cancels him perpetually.
Sandy Barrett shares this
Vatican says Pope Francis did not hold any audiences this morning due to a fever.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
No audiences/appointments for Pope on Saturday either Vatican announced late in the day today. Still sick.
Parolin tried to give a phony reason for Francis being sick.....said he was tired from a busy day Thursday. Ya' don't get a high fever from being busy unless you have an underlying problem Parolin. They're covering up something.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
Not surprised. I'll bet it's not good this time.
Clement Jaeho Chung
do you think Bergoglio's health is not good?? I am not sure....anybody can't know about his health!!!! I think Vatican hide it....I can't pray for his recovery...be cause this crazy Old man destroying to our Holy Catholic church...so I just hope this crazy old man fast gone....so we will get Orthodox Pope, real Pope...fast time....we don't need any more this Tyrant!!! Orthodox Cardinals must, must …More
do you think Bergoglio's health is not good?? I am not sure....anybody can't know about his health!!!! I think Vatican hide it....I can't pray for his recovery...be cause this crazy Old man destroying to our Holy Catholic church...so I just hope this crazy old man fast gone....so we will get Orthodox Pope, real Pope...fast time....we don't need any more this Tyrant!!! Orthodox Cardinals must, must will remove him....I think Bergoglio dose not want to retire...so need to this way....even though I am not sure..it's very hard...but I really hope it..and Orthodox Catholic People are must saying about Abdication!!!! we don't need any more pray for this crazy Tyrant!! we must saying about Tyrant's Abdication of Bergoglio!!!! it's so hard..I well know.....much pray it...many talking sorry....God bless always you and all your family, lovely people^^ take care...always really sorry many annoying to you...but always happy talking to you^^ Kenjiro..my great Online friend, Church's Brother!!!
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
@Clement Jaeho Chung -Thank you Clement. I agree with you. I can't in good conscience, considering the evil Francis has done to the Church, pray for his "recovery". I don't think fevers pop up for no reason. I think Francis has something very bad, that the Vatican is hiding, and has hidden for 18 months.
My uncle is a doctor (Cardiologist), and he said, spealing of Bergoglio, that some forms of …More
@Clement Jaeho Chung -Thank you Clement. I agree with you. I can't in good conscience, considering the evil Francis has done to the Church, pray for his "recovery". I don't think fevers pop up for no reason. I think Francis has something very bad, that the Vatican is hiding, and has hidden for 18 months.
My uncle is a doctor (Cardiologist), and he said, spealing of Bergoglio, that some forms of cancer are very fast and lethal.....others, slow (but still ultimately fatal).
Do I think Francis will be alive this time next year? Probably not...but maybe.
I'd like to see God, in his mercy, take Francis to himself one day soon, hen we least expect it. We'll turn on our televisions, or internet one day, and find out that Francis has suddenly died in his sleep, etc.
Close to 500,000 came out in 3 days at the Vatican to mourn Benedict XVI in January. I think it will be VERY embarrassing to the Vatican that very few come out to view Francis' body or mourn him.