
Washington Post's Amazing Editorial - By Bill Donohue

The June 22 editorial in the Washington Post is a marvel. Writing about the accusation made against Cardinal Theodore McCarrick, it notes that the alleged offense took place almost 50 years ago, “That …More
The June 22 editorial in the Washington Post is a marvel. Writing about the accusation made against Cardinal Theodore McCarrick, it notes that the alleged offense took place almost 50 years ago,
“That it took nearly a half-century for these allegations to be dealt with illustrates the church’s wretched track record in combating clerical sex abuse.”
The average reader will no doubt conclude that the Catholic Church sat on these allegations for five decades. But that is a lie. Worse, the Washington Post knows it is a lie. How do I know?
Two paragraphs after it makes this remark, the editorial notes that the allegations “became known to the church through its Independent Reconciliation and Compensation Program….” That is true.
So when did the accuser come forward? In the early part of this year, after the New York Archdiocese essentially invited him to come forward. In April he testified before this panel.
Are they dunces at the Washington Post? Or just malicious?
To blame the Catholic …More
Soyons clair ! Quand ils veulent en passer un à la moulinette, c'est super facile : c'est le procédé habituel des francs-maçons.
Does this guy realize that there is an entire NETWORK of gay predators in the hierarchy? McCarrick is only the very tip of the iceberg. The swamp must be DRAINED. Who cares how small the Church becomes! Like I've said, no one knows 'who knew what and when' but I'll guarantee you some ABSOLUTELY KNEW and some were covering for each other.
Holy Cannoli
Dr Bobus
He's still a Cardinal because of Bella Figura. The hierarchy doesn't want any bad news to interfere with the Church's message of Joy! Joy! Joy!. It's bad for business. In fact, Cardinal Ratzinger became famous because he was the first important Cardinal to oppose the company line that Vat II documents had dropped down from heaven.
Holy Cannoli
Why is McCarrick still a Cardinal?
Good question!
It could be Rome’s desire to maintain the status quo and say nothing so as not to alienate the “other big names” who are just as queer as McCarrick. Or, my opinion, it’s because McCarrick knows where too many of the other N.O. skeletons are buried and if he were to be outed grand scale then he might flip and spill the beans on the other prominent …More
Why is McCarrick still a Cardinal?

Good question!

It could be Rome’s desire to maintain the status quo and say nothing so as not to alienate the “other big names” who are just as queer as McCarrick. Or, my opinion, it’s because McCarrick knows where too many of the other N.O. skeletons are buried and if he were to be outed grand scale then he might flip and spill the beans on the other prominent homos in the church.

Also, if the Vatican were to acknowledge Teddy’s guilt/complicity in homo acts, then the question to Rome would be “what took you guys so long” and “why have you been ignoring the issue for these past 4 decades up till today?” Also, how many other batty men (for you Jamaicans 😌 ) are you sheltering?

As usual, this cowardly bunch of enablers will keep silent unless the outrage reaches critical mass. 🤐

Your thoughts? 😲
Dr Bobus
Why is McCarrick still a Cardinal?
Dr Bobus
When news of priest-scandals were just trickling out, a local priest, a Carmelite Neo con would sometimes during a homily blame the media for exaggerating and sensationalizing the situation.
Some months later the media brought the story of a local pastor with a solid reputation who had carried on with an 18 year old male. The archbishop told him that if he wanted to stay in the priesthood, he would …More
When news of priest-scandals were just trickling out, a local priest, a Carmelite Neo con would sometimes during a homily blame the media for exaggerating and sensationalizing the situation.

Some months later the media brought the story of a local pastor with a solid reputation who had carried on with an 18 year old male. The archbishop told him that if he wanted to stay in the priesthood, he would have to spend a couple of years working in missions. The priest opted for laicization. .

After that news broke, followed by the mammoth scandal news, the Carmelite never once again blamed the media for the problems in the Church. Instead, he laments that his province has no vocations.
Holy Cannoli
Brash chubby Billy is doing what brash chubby Billy does to justify his $482,673 take. He massages the truth. Not a bad salary for being the leader of a “charitable” organization that pulls in a total of $2,960,292 from its contributors. (Dec. 2015 numbers)
I believe that Billy knows of the following shocking stories regarding McCarrick. But brash Billy’s relationship with the truth has sailed …More
Brash chubby Billy is doing what brash chubby Billy does to justify his $482,673 take. He massages the truth. Not a bad salary for being the leader of a “charitable” organization that pulls in a total of $2,960,292 from its contributors. (Dec. 2015 numbers)

I believe that Billy knows of the following shocking stories regarding McCarrick. But brash Billy’s relationship with the truth has sailed long ago. Why should this obnoxiously loud mouthpiece be truthful when defending the indefensible with half-truths can be so lucrative when it’s marketed to naive blue haired Catholic old ladies ?
The Vatican had been warned in person, by credible Catholic laymen, and a Catholic priest in a position to know, that as Archbishop of Newark, Theodore McCarrick would compel seminarians under his authority to get in bed with him and cuddle him. These laymen traveled to Rome at their own expense to warn the Vatican about this man’s sickness. But Pope St. John Paul II, who I assume was not told of the allegations, made him a cardinal archbishop anyway.

Believe me, this single incident from the life of Uncle Ted, fifty years ago, is not the only one. I hope and pray to God that Theodore McCarrick is about to have his #MeToo moment. There are more, many more, stories to be told about Uncle Ted and his “ministry” to young men under his authority in the Church. I am grateful that they will now be coming out while he is still around to face some kind of justice, if only in the court of public opinion.


In a statement issued by Cardinal Joseph Tobin of Newark, the public learned that McCarrick had faced three accusations of sexual misconduct involving adults.

“In the past, there have been allegations that he engaged in sexual behavior with adults,” read Cardinal Tobin’s statement, which referenced McCarrick’s previous posts as archbishop of Newark (1986–2000) and bishop of Metuchen (1981–1986).

“This Archdiocese and the Diocese of Metuchen received three allegations of sexual misconduct with adults decades ago; two of these allegations resulted in settlements.”

The shocking statement raised additional questions about whether the Vatican learned of the three allegations of sexual misconduct before or after McCarrick was named archbishop of Washington, D.C., in 2001, serving until 2006.

The Register contacted the Archdiocese of Newark and was told that neither the settlement dates, nor details about identity of the victims—whether they might have been seminarians or young priests—would be provided.

“We don’t release that kind of information because of confidentiality issues,” Jim Goodness, the spokesman or the Archdiocese of Newark, told the Register. 🤨
Dr Bobus
Whatever the media is, it pales compared to McCarrick's pajama parties for priests and seminarians. He had a history of this and kept being promoted because of the influence of his friends.
McCarrick is a lying sodomite who never defended the faith.More
Whatever the media is, it pales compared to McCarrick's pajama parties for priests and seminarians. He had a history of this and kept being promoted because of the influence of his friends.

McCarrick is a lying sodomite who never defended the faith.
They're media. They're malicious dunces.