
White Raven: Archbishop Fulfils His Duty - Will Francis Take Vengeance on Him?

Southwark Archbishop John Wilson, 53, England, cancelled a March 7 indoctrination by homosexualist Simon James Green at the John Fisher School in Purley, making the oligarchs' media furious.

On March 3, Wilson published a statement assessing that the performance fell “outside the scope of what is permissible in a Catholic school.” The school’s bosses voted to go ahead anyway. So, the Archdiocese cancelled the event and removed a number of foundation governors.

Green's March 9 indoctrination at Gravesend's St John’s Primary School was also cancelled. Wilson reacted due to an awareness campaign of CatholicTruthScotland.com (March 1) explaining that Green's indoctrination misleads boys into believing that sexual behaviour which is condemned by Christ is "normal and good."

Picture: John Wilson © Archdiocese of Southwark, CC BY-SA, #newsSfxexwuqmi

Maria Hayden Byrd shares this
Jan Joseph
Moedige bisschop, mijn complimenten. Het wordt langzamerhand een eer om door paus Franciscus te worden ontslagen.
There are still good uncompromised clergy after all
Margaret Emery
Pray for the Archbishop. He did the right thing in this particular situation. However he supported the Hindu festival at Sacred Heart Wimbledon, which was an offence against the First Commandment. (See link above.)