
Archbishop Opposes Francis’ War Against the Church

Arecibo Bishop Daniel Fernández Torres was deposed for defending conscientious objection to Francis’ “ridiculous moral obligation” to be injected with unsafe Covid serums, retired Archbishop Héctor Aguer wrote in a March 9 statement.

Francis’ Church is not concerned with God or evangelisation, “but only with imposing ‘new paradigms’ and adhering to the principles of a New World Order.”

The injustice committed against Fernández is for Aguer “a clear example of how the Church is going backwards from what its mission should be.”

A few years ago, Aguer preached the Spiritual Exercises to the Arecibo clergy and saw how a diocese flourishes “when its bishop is a man of God, faithful to the great ecclesial Tradition.” He adds that “Rome is not interested in that.”

Aguer hopes [in vain] that “this unjust and draconian measure” will not lead to the destruction of so many Catholic initiatives in Arecibo. He prays that the other Puerto Rican bishops understand that one must obey God rather than men (Acts 5:29), “even if these men live in the Vatican.”

Picture: Daniel Fernández Torres, #newsFmpwfjjpvu

Jan Joseph
Wat een held, als je paus Franciscus. durft tegen te spreken, welke bisschop volgt?
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
My suggestion to the good Catholic people of Puerto Rico and everywhere, stop going to the Novus Ordo/Vatican II Mass go to the Tridentine Latin Mass. Stop giving contributions to your parishes, and to "Peter's Pence" or other collections sponsored by your dioceses. Stop supporting radical habitless religious Orders of nuns, and liberal seminaries.
Louis IX
There are only two TLMs in PR per week, if they are lucky. One is in the good Bishop’s See of Arecibo. The Church is quickly losing PR to evangelicals and other protestant sects.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
All faithful Catholics, including sedevacantists must oppose, expose, and drive out and bring down Pope Francis/Bergoglio, and all his pro- LGBTQ appointees and advisors, and we must also destroy his drive to create a new church of "synodality" instead of our own ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH of all time.
Pope Francis will "get taken out" when you stop asking what other people should do because you're too gutless to do it yourself. @Stronzo
De Profundis
Whenever Francis talks about collegiality or synodality reply "Bishop Fernández Torres"
John A Cassani
Just the latest, and arguably, the best example.
Angelo Santelli
More Bergoglio filth:
Can the pope just fire a bishop?
When does he get taken out?More
More Bergoglio filth:

Can the pope just fire a bishop?

When does he get taken out?
Angelo Santelli
Does ultrastench now think Bergoglio needs the final exit after all? Those prelates who have allowed his filth to go untrammeled and those who, like ultrastench, tried to burp that one is a sedevacantist for questioning Gordo's papacy, will have one grand surprise at their final judgment.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
Mathathias Maccabeus- If you are siding with Pope Francis/Bergoglio, then you are part of the problem, not its solution. ALL faithful Catholics must rise up and oppose fale Pope Francis/Bergoglio, and ALL of his appointments, his LGBTQ appointees and advisors, and his radical "synodality" agenda. We will Bring him down and out.
@Stronzo Santelli "Does ultrastench now think Bergoglio needs the final exit after all?" No, I think you do, especially from GTV. You're a pathetic, homicidal disgrace to any Catholic community, even the left-wing Novus Ordo radicals. You and your twisted non-stop murder fantasies. Your comments are nothing but filth. Worse, they're not even clever much less entertaining.
"If you are siding with Pope Francis/Bergoglio, then you are part of the problem, not its solution". @Kenjiro M. Yoshimori Failed logic. pic related. "ALL faithful Catholics must rise up and oppose fale Pope Francis/Bergoglio" Sure is Schismatic Stupid in here.