
Another FSSPX-Priorate Indicates: Consecration of New Bishops Ahead

Father Jean-François Mouroux, prior of the FSSPX priorate in São Paulo, Brazil, is preparing his faithful for the consecration of new bishops. He wrote in the January 2024 bulletin, according to …More
Father Jean-François Mouroux, prior of the FSSPX priorate in São Paulo, Brazil, is preparing his faithful for the consecration of new bishops.
He wrote in the January 2024 bulletin, according to CatolicosRibeiraoPreto.com, that consecrations without a papal mandate were an exceptional measure in 1988 and cannot become the rule.
According to him, no one knows whether future consecrations will receive Roman approval. "Whatever happens, a bishop's consecration ceremony in the current context of the Church is an event too important to be taken lightly."
Mouroux mentions that Monsignor Williamson's group already has seven official bishops - not counting those ordained secretly
The sedevacantist movement has dozens of bishops [some of them invalidly consecrated] and there are more than 40 people who call themselves 'pope'.
Ave Crux
I am puzzled by why the headline of this post says one thing, while the article itself states just the opposite:
HEADLINE: FSSPX-Priorate Indicates: Consecration of New Bishops Ahead
AND... Father Jean-François Mouroux, prior of the FSSPX priorate in São Paulo, Brazil, is preparing his faithful for the consecration of new bishops.
HOWEVER, it appears from the article to be just the opposite.
If …More
I am puzzled by why the headline of this post says one thing, while the article itself states just the opposite:

HEADLINE: FSSPX-Priorate Indicates: Consecration of New Bishops Ahead

AND... Father Jean-François Mouroux, prior of the FSSPX priorate in São Paulo, Brazil, is preparing his faithful for the consecration of new bishops.

HOWEVER, it appears from the article to be just the opposite.

If anything, Father is lowering expectations that Consecrations could happen, not "preparing" the faithful for them.

Father Jean-François Mouroux actually stated in the January 2024 bulletin that "consecrations without a papal mandate were an exceptional measure in 1988 and cannot become the rule."

He further emphasized that "a bishop's consecration ceremony in the current context of the Church is an event too important to be taken lightly."

According to him, such consecrations are a matter of extreme caution and "exceptional" rarity, not imminence.
Jan Joseph
Zolang steeds meer kardinalen, bisschoppen, priesters en gelovigen het besluit van paus Franciscus om homoseksuele paren van hetzelfde geslacht te wijden, naast zich neerleggen, niet uitvoeren of niet accepteren, kan de Sint Pius X broederschap, de FSSPX, gerust nieuwe bischoppen wijden. Door de polarisatie in de Rooms Katholieke kerk van na het Tweede Vaticaanse Concilie, is er allang geen eenheid …More
Zolang steeds meer kardinalen, bisschoppen, priesters en gelovigen het besluit van paus Franciscus om homoseksuele paren van hetzelfde geslacht te wijden, naast zich neerleggen, niet uitvoeren of niet accepteren, kan de Sint Pius X broederschap, de FSSPX, gerust nieuwe bischoppen wijden. Door de polarisatie in de Rooms Katholieke kerk van na het Tweede Vaticaanse Concilie, is er allang geen eenheid meer en zijn er allang twee of meer verschillende geloven ontstaan. De progressieve gelovigen doen toch wat hun het beste uitkomt, de traditionele gelovigen willen daar allang niet meer bij passen. Daar komt bij dat het om het ware Universele Rooms Katholieke geloof gaat en niet om de macht in de organisatie van de Rooms Katholieke kerk. Een kerkelijke organisatie is slechts een subject, tijdelijk en veranderlijk. Gelukkig loopt de Tweede Vaticaanse Concilie kerk van de progressieve leden en de priesters die niet meer in God geloven, volledig leeg, terwijl de traditionele parochies het werk niet aan kunnen zoveel nieuwe jonge gelovigen melden zich aan.
Tony Smith
Just fake news. The SSPX doesn't have any plans to do a consecration in the immediate future.
Aaron Aukema
That isn't what the article said. It said that the SSPX will need to consecrations soon, not that it is in the works. That said, the piece is less than trustworthy because it calls sedevacantism a "movement", when it is a theological position. Further, it presumes the authority to declare sedevacantist bishops invalidly consecrated without providing any details (nor having any authority to do so),…More
That isn't what the article said. It said that the SSPX will need to consecrations soon, not that it is in the works. That said, the piece is less than trustworthy because it calls sedevacantism a "movement", when it is a theological position. Further, it presumes the authority to declare sedevacantist bishops invalidly consecrated without providing any details (nor having any authority to do so), and then states that there are over 40 men claiming to be " pope", again without details. That last one is funny, because you can't say you are sedevacantist and call someone "pope". Terrible job on this.
Jeffrey Ade
@Aaron Aukema Good answer!
Thank you for the SSPX.
God bless the SSPX.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
Yes, God bless the SSPX, They have real priests, nuns,monks,friars, and millions of faithful Catholics. Unlike the Bergoglian "church" which their only emphasis seems not to be CAtholic tradition and Jesus Christ, but rather, promoting homosexuals and homosexuality.