
Poland: Prior Of Dominicans Has Been Blessing Homosexuals "For Years”

Dominican Father Andrzej Kuśmierski, prior of the Dominican House in Wrocław, Poland, has admitted to the 'Catholic' weekly Tygodnik Powszechny that he has been blessing homosexual concubines for years.

"I have blessed homosexual couples many times - while leading retreats for the community 'Wiara i Tęcza' (Faith and Rainbow) - and in exactly the form described in the declaration, as a non-liturgical act," he said.

He found himself "more than once" in the private homes of people involved in homosexual sins, where he "prayed with them, blessed them".

Kuśmierski is convinced that Francis' scribble "Fiducia supplicans" will "help" many priests who have so far shown "some resistance" to the homosexual propaganda machine. The unnatural blessing of homosexual couples will become "more natural" for priests, Kuśmierski hopes.

In many countries the Dominican order has long been suspected of being a magnet for homosexuals. It is expected that Bergoglio, for whom homosexual ideology seems to be of central importance, will soon make Kuśmierski a bishop.

Picture: Andrzej Kuśmierski, Screenshot Youtube.com, #newsUvpzycglzr

Bonnie Louise
What is it with Polish preists and homosexuality? Almost worse than the Irish.
Jan Joseph
Priester Kusmierski gelooft allang niet meer in God en is daardoor allang geen priester meer, maar iemand die zich voordoet als een priester, hij speelt een toneelstukje en is een neppriester.
How many souls has he sent to hell? Eternal shame on him.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
This priest should be excommunicated.
This has been going on a long time in Europe. I saw a gay couple having a little ceremony in an Italian Catholic church in Rome that I was visiting as a tourist over a year and a half before Pope Francis' document came out.
@philosopher Yes….and unfortunately, it’s been going on for a long time throughout the entirety of the West, not just Europe, but in the United States, Canada and Australia too. Sadly, even places in Latin (Central and South) America are contaminated with this vile, abominable practice. It didn’t just start or become popular during this pontificate, although it has certainly been exacerbated and …More
@philosopher Yes….and unfortunately, it’s been going on for a long time throughout the entirety of the West, not just Europe, but in the United States, Canada and Australia too. Sadly, even places in Latin (Central and South) America are contaminated with this vile, abominable practice. It didn’t just start or become popular during this pontificate, although it has certainly been exacerbated and accelerated by the Church’s current deplorable spiritual condition and unholy environment as has been set and fostered by Pope Francis himself. That is undeniable. However, the worldwide promulgation of this heinous sodomy-blessing Declaration that came with Papal approval from the Holy See is going to unleash a huge wave of unnatural filth disguised as “marriage” of a magnitude and immensity that we have never witnessed before; it will be like a vast sewer overflowing all over the planet wherever the implementation of the blasphemous, heretical practice is allowed. And, sparing divine intervention, it will only get worse from there. Especially when the world stares in horror (or jubilation) as the Holy Father himself publicly “blesses” a so-called same-sex “couple” in front of the cameras right there in Rome itself, or on one of his Apostolic Visits. That’s when the excrement will REALLY hit the fan.
@SonoftheChurch I agree, that will be the next big thing for Pope Francis, a public blessing of a gay couple with all the media, world news and magazine coverage.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
If this Pope Francis were to "bless" a homo couple, which I wouldn't doubt, the Cardinals and bishops should mount a world-wide rebellion, declaring him excommunicated and his actions a mortal sin. God does not bless homos. I often wonder if these priests who do bless them, are they not aware of the mortal sins they are committing, and the loss of heir immortal souls?
Oh, but I just forgot.....…More
If this Pope Francis were to "bless" a homo couple, which I wouldn't doubt, the Cardinals and bishops should mount a world-wide rebellion, declaring him excommunicated and his actions a mortal sin. God does not bless homos. I often wonder if these priests who do bless them, are they not aware of the mortal sins they are committing, and the loss of heir immortal souls?
Oh, but I just forgot.....contrary to Catholic belief and teaching, Pope Francis the Apostate declared several years go that it doesn't matter what people do, even if they commit mortal sins and have no intention of changing, that God is "a God of Mercy" and forgives everything and everyone goes happily to Heaven no matter what they do, how they live, or how many sins they commit.
Hurray….another sodomy-approving gang of degenerates defiling and profaning the Priesthood. What else is new? 😡😖😖🤢🤢🤢🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮