Secularised Sisters Strip Their Foundress of Her Habit

During their General Chapter in June, the Mercedàries Missioneres de Berriz, Spain, elected a new General Superior, whom they call "General Coordinator". The choice fell on Lourdes Gorostola (photo).…More
During their General Chapter in June, the Mercedàries Missioneres de Berriz, Spain, elected a new General Superior, whom they call "General Coordinator".
The choice fell on Lourdes Gorostola (photo). She is not called "Sister Lourdes" and will be in charge for the next six years.
It is noteworthy that the new Superior General can be seen in a photo with a picture of the Foundress, Blessed Sister Margarita Maria Lopez De Maturana (+1934). However, Blessed Sister Margarita is not shown as nun but dressed in her secular cloths before she entered religious life.
Blessed Sister was the superior of the cloistered convent of Mercedarian nuns in Berriz, Basque Country, Spain, founded in 1540. She received permission from the Holy See to convert the nuns into apostolic sisters.
As a sister, of course, she always wore the habit. However, after the failed Second Vatican Council, her sisters secularised, exchanging the religious habit for secular clothing. Now they are in the process of extinction. …More
Christopher Shahrazade
My eldest cousin, 30, is a teacher at a private girls school in Villanova, Pa. The nuns who run the school did the same thing as these Mercedarian nuns after VAtican II. THey have 2 sisters on faculty (26 in 1960), and about 18 working total in our Archdiocese (over 500 pre-1960). They only have about 30 in their MOtherhouse, and 0 in training for the last 20+years. When they threw away their uniform …More
My eldest cousin, 30, is a teacher at a private girls school in Villanova, Pa. The nuns who run the school did the same thing as these Mercedarian nuns after VAtican II. THey have 2 sisters on faculty (26 in 1960), and about 18 working total in our Archdiocese (over 500 pre-1960). They only have about 30 in their MOtherhouse, and 0 in training for the last 20+years. When they threw away their uniform, which was grey, they really began to collapse.
As for one of the contributors hoping that these Mercedarian sisters are not lesbians, it's been proven that the more radicalized/progressive an Oder becomes, its lesbian sisters behind it......just like as the CAtholic Church in general becomes more radicalized, its homosexuals behind it.....Tucho Fermandez, Cupich, Roche, Parolin......and Francis of course.
Naomi Arai
Why bother being a sister? Why not just live alone? I sincerely hope they are not lesbians…
Sadly, many are. 😭😭