Screenshotted, Bishop Rick Stika deleted this offending tweet. Stika posted this obviously as reaction to the letter that Francis is a heretic.More
Screenshotted, Bishop Rick Stika deleted this offending tweet.

Stika posted this obviously as reaction to the letter that Francis is a heretic.
Is that the same picture of Luther that Francis put on a Vatican stamp?
Francis ? LOL
Where is the picture of Paul VI?
Don Reto Nay
Bishop of Knoxville, Tennessee: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Richard_Stika
Francis once said that the intentions of Martin Luther, the father of the Protestant Reformation, “were not mistaken”.
Francis called Luther a true reformer, prints stamps to celebrate him, has his statue placed in the Vatican, and is quite fond of his doctrine on salvation.
Dr Bobus
The greatest reformer was Satan.
De Profundis
According to the good Bishop Stika, if we oppose Francis we find ourselves on the side of Luther. But Francis sides with Luther.