The Truth About Malachi Martin

"This video longer than any I've made to date ... will focus on getting to the truth about Malachi Martin. Why is there a need for this? Because the clergy abuse crisis of McCarrick and the allegations …More
"This video longer than any I've made to date ... will focus on getting to the truth about Malachi Martin.
Why is there a need for this? Because the clergy abuse crisis of McCarrick and the allegations
made by archbishop Vigano, combined with the non response to the crisis by
the Pope, has led many to reading some of Martin's controversial books, including
one where he explicitly claims that the Catholic Church was infiltrated by satanists who held a special black mass
that enthroned Lucifer in the Vatican, during the Second Vatican Council.

Like I said, Martin was a controversial figure.
The need for a video like this is due also to the outright hostility to him in traditional Catholic circles. There are really only two reactions to Martin. First either absolute love of his work typically with him being treated as a hero, the other reaction is the opposite, condemnation, based on allegations made against him from various quarters. This video is the result of research into Malachi Martin …More
Links from the video:
1. The Truth About Malachi Martin : The Truth About Malachi Martin
2. The State Of The World According To Malachi Martin : The State Of The World According To Malachi Martin
3. Prophet Priest: The Truth of Fr. Malachi Martin REVEALED : Prophet Priest: The Truth of Fr. Malachi Martin REVEALED | documentary film, Western world | Fr. Malachi Martin was a world-famous exorcist …More
@V.R.S. Thank you for materials against Malachi Martin. Let me also put links from the original video in order to get familiar with a different view on him.
@B W
"Thank you for materials against Malachi Martin. "
These are materials by Malachi Martin. That Malachi Martin speaks against Malachi Martin is very symptomatic.More
@B W
"Thank you for materials against Malachi Martin. "

These are materials by Malachi Martin. That Malachi Martin speaks against Malachi Martin is very symptomatic.
@V.R.S. Here is an important information, relevant to make a judgement :
"When you read Malachi Martin's writings, it's important to have that context behind everything you see him saying in his books, at least the books on the crisis in the Church. What books of his should you read and in what order? As a general rule, anything he wrote before his landmark book 'Hostage to the devil', should be …More
@V.R.S. Here is an important information, relevant to make a judgement :

"When you read Malachi Martin's writings, it's important to have that context behind everything you see him saying in his books, at least the books on the crisis in the Church. What books of his should you read and in what order? As a general rule, anything he wrote before his landmark book 'Hostage to the devil', should be avoided - he was a much more typical Jesuit in those days and his writings at that time very much reflect the Zeitgeist of the 1970s Jesuits - they're modernist and promote experienced and feelings-based faith rather than an objective faith, the supernatural is gone from it. Writing 'Hostage the devil' really transformed him in a fundamental way so here's five essential books that you should read of Malachi Martin when attempting to understand the crisis in the Church and Malachi Martin as a person ..." ( The Reign Of Satan & Triumph Of The Immaculate Heart According To Malachi Martin ).

Books that you have provided are Malachi books preceding 'Hostage to the devil' that 'transformed him in a fundamental way' and it is an important piece of information in order to find a truth of Malachi Martin.
@B W
"he was a much more typical Jesuit in those days"

Not true: typical Jesuits were not Jewish spies.
Jeffrey Ade
@V.R.S. Thanks for your comments! I read the article vII and the jues. Very interesting. It seems a deep rooted political slant was placed within these texts. And they did their work! "Therefore God shall send them the operation of error, to believe lying:" Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us!
@V.R.S. @Jeffrey Ade Could you help me understand why 'Malachi was a Jewish spy'? Could you please explain how you come to such conclusion? What exactly is wrong with his books (after 'Hostage to the devil')?
Mary 17
In 1964, under the pseudonym of "Michael Serafian", Martin wrote The Pilgrim: Pope Paul VI, the Council, & the Church in a Time of Decision. The book contained Martin's views on the Jewish question in Europe and on the Second Vatican Council
@B W
"why 'Malachi was a Jewish spy'?"
Well, he had never made a public atonement for his wrongdoings therefore we do not know.
Why Jews engaged him it is quite clear - they wanted to have their "insiders" deep in the Church
A similar role was played by another notorious "expert" Gregory (Gerhard) Baum:
Żywot soborowego eksperta
@Mary 17 Do I understand correctly - Malachi Martin had a modernist / ecumenical views on Jews, during Vatican Council II that are heretical. But it seems that later on he has changed his views or converted and that conversion is reflected in 'Hostage to the devil' and later books and interviews, which contain warnings against apostasy and crisis in the Church? Can you agree with such statement?
@B W
"Do I understand correctly - Malachi Martin had a modernist / ecumenical views on Jews, during Vatican Council II"
No you do not understand correctly: he worked actively as the Jewish agent of influence at the time of Vatican II.
"But it seems that later on he has changed his views or converted"
If you are a honest convert you settle accounts with the dark past when you had been doing …More
@B W
"Do I understand correctly - Malachi Martin had a modernist / ecumenical views on Jews, during Vatican Council II"

No you do not understand correctly: he worked actively as the Jewish agent of influence at the time of Vatican II.

"But it seems that later on he has changed his views or converted"
If you are a honest convert you settle accounts with the dark past when you had been doing harm to the Church. He had never done it.
In "Hostage to the devil" he claimed that he was an exorcist - do you imagine the laicized religious as the exorcist?
When he had left the Jesuits he was furnished with money by the Gugenheim Fundation receiving two grants (1967 & 1969). Read the foreword to the Martin's Encounter (I provided the link above) and you will learn the details.
Jeffrey Ade
@V.R.S. I really appreciate your efforts and insight into this particular phenomenon. I haven't the time nor inclination to treat MM as more then the psy-op he is and still is. What concerns me now, is why is this psy-op being resurrected so to speak? How does this play into the enemies hand? Any way I stand with you! Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us! Oh and by the way, I being a simple man, feel …More
@V.R.S. I really appreciate your efforts and insight into this particular phenomenon. I haven't the time nor inclination to treat MM as more then the psy-op he is and still is. What concerns me now, is why is this psy-op being resurrected so to speak? How does this play into the enemies hand? Any way I stand with you! Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us! Oh and by the way, I being a simple man, feel that MM let everyone down when "supposedly" he knew the 3rd secret and did not divulge it! His "vow of obedience" being greater then the mother of God's expressed request! Well I call...
@Jeffrey Ade
I do not know whether he was later a psy-op and to what extent. What surprises me is that the guy had first hand knowledge about the backstage of Vatican II and, clamoring about the crisis in the Church and claiming he was an insider/expert never shared it.
He wrote his "factions" about everything in the Church but not about his share in Vatican II.
Even when he wrote the Jesuits (the …More
@Jeffrey Ade
I do not know whether he was later a psy-op and to what extent. What surprises me is that the guy had first hand knowledge about the backstage of Vatican II and, clamoring about the crisis in the Church and claiming he was an insider/expert never shared it.
He wrote his "factions" about everything in the Church but not about his share in Vatican II.
Even when he wrote the Jesuits (the so-called documentary book) no, he did not wrote about his time in the Society (and his patron Bea, his collegues Courtney Murray, de Lubac or Rahner). He was writing about Arrupe who became the superior when Martin had left the Society. Therefore, I deem most of the later Martin's creative activity a herring red as the cardinal Kasper's cap.

I do not know if you know a "documentary" movie about Martin - "Hostage to the Devil" (2016) produced by former CIA agent R. Marro or Marrow *), Martin's friend and... driver, who also acted in the movie:
WATCH: Netflix's documentary about the Irish priest who performed exorcisms looks excellent | JOE.ie
A peculiar one like a fairytale told by the above-mentioned and... Netflix.

*) Different sites give different names cf. e.g. : Robert Marro | Producer
‘Exorcist’ priest died after ‘possessed’ child spoke to him
The Devil Kills “Exorcist” Priest, Says CIA Agent
@V.R.S. @Jeffrey Ade @Mary 17 I'm afraid you miss the point here. What is important from Malachi Martin, is his message that could be summarized into one sentence : the Church is in apostasy, it has been infiltrated from the top, the unprecedented crisis has a dire consequences for each soul and everybody shall be warned.
We can clearly see that his 1970s and later warnings come true and are our …More
@V.R.S. @Jeffrey Ade @Mary 17 I'm afraid you miss the point here. What is important from Malachi Martin, is his message that could be summarized into one sentence : the Church is in apostasy, it has been infiltrated from the top, the unprecedented crisis has a dire consequences for each soul and everybody shall be warned.

We can clearly see that his 1970s and later warnings come true and are our today's reality. This is clear now, but 40 years ago his claims were regarded as a fantasy.

If you would like to, you can discuss your opinions about Malachi Martin. Maybe he was a 'Jewish spy' as he took part in Vatican Council II. But the same is true for John Paul II and Benedict XVI. As Anthony Stine writes : "There are really only two reactions to Martin. First either absolute love of his work typically with him being treated as a hero, the other reaction is the opposite, condemnation, based on allegations made against him from various quarters."

If you think that black mass and ritual in the Vatican in 1963, described in Malachi's books is a pure fantasy, please get familiar with such 'an event' commented by Taylor Marshall : Priest Guilty of Threesome atop Altar in Satanic Ritual - Dr. Taylor Marshall Podcast : Priest Guilty of Threesome atop Altar in Satanic Ritual - Dr. Taylor Marshall Podcast
@B W
"What is important from Malachi Martin, is his message that could be summarized into one sentence : the Church is in apostasy, it has been infiltrated from the top, the unprecedented crisis has a dire consequences for each soul and everybody shall be warned"

And there is a small, tiny thing: He just forgot to mention that he was himself an infiltrator.
What a honest and reliable guy he was!More
@B W

"What is important from Malachi Martin, is his message that could be summarized into one sentence : the Church is in apostasy, it has been infiltrated from the top, the unprecedented crisis has a dire consequences for each soul and everybody shall be warned"

And there is a small, tiny thing: He just forgot to mention that he was himself an infiltrator.
What a honest and reliable guy he was!
Mary 17
I've watched all his videos and interviews on YouTube I have not read any of his books ,nor do I intend to.When I hear a Catholic priest describe the Passion of Christ with the words "He bled like a pig" and other disgusting insinuations of a sexual nature, that tells me all I need to know .
Jeffrey Ade
@Mary 17 Wow! Thank you so much for being so brave to admit this! I am sure you are right! I hope in other topics you will be brave enough to comment also. I believe your insights are valuable to the conversation! God bless you! Mary keep you! Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us!
Carol H
After breaking up a Catholic marriage and being liacized for it (proven documented facts), Mr. Malchi Martin sought refuge in New York to recreate himself and give interviews that describe the sacred sufferings of Our blessed Lord in the most blasphemous of adjectives. Like Mary 17, I have listened to these interviews and he indeed says - quite clearly -the horrible things he is accused of. Malchi …More
After breaking up a Catholic marriage and being liacized for it (proven documented facts), Mr. Malchi Martin sought refuge in New York to recreate himself and give interviews that describe the sacred sufferings of Our blessed Lord in the most blasphemous of adjectives. Like Mary 17, I have listened to these interviews and he indeed says - quite clearly -the horrible things he is accused of. Malchi Martin's message in all his books are a reflection of his own personal infiltration. He was toying with us in a covert manner (and making a lot of money). Just like his Jewish mate Herchel who said to quote "My style of writing is hinting, because truth is in the depths." Malachi knows what he knows because he is part of it. He was an agent sent in to agitate, divide, and act as the leading propagandist behind the liberal Christian/Jewish push during Vatican II.
@V.R.S. Even if he was an infiltrator and modernist during Vatican Council II, we can see his message in his latest books and interviews, regarding state of the Church (apostasy, infiltration, crisis) is in line with today's reality. And that message is 40 years old, so it was not so obvious then.
You are very harsh with your opinion about Malachi. A person can convert and change his views and I …More
@V.R.S. Even if he was an infiltrator and modernist during Vatican Council II, we can see his message in his latest books and interviews, regarding state of the Church (apostasy, infiltration, crisis) is in line with today's reality. And that message is 40 years old, so it was not so obvious then.

You are very harsh with your opinion about Malachi. A person can convert and change his views and I suppose Malachi did so. Do you treat yourself the same way? For example if you committed a mortal sin and went to confession, would you still consider yourself a traitor, a not reliable or honest person?
@Carol H As far as I know he was not liacized - "He received a provisional release in May 1965[2] and a dispensation from his vows of poverty and obedience on 30 June 1965".
I still think that you miss the point here. Event if he was a bad person (and there are different opinions about him), his message regarding state of the Church (apostasy, infiltration, crisis) is in line with today's reality.…More
@Carol H As far as I know he was not liacized - "He received a provisional release in May 1965[2] and a dispensation from his vows of poverty and obedience on 30 June 1965".

I still think that you miss the point here. Event if he was a bad person (and there are different opinions about him), his message regarding state of the Church (apostasy, infiltration, crisis) is in line with today's reality. So somehow he told us truth in his latest books and interviews regarding state of the Church.
Carol H
According to official Vatican documents Malachi Martin was completely liacized. The contempary understanding at the time - people who knew Malachi Martin and had dealings with him - was that he was liacized. Moreover the reason he was liacized is directly linked to his deceitful affair with a married woman and his pathological lying (I have copies of the letters from the priests - Fr. Cassidy, Fr.…More
According to official Vatican documents Malachi Martin was completely liacized. The contempary understanding at the time - people who knew Malachi Martin and had dealings with him - was that he was liacized. Moreover the reason he was liacized is directly linked to his deceitful affair with a married woman and his pathological lying (I have copies of the letters from the priests - Fr. Cassidy, Fr. John Courtney Murray) who knew about the affair and forwarded evidence to his superiors). This brings us to his "message" in his later books. With the help of his rich Jewish connections (the ones he had been working for - American Jewish Commitee), Martin escaped to New York to begin a life as a writer of sensational stories. His first big sucess story was 'Hostage to the Devil' which came straight off the back of the newly released film 'The Exorcist'. He then reverted back to the "inside workings" of the Vatican. Now Martin was renowned for spinning tall tales and deflecting any blame from himself; thus when you speak of his "message" of apostasy, infiltration etc, you can be assured that it was all damage control; a propaganda piece of deflecting away from the real infiltrators and sources of the apostasy. Not once did he reveal the prime movers and shakers of the mess we are in now. Not once did he accept any blame for it. We were all played. And the net result is a distorted view of Rome. (As Peter Steinfels reports, in his column in The New York Times,Windswept House is a "Papal potboiler" that "...employs almost every image of classic anti-Catholicism...). One other thing - you speak of his conversion. What conversion? Right up until his death he lied about being an Exocist. And in his later interviews he spouted a terrible blasphemy against Our Lord (which incidently ties in with his former pseudo-name 'Pushkin' who was a Russian writer who wrote a filthy blasphemous satire against Our Lady and the Angel Gabriel). In short, how easy it is to be seen as a prophet when you are the one making it happen.