Russian Orthodox Vladimir Putin More Catholic Than Jorge Bergoglio?

"Look what they are doing to their own people. It is all about the destruction of the family, of cultural and national identity, perversion and abuse of children, including pedophilia, all of which are …More
"Look what they are doing to their own people. It is all about the destruction of the family, of cultural and national identity, perversion and abuse of children, including pedophilia, all of which are declared normal in their life. They are forcing the priests to bless same-sex marriages. [...] But here is what I would like to tell them: look at the Holy Scripture and the main books of other world religions. They say it all, including that family is the union of a man and a woman, but these sacred texts are now being questioned. Reportedly, the Anglican Church is planning, just planning, to explore the idea of a gender-neutral god. What is there to say? Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do.
Millions of people in the West realize that they are being led to a spiritual disaster. Frankly, the elite appear to have gone crazy, and it looks like there is no cure for that. But like I said, these are their problems, while we must protect our children, which we will do. We will …More
Putin "more Catholic"? A total delusion. He is a post-Commie utilising an old Russian tradition of tzaropapism.
BTW, there is no "more Catholic" or "less Catholic" but only Catholic or non-Catholic. Tertium non datur.
Jeffrey Ade
I like you! I would be proud to be with you and fight at your side!
@Jeffrey Ade
Thank you for your kind words. Have a blessed Sunday.
Jeffrey Ade
"In fact, the US knew the Russians had faked their own demise and went along with it, because the globalists were still in the mode of building Russia and China as future enemies in order to eventually have one more world war that would finally force the US into a militarized global government."
Personally, I think that the false alternative: Americanism - Soviet Communism, forced upon the Church, resulted in the disaster of Vatican II. Now, the false alternative is repeated but in the form: "degenerated" post-liberal West - post-Soviet Russia claiming to defend the "values" (how they actuall defend them we see for example when it comes to killing unborn children).
It would be funny if it …More
Personally, I think that the false alternative: Americanism - Soviet Communism, forced upon the Church, resulted in the disaster of Vatican II. Now, the false alternative is repeated but in the form: "degenerated" post-liberal West - post-Soviet Russia claiming to defend the "values" (how they actuall defend them we see for example when it comes to killing unborn children).
It would be funny if it were not dramatic.
Live Mike
This will happen after God's command for the Consecration of Russia to the IHM by the Pope [Vicar of Christ] together with all the Bishops [members of the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church] is finally obeyed in a proper and valid manner.
Ludovic 2Nîm
It will just prune the West. He doesn't say anything we don't already know. In the end, it is through her conversion by helping Westerners return to their faith that she will help. This is the request for the consecration of Fatima, nothing new. I don't trust Father Malachi as he kept the 3rd secret for himself and using his knowledge to infiltrate the ranks.
Live Mike
@Ludovic 2Nîm I think he did his best to warn us about the contents of the 3rd secret without violating his oath.
Ludovic 2Nîm
I'm not sure his oath was to be kept given the crisis in the Church and all the good that it would have done... Also, there are this : The Truth About Malachi Martin
Live Mike
Art Bell Show 07/13/98
0:52:05 ? - Bell: Father, not long ago, somebody sent me - and I'm kicking myself six ways from Sunday - somebody sent me what they said was the third secret of Fatima. I actually read it on the air and then I somehow lost it. If anybody out there has it, please resend it to me. Now, it's my understanding that you have taken a vow of silence or secrecy- you have read the third …More
Art Bell Show 07/13/98
0:52:05 ? - Bell: Father, not long ago, somebody sent me - and I'm kicking myself six ways from Sunday - somebody sent me what they said was the third secret of Fatima. I actually read it on the air and then I somehow lost it. If anybody out there has it, please resend it to me. Now, it's my understanding that you have taken a vow of silence or secrecy- you have read the third secret, it was shared with you, is that correct?
Martin: It was given to me to read, yes. One morning early in February, 1960, and of course before I got it I had to take the simple oath you always take of maintaining the secret. So, the details of it I cannot communicate - the actual verbiage and expressions.
Bell: Yes. If this third secret were made public, could it be the shock that the public, that the Church, needs?
Martin: It could be. And that is one reason why it's not published, why it sunk into a limbo out of which it's not going to come easily. It would be a shock; there's no doubt about that. It would affect people in different ways though, Art. Some people would, on being told that this was authentically the third secret of Fatima- they would get extremely angry.
Bell: Oh, I understand, believe me.
Martin: Very angry.
Bell: Alright, here we go. And I really want to thank the person that transcribed this for me. The following is a transcription of what is possibly the third secret of Fatima, as read by Art Bell over the air on Coast to Coast AM on 5/14/98 at 34 minutes and 48 seconds into the program. And I began it with this preamble: Alright, I in no way want the following as being authentic. I have no way of knowing. All I can tell you is it feels real. It is alleged to be the third secret of Fatima; you decide for yourself. Here we go.

A great plague will befall mankind. Nowhere in the world will there be order. Satan will rule the highest places, determining the way of things. He will succeed in seducing the spirits of the great scientists, who invent arms with which it will be possible to destroy a large part of humanity in a few minutes. Satan will have his power: the powerful who command the people, and who will entice them to produce enormous quantities of arms. God will punish man more thoroughly than with the flood. There will come the time of all times, and the end of all ends. The great and powerful will perish together with the small and weak. Even for the Church, it will be the time of its greatest trial. Cardinals will oppose cardinals; bishops will oppose bishops. Satan will walk among them, and in Rome there will be changes. The Church will be darkened, and the world will be shaking with terror. One great war will erupt in the second half of the twentieth century. Fire and smoke will fall from the sky. The waters of the oceans will change into steam, and the steam will rise and overflow everything. The waters of the ocean will become mist. Millions and millions of people will die from hour to hour. Whoever remains alive will envy the dead. Everywhere one turns one's glance, there is going to be anguish and misery, ruins in every country. The time draws nearer. The abyss widens without hope, the good to perish with the bad, the great with the small, the princes of the Church with the faithful, the rulers with their people. There will be death everywhere because of the errors committed by non-believers and crazy followers of Satan, which will then, and only then, take control over the world. At the last, those who survive, will at every chance newly proclaim God and his glory, and they will serve him as when the world was not so perverted.
That's it. Fr. Martin?
Martin: Yes, Art?
Bell: Any comments on that?
Martin: I have listened to that, and I suppose the measured response I should give to it is this, in two parts really - two statements. It is not the text which was given to me to read in 1960. There are elements in it which belong in the text.
Bell: So in other words...I'm trying to step as carefully as I can - in other words you're suggesting this is not precisely what you had but there are elements of what you just heard-
Martin: Yes, there are elements which do belong in the third secret. Um...that's about the most measured response I could give to it.
Bell: Ok, that's fine. And I will not ask you to say more, but...bearing in mind what I just read, would you consider the third secret to be as traumatic as is suggested in what I read, or more so?
Martin: More so.
Bell: More so?
Martin: More so, yeah. Much more so. The...the… again, you know, Art, stepping very carefully, the central element in the third secret is awful, and it's not in that.
Bell: It's not in the text.
Martin: No, it's not. Thank God.

Bell: Now, I guess I would ask this. I understand that you have taken an oath.
Martin: That's right.
Bell: But have you considered that the shock that is required to turn things around may be this very serious- and it may be that it should be revealed?
Martin: To your last sentence, my full ascent. It SHOULD be revealed. But here's my difficulty, Art. I'm one small, little man. I have no public authority to do that. I do not know if that would be the will of God. And since it would have such dire effects - on much more than Christians; on many others - I can't make that decision. Do you understand what I'm trying to say?
Bell: Yes.
Martin: I can't make that decision; I have no assurance that's God's will, and since this is a question of his supreme will as regards the world, the human race, it's existence, and its continuance, and its future, I... I have no authority.
Bell: Father, in what manner were you shown the third secret?
Martin: Because...the cardinal who showed it to me had been present at a meeting held by Pope John XXIII, in that year, 1960, to outline to a certain number of cardinals and prelates what he thought should be done with the secret, that John XXIII - Pope John XXIII, then pope in 1960 - did not think that he should publish the secret. It would ruin his, at that time, ongoing negotiations with Nikita Khrushchev, the boss of all the Russias, and he also had a different outlook on life, which, two years later, opening the Vatican council, he echoed, very succinctly and almost contemptuously. In the middle of his speech on October 11, in 1962, in St. Peter's, to the assembled bishops who had come for the Vatican council and the visitors - the place was crowded; huge basilica - he derided contemptuously the people he called prophets of doom, and there was no doubt in any of our minds he was talking about the three prophets of Fatima. He was against that.
Bell: There are those within the Church who minimize what is contained in the third secret.
Martin: Absolutely.
Bell: And then there are others who don't minimize it at all.
Martin: They exaggerate.
Bell: They exaggerate?
Martin: Yes, they do.
Bell: So without minimizing or without exaggerating, you're telling me that what's in the third secret is more horrible than what I just read, which-
Martin: Oh, yes, Art, it is. Because what you have just read- essentially it is the onslaught of natural powers- sure, Satan is walking, etc, like that, amongst men and bah-bah-bah-pah-ta-ti-pa-ta-da, but essentially it is as if nature revolted against the human race. That's essentially what- through all these terrible catastrophes and chastisements. And that's not the essence of the third secret. Not the frightening one.
Art: Oof.
Martin: Yeah, it does beggar the imagination.
Art: Well, again, in a sense, it would be such a shock that I understand that you have grave reservations about it. But if it would in effect right the Church...
Martin: Yeah. Yeah. I- If it would- but you know, Art, I have no guarantee. I have no authority that would say yes, the net result will be plus rather than minus. I have no authority, I have no revelation. No angel has tapped me on the shoulder. I've had no private divine dream like St. Joseph or Joseph in the Old Testament had. I have no authority, and I cannot arrogate to myself that authority because I may be putting my foot in my mouth, to put it in a mild fashion. I may be going ahead of the Lord, and we're supposed to walk, in the words of one Roman saint, five yards behind the Holy Ghost, the Holy Spirit. And besides that, Art, there's the question of shock, of scandal, of frightening people, and polarizing my human society - to which I belong, and to which I'm happy to belong, as God made me to belong to it as a member of the human race - and I cannot do that. Not...not just like that. I just can't. I wish I could. Because in human calculation, yes, this will shock, this will jerk people out, this will fill the confessionals on a Saturday evening, this will fill up the cathedrals and the basilicas and the churches with worshipers kneeling down, striking their breast. MAYBE. Maybe. Because, at the back of it all, Art, there's this regnant, reigning, as it were, Catholic truth, that nothing like that can happen unless God gives the grace, and I have no authority to presume that he will give me the grace- give the grace on the occasion of my doing anything like that.
Bell: With what- how much weight, Father, do you give to the entire Fatima revelations?
Martin: I consider it to be the key event in the declining fortune of the Roman Catholic organization and the defining event for the near future of the Church in the next millennium, the third millennium. It's the defining event. And that is why strong men- strong men, I mean- see, Art, when we speak about strong men, the amazing thing about the statecraft people, people who practice the craft of state, like Casaroli, who's just died, or Pope John Paul 2, here's what people always remark, say, about great figures in history like Napoleon, like Hitler, like Stalin: they had a will of indestructible power. And they could oppose the united wills of millions and make their point of view stick - to a certain degree anyway until they fell, until they became a cropper as we say in England. Similarly, in Rome, there are men with strong wills. They learned statecraft all their lives. They are engaged in macro government, not merely of religion but in state. They're up there, amongst the greats. And THEY will not touch this with a barge pole.

@Ludovic 2Nîm
Live Mike
I'm very familiar with the personal attacks on Father Malachi Martin. Perhaps you should look more closely at those doing the attacking, their associations, and reasons. Yes, Martin was a sinner as we all are. He worked for one of the Vat II bad guys, Cardinal Bea. He was an insider. But he left all that behind as a response to grace and became a whistle-blower exposing the corruption that he …More
I'm very familiar with the personal attacks on Father Malachi Martin. Perhaps you should look more closely at those doing the attacking, their associations, and reasons. Yes, Martin was a sinner as we all are. He worked for one of the Vat II bad guys, Cardinal Bea. He was an insider. But he left all that behind as a response to grace and became a whistle-blower exposing the corruption that he witnessed first hand. Once Martin defected he became an enemy to the "Luciferian-Masonic-super-force" within the Vatican. Since then the bad guys have never stopped their assaults upon his character and his name.
Ludovic 2Nîm
I’m not sure that he wasn’t continuing to work for the Luciferian-Masonic-super-force as you called it… he helped them in my opinion using the fact that he knew the secret and didn’t want to reveal it. It’s your quote from him : « And since it would have such dire effects - on much more than Christians; on many others - I can't make that decision. »
It would have good effects as Our Lady of …More
I’m not sure that he wasn’t continuing to work for the Luciferian-Masonic-super-force as you called it… he helped them in my opinion using the fact that he knew the secret and didn’t want to reveal it. It’s your quote from him : « And since it would have such dire effects - on much more than Christians; on many others - I can't make that decision. »

It would have good effects as Our Lady of Fatima wanted this secret to be revealed before 1960, so I don’t buy all his talk about his oath. He just lied as it would have very good effects @Live Mike
Live Mike
Re-read it again... I think he gives a compelling reason why he never did reveal the secret.
@Ludovic 2Nîm
Live Mike
In addition, he provided so many clues as to the essence of the content of the real Third Secret (the words of Our Lady that She spoke to the three little shepherd children.... which Sr. Lucia wrote down in January 1944). Anyone who has ever studied Martin's testimony has a very good grasp of the contents of the unpublished text. Without violating his oath, Martin did reveal some rather important …More
In addition, he provided so many clues as to the essence of the content of the real Third Secret (the words of Our Lady that She spoke to the three little shepherd children.... which Sr. Lucia wrote down in January 1944). Anyone who has ever studied Martin's testimony has a very good grasp of the contents of the unpublished text. Without violating his oath, Martin did reveal some rather important details. Those with a brain can read between the lines and comprehend what Martin was driving at.

Father Malachi Martin (reader of the Third Secret of Fatima) Interview with Bernard Janzen 1992, The Kingdom of Darkness...
Janzen: In our discussion earlier you just touched on the subject of Satan's assault on the papacy. Perhaps we could have a brief discussion about that.
Martin: [...] what I think is fatally necessary for every Catholic to know, and that is the fate of the papacy and the coming stress and danger that we shall be without the strength of the papacy.
Bernard: Is it ever possible that the cardinals at a future conclave could elect a heretical pope?
Martin: [brief pause over the sensitive nature of the question] You know…they have elected men in the past who had heretical ideas. Two or three. They have never elected yet an apostate…an apostate. […] An apostate has rebelled against the very fundamental of faith and rejected God and Christ. We have apostates now who are papabili [men who could be elected pope]. Yes, we could have an apostate. But in that day, then we are into something terrible. We’re into something which, Bernard, is something that, if you think on it, in full knowledge of the meaning of your terms, is nightmarish. It would test the faith of St. Catherine of Sienna. It would test the faith of the greatest saint. It would try the patience of Job. It would be a black day; a day on which you can clothe every window in black and put out the lights and dress in sackcloth & ashes and pray that you're spared because your faith is going to be battered to pieces...if that happens. ’cause then, they have the prize and everything goes underground. And we are indeed on our way to becoming what Paul VI, in his misery, called, in 1978, an infinitesimally small part of humanity. Completely marginalized and pushed to the side and forgotten as a quaint group of people as interesting as Tibetan astrologers on a modern campus.


Father Malachi Martin Interview with Art Bell on 4 May 1998...
Martin: The prophecy of Fatima is not a pleasant document to read – not pleasant news. It implies – it doesn't make any sense unless we accept that there will be, or that there is in progress - a wholesale apostasy amongst clerics and laity in the Catholic Church, that the institutional organization of the Roman Catholic Church – that is, the organization of parishes, dioceses, archbishops and bishops and cardinals and the Roman bureaucracies and the chanceries throughout the world - unless that is totally disrupted and rendered null and void, the third secret makes no sense, and number two, the other salient characteristic about it is that it means intense suffering for believers.


Father Malachi Martin Interview with Art Bell on 13 July 1998 (the very Anniversary of the Third Secret of Fatima)...
Bell: Alright, here we go. Just a couple of things I want to quickly read. One from a friend in Australia, Father, who says, "I had a Jesuit priest tell me more of the third secret of Fatima years ago in Perth. He said, among other things, the last pope would be under control of Satan. Pope John fainted thinking it might be him. We were interrupted before I could hear the rest." Any comment on that?
Martin: sounds as if they were reading - or being told - the text of the third secret.
Bell: Oh my.
Martin: It sounds like it. But it's sufficiently vague to make one hesitate. It sounds like it.
Bell: Father, is there any circumstance under which you can imagine, that you would feel free to reveal the secret?
Martin: Yes. Yes. If there was a total collapse at the center.
Bell: And you anticipate that, don't you?
Martin: I anticipate it as a possibility, Art. I can't predict, but I anticipate it as a possibility, certainly, yes. I do.


“Malachi personally confirmed to me in 1997 that the "pope" who will lead the apostasy in the Church will be a Heretic and an Antipope.” – Father Paul Kramer, Facebook quote, May of 2016


"We're facing — what we may have to face, finally — the False Pope." - Fr. Malachi Martin, Detroit, Michigan circa 1989? [November 1992?]

Putin is a wanna-be-Hitler monster, who is clearly prostituting religion as a means to remain firmly in dictatorial power and to exercise tighter control over the hearts, minds and resources of the Russian masses. But even a broken clock is right twice a day.
Joe Biden and Nancy Pelosi are both positively pro-abortion, yet pretend to follow the Catholic faith, so then of course you feel exactly the same way about them, don't you?
@occasnltrvlr Abortion is murder…period. It is the bloody slaughter of unborn innocent babies in their own mother’s womb. All those who commit it commit murder, and all those who support and promote it support and promote murder, regardless of national citizenship, geographical location, ethnicity, religious beliefs, economic status, professional occupation, political affiliation, public/civic …More
@occasnltrvlr Abortion is murder…period. It is the bloody slaughter of unborn innocent babies in their own mother’s womb. All those who commit it commit murder, and all those who support and promote it support and promote murder, regardless of national citizenship, geographical location, ethnicity, religious beliefs, economic status, professional occupation, political affiliation, public/civic service or government office. Sadly, the murder of unborn children remains legal and available in most of Russia under Putin’s leadership where hundreds of millions of babies have had their precious lives snuffed out since the fall of the Soviet Union, just as it remains legal and available today in most of the United States under Biden’s administration where for many decades now a mother’s womb has been one of the most mortally dangerous places for little infants. In both nations, to our eternal shame, the murder of children is still far too acceptable and accessible. And in America, it goes without saying that President Biden and Speaker Emerita Pelosi have contributed horrifically to that deadly fact. However, your “whataboutism” still doesn’t redeem nor rectify Putin’s wretchedness as a Hitler-style warmongering dictator, who assassinates his political opponents and rules Russia with the iron-fist of a despotic tyrant; all while seeking to create his own personal empire in Europe by ruthlessly invading and waging unjustified war against his neighbors and in other geopolitical spheres of influence, causing the cruel and needless deaths of hundreds of thousands of civilians and combatants, and many billions of dollars in catastrophic damage and wanton destruction. It’s an irrefutable fact that Putin is a manipulative madman who LIES brazenly and continually before the whole world in a failed attempt to defend and legitimize his murderous methods and military incursions. He is still one of the most evil, immediate and insidiously menacing threats to the stability and survival of the entire planet alive today.
Ludovic 2Nîm
If only, but he didn’t make that much efforts to look really any better
Everyday for Life Canada
Putin is saying what no political leader in the west, except for Orban, has the courage or the good sense to say.
The Wandering Recluse
@Jeffrey Ade In what way?
Jeffrey Ade
Russia is the avowed enemy of the Catholic Church and Western Civilization. Father Fahey exposed Russia in his book "The Rulers of Russia." Anatoliy Golitsyn exposed the "Russian" fraud in his books, "New Lies for Old," and "The Perestroika Deception." Our Lady of Fatima, has warned us about Russia. What has changed? Nothing! Russia is still controlled by the "Rulers of Russia." So when someone, …More
Russia is the avowed enemy of the Catholic Church and Western Civilization. Father Fahey exposed Russia in his book "The Rulers of Russia." Anatoliy Golitsyn exposed the "Russian" fraud in his books, "New Lies for Old," and "The Perestroika Deception." Our Lady of Fatima, has warned us about Russia. What has changed? Nothing! Russia is still controlled by the "Rulers of Russia." So when someone, anyone, brings up the idea that somehow anyone in Russia is acting on our behalf or the behalf of "Christianity" then clearly they are part of the problem. So if you and I discuss this topic amongst ourselves we can be mistaken. But if it is presented in the communist-controlled media that is a psyop!
Sean Johnson
Nope. That torch has been passed to America. Tge Jewish rulers of Russia bled that country dry, so they turned their attention to America. It’s our turn now. If Fahey were alive, he’d write a new book called The Rulers of America.
Ludovic 2Nîm
The elite denounced by Fr Denis Fahey was in America. They couldn’t impose communism in the West at this time so they used Russia first believing that controlling the two biggest countries in the world they could catch up with the West and impose them communism. They realized that they could not so they decided to make believe that communism was dead in the 80’s through the Berlin Wall’s collapse …More
The elite denounced by Fr Denis Fahey was in America. They couldn’t impose communism in the West at this time so they used Russia first believing that controlling the two biggest countries in the world they could catch up with the West and impose them communism. They realized that they could not so they decided to make believe that communism was dead in the 80’s through the Berlin Wall’s collapse and later the collapse of the USSR. This way, they could receive huge investments from the West in Russia and other former communist countries and buy all the Western technologies in order to compete with. Communist groups such as antifas and other NGO were financed in the West by the same bankers that overthrown the Czar and Russia helped to get the Metz agreements where it says that Orthodox must not be criticized. Don’t fool yourself, there is no coincidence if the Orthodox Church in Paris was built next to the main Masonic tourist draw aka the Eiffel Tower instead of the real most visited monument namely the Sacred Heart…
The Wandering Recluse
@Jeffrey Ade OK, but you are not addressing the full issue of the post which is the comparison of Putin to Francis RE: Catholic. Keeping in mind Francis is (supposedly) the pope, Putin is anti-homosexuality - Francis is pro-homosexuality. Putin is pro-traditional family values - Francis is pro-transgender ideology --Putin is pro-nationalism - Francis is pro-globalism. Putin (although not considered …More
@Jeffrey Ade OK, but you are not addressing the full issue of the post which is the comparison of Putin to Francis RE: Catholic. Keeping in mind Francis is (supposedly) the pope, Putin is anti-homosexuality - Francis is pro-homosexuality. Putin is pro-traditional family values - Francis is pro-transgender ideology --Putin is pro-nationalism - Francis is pro-globalism. Putin (although not considered pro-life) has stressed the importance of women having their children - Francis has told Catholics to stop obsessing about abortion. Putin is anti-climate change -- Francis is pro-climate change. Putin may support the KGB mentality but Francis supports liberation theology. So considering that Francis should be more the Catholic, it appears Putin is sounding more Catholic. This is the premise of the post.
Live Mike
Jeffrey Ade
Um, what about KGB psyop? Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us!
No doubt.
Bruceph Mildur
The headline is misleading. It would be better, and less of a slam dunk, to have said "Russian Orthodox Vladimir Putin More Catholic Than Joe Biden?".