The theology of Benedict XVI

CARDINAL RATZINGER: THE THEOLOGIAN. Pope Paul VI's discretion and persistence most effectively handed over supreme control and power to the "new theology" in the Catholic world. There is absolutely no …More
Pope Paul VI's discretion and persistence most effectively handed over supreme control and power to the "new theology" in the Catholic world. There is absolutely no room for doubt on this score. However, the triumph of this "new theology" has not meant a triumph for the Catholic Faith. The German theologian Dormann, referring to the last Council (The Theological Way of John Paul II and the Spirit of Assisi) writes, "Never before has a Papal encyclical, written barely fifteen years previously, been repudiated in so short a time and so completely by those very persons whom it condemns, as Humani Generis (1950)." The Jesuit and "new theologian" Henrici has given us a portrait of the present situation:
Related: 1. The heresies of John Paul II - Related: "2013-2022: Nine Years With Francis" - 2. « L'étrange théologie de Jean-Paul II et l'esprit d'Assise » - Partie … - 3. The Facts about "Pope" Benedict XVI - 4. Juan Pablo II profesaba la herejía de la …More
Miles - Christi and 2 more users link to this post
I am no Theologian but reading this drival - which I've just read - against the backdrop of the Council Fathers and saintly popes Leo XIII, Pius X, and Gregory put perspective on this modernist thinking.
Super Omnia Veritas shares this
The theology of Benedict XVI.
Rand Miller
No one wants to hear these facts because Benedict issued Summorum Pontificum.
Miles - Christi
I agree...
Ralph Alexander Michael Curtis shares this