
Leftwing Journalist: Francis Is Deliberately Hastening The Collapse of the Church

The Catholic Church continues to implode and “Francis seems to be deliberately hastening its inevitable collapse”, writes liberal journalist Robert Mickens in La Croix. Mickens was suspended in 2014 as …More
The Catholic Church continues to implode and “Francis seems to be deliberately hastening its inevitable collapse”, writes liberal journalist Robert Mickens in La Croix. Mickens was suspended in 2014 as The Tablet's Rome correspondent after he referred to Benedict XVI as “the Rat”.
Now Mickens hails Francis for laying the “foundation of the ‘deconstruction’” of the current structure of the Church. He believes that Francis wants to “liberate” the Church from philosophical ideas by the means of four sociological principles which he outlined in his apostolic exhortation Evangelii Gaudium.
• time is greater than space [?]
• unity prevails over conflict [which seems to be a triviality]
• realities are more important than ideas [as if our understanding of "realty" were not governed by ideas]
• the whole is greater than the parts [as if the parts would not constitute the whole]
Picture: © Jeffrey Bruno, Aleteia, CC BY-SA, #newsFeamxxornw
"The abomination shall be seen in Holy Places, in Convents, and then the demon shall make himself as the king of hearts"
"Lucifer, with a very great number of demons will be unchained from Hell. By degrees they shall abolish the Faith, even among persons consecrated to God. They shall blind them in such a manner that, without very special graces, these persons shall imbibe the spirit of those wicked …More
"The abomination shall be seen in Holy Places, in Convents, and then the demon shall make himself as the king of hearts"
"Lucifer, with a very great number of demons will be unchained from Hell. By degrees they shall abolish the Faith, even among persons consecrated to God. They shall blind them in such a manner that, without very special graces, these persons shall imbibe the spirit of those wicked angels" THE MESSAGES OF LA SALETTE, Mother of God
Apostasy of the Church (Resurrection of the Church)
Well if your were communist and the pope, wouldn't you want to destroy the Church by doing what he is doing?