Opera 369

"Blessings" to "irregular couples"....!

Nobody needs to read this: these are just my thoughts and opinions, under free speech! So all of you obedient -so-meek but haughty - called 'catholics' who persisted on calling the satanists currently …More
Nobody needs to read this: these are just my thoughts and opinions, under free speech! So all of you obedient -so-meek but haughty - called 'catholics' who persisted on calling the satanists currently in the Vatican, PAPACY, especially the one dressed in white, who says he's preparing to be buried in Santa Maria Maggiore (that Church is now virtually desecrated since is 'his' favorite) ...SO... what do you say now? Before he finds his last throne of final rest, he has approved the document (their Gospel) which allows the "blessing of irregular couples"... meaning men/men, women/women....and who knows what else....! There you have it! No need to wait for the 2024 Synod on satanism, Francis and Fernandez are pushing their agenda relentlessly. So, 'obedient catholics' are you still going to Masses where they follow the Canon in communion with "Francis"? Vigano', Burke, Schneider, Matt, Strickland, Westin, DeMattei, Valli.......you have been blind all along, and if not 'blind', at least …More
Opera 369
@petrus100452 Who are you calling "coward"? The article has an author, and it is spelled out at the beginning of the article... Is it probable that you are not able to read or discern.. dear Petrus 100452? Is this your 'birth given name'? I don't think so, maybe I should call you "coward" for not being here with your real name? Or by calling me "coward" you are calling "coward" yourself and everyone …More
@petrus100452 Who are you calling "coward"? The article has an author, and it is spelled out at the beginning of the article... Is it probable that you are not able to read or discern.. dear Petrus 100452? Is this your 'birth given name'? I don't think so, maybe I should call you "coward" for not being here with your real name? Or by calling me "coward" you are calling "coward" yourself and everyone else on Gloria...!? No wonder society and religion is is such caos...people like Petrus, who should go by "shaking jello" not 'rock' for sure!
anonymus article... coward...
Sandy Barrett
No power on earth or heaven can ever regularize homosexual "couples". They are not couples at all, but impossible pairings.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
This is one of the best posts I have ever read on this site, and it is all 100% true. All people like Burke, Schneider, Matt, Strickland, Westin, DeMattei, Valli, if they don't immediatly condemn Pope Francis, they are all hypocrits. Only Vigano has immediately condemned it, and Strickland so far. I hope there are thousands more.
Opera 369
@Kenjiro M. Yoshimori Thank you kindly.