
Bishop Munilla: Francis Should Have Consulted Bishops Beforehand

Bishop José Ignacio Munilla of Orihuela-Alicante, Spain, believes that Bergoglio's scribble about blessing homosexual couples is "not heretical" (ReligionEnLibertad.com, December 21). He criticises …More
Bishop José Ignacio Munilla of Orihuela-Alicante, Spain, believes that Bergoglio's scribble about blessing homosexual couples is "not heretical" (ReligionEnLibertad.com, December 21).
He criticises Bergoglio for not consulting the bishops beforehand, recalling Cardinal Ratzinger's worldwide consultation with the bishops in drafting the Catechism of the Catholic Church.
"I would have expected a different approach to the issue," the bishop said [as if the problem with Francis' scrawl was its approach and not its content].
Given that it is "a particularly controversial and sensitive issue", he finds it surprising that Francis did not proceed in a synodal manner: "We would have been spared the divergent reactions of the Episcopal Conferences that we are witnessing."
Criticising the homosexual propagandist James Martin, and German and Belgian priests - who are already publicly "blessing" homosexual couples - Bishop Munilla noted that "sectors that openly disagree with the Church's sexual …More
Live Mike
But you were consulted, Bishop Munilla. It was called the Synod on Synodality which has been ongoing since 2021.
What a joke! Every bishop/cardinal in the world should have seriously questioned what was going on in 2013. Point fingers right back at yourselves with this latest mess. It's just due for attempting to kick the can down the road.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
In the end, I think nothing will happen. This blasphemy will stand, and Francis and his pals will just go on their merry way planning up another disaster.
Impossible! The gates of hell will not prevail against Christ's Church.
Denis Efimov
The gates of hell will not prevail against the Church, there is not the slightest doubt about that. But this promise is in no way applicable to the conciliar-synodal church.
I firmly disagree with you. VII and it's rotten fruit, along with it's evil prelates, WILL be revoked. It has to be this way because of the LIES that are interwoven through the sham council docs, new code, and new ccc. Lies ARE the gates of hell and satan is the father of lies. As soon as you start being 'ok' with some of the lies, or even one...those gates are opening for you. God will not be mocked …More
I firmly disagree with you. VII and it's rotten fruit, along with it's evil prelates, WILL be revoked. It has to be this way because of the LIES that are interwoven through the sham council docs, new code, and new ccc. Lies ARE the gates of hell and satan is the father of lies. As soon as you start being 'ok' with some of the lies, or even one...those gates are opening for you. God will not be mocked and this current situation in the Church will be remedied entirely and completely. I hope I live to see it!!
Of course it is not heretical it is blasphemous!
Denis Efimov
This is definitely blasphemy. But if we understand by a dogma concerning morality a teaching revealed by God, which, in this capacity, is offered to the faith of the faithful by the ordinary and universal magisterium of the Church, then this is also a heresy. Didn’t the Church teach us that, according to Holy Scripture, sodomy is evil, a sin that needs to be repented of, and not blessed? Didn’t …More
This is definitely blasphemy. But if we understand by a dogma concerning morality a teaching revealed by God, which, in this capacity, is offered to the faith of the faithful by the ordinary and universal magisterium of the Church, then this is also a heresy. Didn’t the Church teach us that, according to Holy Scripture, sodomy is evil, a sin that needs to be repented of, and not blessed? Didn’t the Church teach us that we participate in someone else’s sin if we approve or do not interfere with it? Did not the Third Lateran Council declare that for this sin the Lord destroyed five cities by fire?