
German Suicidal Way: "I Was Displeased With Sweeping Negative Judgements"

"One should not let oneself be blocked in the faith because there were or are problems in the Church."

This is what Auxiliary Bishop Alain de Raemy of Fribourg, Switzerland, told Kath.ch (February 3) about the German Synodal Way/"Suicidal Way" (Cardinal Müller).

De Raemy participated as an observer of the Swiss Bishops' Conference in its first session.

During the discussion he sometimes had the impression that nothing is possible in the German Church any more, because it has lost its "credibility": "Sweeping negative judgments have displeased me."

The auxiliary bishop points out that the Gospel is not always well received: "You have to be able to cope with that and not want to adapt everything."

De Raemy criticises that at times, during the synod, a "sweeping negative picture" of priests was painted, or that critics of the Suicidal Way were called "anxious persons": "I consider this a prejudice."

The prelate also missed common prayer "a bit."

For Switzerland, De Raemy would also like to see a common discussion, "but not necessarily in such a huge body" in which he didn't feel comfortable: "I have doubts whether this is the right way for Switzerland."

The bishop criticises "the pressures of limited time" because, as Francis says, discernment doesn't produce results on demand.

He wishes that the Suicidal Path will not limit itself at looking at what is negative.

© Picture: Synodaler Weg/Malzkorn

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