
Covid-19 Kills World’s Largest Catholic Pilgrimage

The Mexican bishops have cancelled the annual pilgrimage to Our Lady of Guadalupe, Mexico City.

The basilica will be closed from December 10-13. Our Lady’s feast-day is on December 12. For weeks in advance, pilgrims travel from across Mexico to the basilica.

Its rector, Bishop Salvador Martínez, said in a video that usually about 15 million pilgrims visit during the first two weeks of December.

Already from 1926 to 1929 no Masses were celebrated in the basilica in protest against anti-religious laws of the Masonic Mexican government.

Picture: © wikicommons, CC BY-SA, #newsAlulljajhh

So Covid-19 didn't kill the pilgrimage, the Mexican bishops did. Important distinction, that.
Louis IX
Bishops again doing the devil’s work.