Wilma Lopez

The other side of Bishop Michael For Olson

Fr Pat Pelletier on fb about "his" bishop: Having been ordained a priest in the diocese where he is now Ordinary, and having been Vicar General before that, he was aware of many of the problems when …More
Fr Pat Pelletier on fb about "his" bishop:
Having been ordained a priest in the diocese where he is now Ordinary, and having been Vicar General before that, he was aware of many of the problems when he was elevated to Bishop. He acted quickly to:
1. Erect a parish for the FSSP, offering the Extraordinary Form Mass, and he continues to protect St. Benedict's. He's placed the Pastor on the Diocesan Council, and celebrates Confirmation for their candidates.
2. He has ordained 22 men to the priesthood since 2014 - more than any other of our Bishops thus lowering the average age of our priests to between 30-50 years of age.
3. We have 29 young men attending seminary now.
4. He sought out and sponsored the Cristo Rey College Preparatory High School of Fort Worth to serve students of families who cannot afford Nolan Catholic High
School or other college prep schools. The combination of study and work by the students and corporate sponsors affords Cristo Rey to offer an outstanding curriculum. …More
Many Churchmen serve Bergoglio in destruction of the Church and pretend to serve God...
"No man can serve two masters. For either he will hate the one, and love the other: or he will sustain the one, and despise the other. You cannot serve God and mammon. Mt 6:24"
Bonnie Louise
Strong-armed every parish to read his screed against Texas Right to Life. Look it up....
Gluttony is a mortal sin.