Gloria.TV News on the 25th of August 2014 No Religious War: Pope Francis’ Secretary of State, Cardinal Pietro Parolin has denied that the massacres in Iraq are clashes between Islam and Christianity.…More
Gloria.TV News on the 25th of August 2014
No Religious War: Pope Francis’ Secretary of State, Cardinal Pietro Parolin has denied that the massacres in Iraq are clashes between Islam and Christianity. Quote: “The majority of Muslims refuse those brutal and inhuman methods.” Parolin referred to the nuncio in Syria who explained in reports how | many Muslims are suffering for these events and are supportive of Christians.
Immoral: Newark Archdiocese has stated that holding Ice Bucket Challenges — the popular fad that has raised millions of dollars to combat ALS — conflicts with Church teachings. The warning said some of the research funded by the ALS Association, which receives much of the money from the Ice Bucket Challenge, involves embryonic stem-cell research which is immoral because it involves the killing of unborn babies.
50 Years Ago: Yesterday was the 50th anniversary of the first Holy Mass celebrated in English. The Mass did not take place in a church but at Kiel Auditorium in St …More
Maybe, that the hatred of the Freemasons and humanists against God and the family is psychologically. Their love was rejected. The trauma of rejection of their love from the parents, is why they are broken. They never have been loved for its own sake.
Parents have made high demands on them and raised them to atheism and materialism.
That's why they don´t know the love of God also, because their …More
Maybe, that the hatred of the Freemasons and humanists against God and the family is psychologically. Their love was rejected. The trauma of rejection of their love from the parents, is why they are broken. They never have been loved for its own sake.
Parents have made high demands on them and raised them to atheism and materialism.
That's why they don´t know the love of God also, because their parents are dropped from the faith, and have shown a false image of God.
Her unrequited love has turned into hatred especially on women, on the family and on God, that is also one of the reasons that many of these humanists are gay.
This is also the reason that they reject the commandments of God and accept only the human rights.

"The country is desecration among its residents, because they transgressed the law and change the bids, and let go the eternal Covenant."
Therefore the curse the country eats, because they blame for ones that lives in the country.
Therefore the inhabitants of the country wither, so few people left.
Disappears the most, the vine perished, and all who were cheerful heart, sigh..." Isaiah 24, 5-7

Here is the law of sowing and reaping illustrated, that Jesus, the prophets and the apostles taught, but it is reject by the roman catholic hierarchy.
So that we can decide for good instead of evil, we must decide for the truth, to God and his commandments.
The mass is seduced with false teachings, rather than with the truth.
So that we can follow God's voice, we need silence, that the world doesn't have what.
Ecclesia = called-out bride of Jesus Christ - called out from the darkness into the light.
But we live in a time where Satan reigns, and …More
So that we can decide for good instead of evil, we must decide for the truth, to God and his commandments.
The mass is seduced with false teachings, rather than with the truth.
So that we can follow God's voice, we need silence, that the world doesn't have what.
Ecclesia = called-out bride of Jesus Christ - called out from the darkness into the light.
But we live in a time where Satan reigns, and is the opposite of the bride of Jesus Christ the whore of Babylon.
"And the Dragon was angry with the woman, and went to make war with the rest of her offspring, who keep the commandments of God and have the testimony of Jesus." Revelation 12,17
Like the ark there is no salvation outside of the Church. Hell is an awful place and as Christians we don't want anyone to go there! However it is almost impossible to believe that Muslims have never heard of Christianity! 99% have and if the have and denied the truth than there is no salvation for them, because they have denied Christ and His Word. Our Lady of Fatima said people are falling to hell …More
Like the ark there is no salvation outside of the Church. Hell is an awful place and as Christians we don't want anyone to go there! However it is almost impossible to believe that Muslims have never heard of Christianity! 99% have and if the have and denied the truth than there is no salvation for them, because they have denied Christ and His Word. Our Lady of Fatima said people are falling to hell like snowflakes! Islam is Satanic. Follow Islam and its a ticket to hell. It denies Christ Lordship, even has the gowl to say Christ was never crucified!!! Denies The Virgin Mary's perpetual Virginity! I cannot sugar coat this! I could write pages on how even Islam is. Good people have fallen for this heresy but if good people follow Satan than good people will spiritual parish forever. I say this out of love for everyone.
And there are NO contradictions to the Bible! That is a serious to state this! To believe this one doesn't understand Scripture.
May God bless the Muslims and give them the grace to except Jesus as their Lord.
Rozhovor s Annou Marií:
Jak se muslimové modlí?
Modlí se pětkrát denně. Postaví se směrem k Mekce. Existují zvláštní postoje při modlitbě. Určitá slova se musí říkat arabsky. Čtou se verše z Koránu. Co vůbec neexistuje, je osobní rozhovor s Bohem.
Jaký je potom vztah muslimů k Bohu?
S Alláhem není možno vejít ve styk. Allah je velice přísný Bůh. Nemá se zemí žádný kontakt. Naše světy …More
Rozhovor s Annou Marií:

Jak se muslimové modlí?

Modlí se pětkrát denně. Postaví se směrem k Mekce. Existují zvláštní postoje při modlitbě. Určitá slova se musí říkat arabsky. Čtou se verše z Koránu. Co vůbec neexistuje, je osobní rozhovor s Bohem.
Jaký je potom vztah muslimů k Bohu?

S Alláhem není možno vejít ve styk. Allah je velice přísný Bůh. Nemá se zemí žádný kontakt. Naše světy jsou dokonale odděleny. Když se dopustíme nějaké chyby, uděláme hřích, potrestá nás. Pro mnoho lidí je vztah k Bohu poznamenán strachem. Boha nemilují, nehledají k němu žádný vztah. A ještě něco: Korán obsahuje mnoho protiřečení.
Jak se Váš život víry dále vyvíjel?
Teta mi poslala Bibli a několik knih v perštině. Když jsem poznala Bibli, řekla jsem to manželovi a sestře. Můj muž na to nic neřekl, ale pro moji sestru to bylo nepřijatelné.

Tak jsem četla Bibli tajně. Zvláště mě dojímalo, že Bůh je láska a že nás lidi miluje. To v islámu neexistuje. To, že člověk je Boží dítě, to je nádherné! Prostě jsem uvěřila v Ježíše Krista. On byl můj Pán. Přijala jsem jeho poselství.
Můžete říct ještě jednou, jaký je podstatný rozdíl mezi vírou muslimů a křesťanů?

Obrazy člověka i Boha jsou zcela rozdílné. Bůh je milující Bůh, zatímco Alláh je panovačný, rozhněvaný pán. My křesťané jsme sice hříšníci, můžeme však se svými hříchy přijít k Bohu. Je zde tedy východisko, cesta smíření – to v islámu není. Zde není žádný vztah člověka k Bohu. S Alláhem nelze vůbec mluvit.
rozhovor s bývalým muslimem, který přijal křesťanství:
Dlouhou dobu neměl s rodiči vůbec žádný kontakt. „To byla součást strategie, abych se vrátil zpět. Jedná se o úplné vyhoštění z rodiny. V arabském světě je rodinné pouto něčím velice důležitým. V tomto duchu jsem také vyrostl a byla to tvrdá cena, kterou jsem musel zaplatit za své rozhodnutí pro Krista, že budu vyhoštěn ze své rodiny. Kdykoliv dnes zavolám domů, jsem ihned atakován. Během času se s částí rodiny vztahy upravily, téměř normalizovaly, ale většinu rodiny jsem od obrácení již neviděl. Velice rád bych opět navštívil svou vlast a navštívil své příbuzné, kteří tvořili součást mého života. Musím počítat s tím, že i mezi nejbližšími příbuznými jsou jedinci, kteří jsou připraveni vyhovět požadavku Koránu a usmrtit toho, kdo odpadl od islámu.“
Je pro něho nyní obtížné vést normální rodinný život. Pokouší se se svou ženou Evropankou neukazovat svým dětem, jak obtížné je pro ně žít normálním životem. Těžkosti mu působí i Evropané, kteří mu předhazují, že všechno přehání a přechází od extrému k extrému: „Bohužel představy o islámu v křesťanských hnutích jsou tak abstraktní a pronásledování konvertitů tak nepředstavitelné, že mi to dá mnoho práce, abych je přesvědčil, že to, co prožívám, je holá skutečnost.“ Velice ho udivuje, když jeho, který sám prožil islámský extremismus, chtějí křesťanské skupiny poučovat, jak má chápat islám.
Jaký je hlavní rozdíl mezi islámem a křesťanstvím? Na to dal tento muž pevné víry zcela jasnou odpověď: „Způsob odpuštění, kterému jsem se naučil v křesťanství, v islámu neexistuje. Změna srdce a života v Kristu a skrze Krista je pro mě něco zcela jedinečného. Nezištná láska v křesťanství je v naprostém protikladu k zotročení člověka a k nenávisti, jaká panuje v islámu. To je ten nejpodstatnější rozdíl.“
Temperance, dear sister in Christ 🤫
,,Islam offers NO salvation and brings millions to hell''
now thats a bit harsh statement..dont you think???.women fasting no food no water and readind Quaran three days long down in Iran ..not knowing its false book...never had chance to hear about Jeshua living in Euchrist...
how do we know they go to hell ...they live acording to their law...righteous, modest …More
Temperance, dear sister in Christ 🤫

,,Islam offers NO salvation and brings millions to hell''

now thats a bit harsh statement..dont you think???.women fasting no food no water and readind Quaran three days long down in Iran ..not knowing its false book...never had chance to hear about Jeshua living in Euchrist...
how do we know they go to hell ...they live acording to their law...righteous, modest and submissive...
and tibetian shepherds worshiping budha , not knowing its demon...working hard on their living ...never breaking their law...are they going to hell??? 🤐

Are you God to judge people like that dear sister...??????

oh by the way..am I repeating myself...Alah is arabic word for Jahve...different view
Alah arabic; is mercyfull God who forgives to those who repent...
Alah islamic; forgives to whom He wants to forgive.....
.different books...same God...even by readign false book some moslim saw how great Jesus is...because God can and He did show He is great in His Son Saviour...He is mighty..theres nothing impossible for him...nor saving mislead people...

''''I delighted in listening to the tales about the prophets and pious people of Islam. Of all those stories, I liked the ones about Jesus the most. My special interest in the stories about Jesus’ life eventually made me recite the 19th chapter of the Koran almost every day.''''


you call muslim satanists you probably should call this protestants...sedavacatinsts...othodox christians , anglican women priest supporters...jews..budhists..hindus..jehovas witnessss...
and catholic who simply dont regret their sins relying on their,,right religion"

Good job God has different attitude then we have...

He can save moslim and budhists ..He offers salvation to gentiles...please remember..

A light to the revelation of the Gentiles, and the glory of thy people Israel.

Lk 2,32

Immaculate Heart & ApoCalypso Dancer 😇 🤗
Immaculate heart
What has the Catholic world come to when liberal Catholics defend Islam?! Islam is a heresy, and a brutal occult! ISIS is an offshoot of Islam but still Islam. Islam denies Christ's Lordship and almost all dogmas of the Catholic Faith! You can try to justify it in anyway but trying to point to "good" Muslims or by writing long paragraphs, but the simple fact is Islam offers NO salvation and brings …More
What has the Catholic world come to when liberal Catholics defend Islam?! Islam is a heresy, and a brutal occult! ISIS is an offshoot of Islam but still Islam. Islam denies Christ's Lordship and almost all dogmas of the Catholic Faith! You can try to justify it in anyway but trying to point to "good" Muslims or by writing long paragraphs, but the simple fact is Islam offers NO salvation and brings millions to hell! It manifests its Satanic spiritual beliefs by the continual Slater of Christians everyday! The Muslim religion is a cancer to all of humanity.
The reasons and causes for the serious evils that flow from ISIS are being studied by Religious, Military, and Political experts and organizations around the world; all eyes are on ISIS. The case with ISIS hardly admits to any religious resolution, Islam vs Christianity, all this becomes evident reflecting on their path of destruction, innocent life, Churches, Shrines, Mosques; they are blinded by …More
The reasons and causes for the serious evils that flow from ISIS are being studied by Religious, Military, and Political experts and organizations around the world; all eyes are on ISIS. The case with ISIS hardly admits to any religious resolution, Islam vs Christianity, all this becomes evident reflecting on their path of destruction, innocent life, Churches, Shrines, Mosques; they are blinded by evil.

Prof. Leonard Wessell
@Gregory, I do not know what you are talking about. I know of no wide-spread Christian use of mititary violence either to advance Christianity or to restrict other religions. Islamists have not only mistreated Christians, but Hindus, homosexuals, women and I can go on. I do not see that in Christianity. I see nominal Christians, really fallen away (and in Germany because of the taxing of Christians …More
@Gregory, I do not know what you are talking about. I know of no wide-spread Christian use of mititary violence either to advance Christianity or to restrict other religions. Islamists have not only mistreated Christians, but Hindus, homosexuals, women and I can go on. I do not see that in Christianity. I see nominal Christians, really fallen away (and in Germany because of the taxing of Christians for their church the fallen away "renounce" Christianity), who have doubtful claim to the term, even admit it. The Christian Crusaders of the Middle Ages, at least some of them, did go to war for Christ and received in advance absolution. And with good reason as followers of Islam, having conquered with the sword the homeland of Christianity, were preventing pilgrimages to Jerusalem (and generally enslaving the female part of the pilgrims, the male part eliminated). Christians in Lebanon last century too fought as Christians. So it seems to me that the use of violence, military or otherwise, is a part of "true" religion. You, alas, simply refuse to accept the stated words of ISIS or the Saudis or the whatever you call those in Nigeria who kidnap girls or the Muslim Brotherhood (and it close connection to Nazism) or Hamas (with its desire to eliminate all Jews from this world). God is almighty. Allah is almighty. God loved the world. Allah communicate orders to the world. This is a fundamental difference between Christianity and Islam (I have not written ChristianS and Muslims per se). Prof. Bostom has traced the lethal anti-Jewism of Islam since Mohammed (who killed at one point 700 Jews of a tribe because they refused Islam--and took their women for, well, you know what for) to this very day. Bostom has shown the anti-Semmitic foundation in Islam's scriptual texts and has traced the historical developent of an often lethal anti-Semitism in "core" Islam. This does not mean that all Muslims follow core Islam or even know it that well. But the Imams of Iran do!!!

Conclusion: I admire the high standards that you use for "true" religion. But "'true' religion" is only one type of religion among untold numbers of religions. Not being "true", does not make a religion less a religion, i.e., from a theoretical standpoint. It must be understood in the terms of "religious studies" and theories developed to explain the data. You mention the "darkness that surounds ISIS as a religion". Your choice of the term "darkness" is excellent. At the same time, however, you just admitted that ISIS is a religion. That is the gist of what I claim. QED.

If you have time I suggest reading Ernest Becker, The Denial of Death. No book of a psychological nature have had more influence on me and perhaps could throw some light on the "darkness" in ISIS (and in a way in all of us, for there go I except for the grace of God).
Prof. Leonard Wessell
@VRS, thank you for your response. In reality I have been reacting to you and to @Gregory. My The Random House Thesaurus, College Edition lists "evolution" as a synonym of "development". So your oppositional interpretation is wrong. You seem to be taking the term "evolution" from biological theory. Perhaps! I saw last night on German tv an examination of animal types on islands thousands of years …More
@VRS, thank you for your response. In reality I have been reacting to you and to @Gregory. My The Random House Thesaurus, College Edition lists "evolution" as a synonym of "development". So your oppositional interpretation is wrong. You seem to be taking the term "evolution" from biological theory. Perhaps! I saw last night on German tv an examination of animal types on islands thousands of years separated from the mainland. It turns out that the very same species as those on the mainland do evolve features peculiar to their environment without at the same time changing their "core", i.e., they just developed certain modifications. So even in biological theories of evolution "evolution" does not just mean transformation of the "core".

You seek to defend you position re the violent conversion of the Saxons by the Franks with papal approval. (There was much more than violence. The Frankish monks truely did realized an internal conversion in the Saxsons and thereby augmented the number of Chrisitians. And Charles did renovate Europe in many ways. (After Vat II, we have a general dimunition of Christians in all of Europe and much of Latin America and heavily in the US [check out Michael Voris, "ChurchMiltants" for the appropiate lectures on the decline and fall [almost] of Cahtolicism in America, a decline inspired by Vat II and, in most cases ending with Catholics welcoming of abortion, homosexuality, remarriage and the HHS Mandate of Obama. How is that for slaughter of innocents]). Your defense is that it was the Pope and not Christ who approved. That is fine, I agree. Alas, it is a dodge, viz, a perfect vicious circle fending off any counter argumentation. I am not aware that Christ continuall googles message to this word re problems, e.g., stem-sell research. Your defense reminds me of a brilliant young Catholic Spanard who boldly asserted that no Catholic prelate has ever done a vile deed, because at the moment of the deed, he is not Catholic. Such a position makes impossible a rational understanding of Catholicism and it developmental evolution as a religion. If any barbarity or simply sinful act by the Pope is to be rejected per se because such an act, in your opinion, has not been expressed explicitly (or do you mean just implicitly) by Jesus the Christ, it would seem to me that you have quite inadvertenly taken a Protestant position of individual judgment over the Church. You have also made argument-and-counter-argument impossble.

@VRS, I must bring this all to a conclusion, alas my age can tire me out. I, and with great sorrow, find it impossible to dialogue with you because we have no common vocabulary. Remember that my reaction originally was to @Gregory and his contention that a "true" Muslim would not commit horrendous deeds. Since @Gregory seemed to me to associate "true" with religion per se, I found myself, from my "scientific" or "theorizing" point of view, in non-agreement. From this disagreement I have focused upon "religious studies" and its formal object, namely any actions felt to be religious. From that point of view, I find any use of "dignity" to be of a moral and not of a theoretical nature. At some point you entered the double faceted thrust of my thought. Below you have give a definition of religion proper to an evaluative Catholic point of view. I do not oppose your efforts here, just your vocabulary. I need a wider semantic use of "religion" in order to discuss with @Gregory his judgment about the islamic genuiness or not of act of ISIS. I believe that from within your vocabulary only the "one and true" view of the relationship between God and man counts as religion. You may restrict the term at your choice and it is valid. Only your restriction makes it impossible for me to theorize rationally with you on religion per se, a necessary factor in any discussion with @Gregory. I would suggest that our differences simply cannot enter into dialogue as we have no shared vocabularry. I will only have the narcisstic joy of triumphing with my thesaurus. Let there be peace God's peace between us.
Prof., Grace and blessings, You assert that “IS fighters think they are true followers of Islam,and they can cite scripture,” This in itself is an error, which should be apparent to all with knowledge of religion, for even the Devil can cite scripture.
What wonder is it if we see today in the world, not merely among savage and barbarous people like ISIS, but even among Christians, a constantly …More
Prof., Grace and blessings, You assert that “IS fighters think they are true followers of Islam,and they can cite scripture,” This in itself is an error, which should be apparent to all with knowledge of religion, for even the Devil can cite scripture.

What wonder is it if we see today in the world, not merely among savage and barbarous people like ISIS, but even among Christians, a constantly increasing depravity and corruption of religion and Divine things? We can more easily refer to ISIS as an army endowed with a certain amount of culture, possessing abundant knowledge of profane matters, and having no care or thought for religion.

Prof. Leonard Wessell
@Gregory, you state that "no true Christian or Muslim" can accept the horrors of ISIS and you base this upon your understanding of the "dignity of religion". As I mentioned below to @VRS, the formal object of religious studies constitutes actions and beliefs carried out by religiously acting people. If you want a rational theory of "religion", you must start with the data and not exclude certain …More
@Gregory, you state that "no true Christian or Muslim" can accept the horrors of ISIS and you base this upon your understanding of the "dignity of religion". As I mentioned below to @VRS, the formal object of religious studies constitutes actions and beliefs carried out by religiously acting people. If you want a rational theory of "religion", you must start with the data and not exclude certain sacrifical horrors from religion. If you define a "true" Muslim as being "true" only insofar as he rejects allahu akkbar behavior, then you have defeated any counter argumentation with your perfectl vicious circle. Just this month the Saudi Muslims have chopped of a couple of dozen heads for religious reasons. Are the Saudis not "true" Muslims? When Saladin had the heads cut off of Johanniter knights and later those of the crusader army from Jerusalem, was Salidin not acting as a Muslim? I appreciate your moral sensitivity as to what should constitute a "true" believer, be he Christian or Muslim (or, perhaps, an Aztec or Inka?). But, with your use of the term "true" you have slipped into the rational analysis a cognitive judgment about the de facto acts of self-proclaiming Muslims who, purposely to the glory of Allah, realize so-called "horrible" deeds, horrible in you eyes and mine, but not in theirs. A rational study of religion per se does not allow the insertion of moral evaluations into the data of research. I have suggested the names of scholars who have examined Islam and concluded that Islam (as a codified range of beliefs and moral imperatives surounding "submission/subjugation") does permit and, indeed, encourage "jihad", not only of internal subjugation of the self to Allah, but the external subjugation of the non-Muslim world to Allah's sharia. What is islamically good or bad is a function of following Allah's commands. Or do you wish to disqualify the scholars I mentioned because they do not share your view of what a "true" Muslim must believe. A morally fine position, although scientifically useless.

"Death" (even painful and terrible), inflicting or receiving it, does play a wide role in religion. The Inkas and Aztecs are examples no less "horrible" than ISIS, yet "truely" religious in nature. The gods had demaned human sacrifice! Please do consider that Christianity affirms the role of "killing" in the very sacrificial act of Jesus the Christ, a horrendously painful killing that reconciles man with God. I have met some Muslims who find such an act as a profound insult to the, yes, dignity of Allah.The Divine being powerless to inflicted death is simply blasphemy for a "true" Muslim. Or, at least that is my opinion, obviously being one of those people that are "ignorant". What say you?
Prof. Leonard Wessell
@VRS, religions do evolve, including Catholicism. Please consult Cardinal Newman's famous Essay on the Development of Christian Doctrine (1845). Development per se does not mean "fundamental transformation". It can mean drawing out insights from previous insights based upon the deposit of faith. And such drawing out is a process of evolving. For instance, a theology of Mary as the Mother of God …More
@VRS, religions do evolve, including Catholicism. Please consult Cardinal Newman's famous Essay on the Development of Christian Doctrine (1845). Development per se does not mean "fundamental transformation". It can mean drawing out insights from previous insights based upon the deposit of faith. And such drawing out is a process of evolving. For instance, a theology of Mary as the Mother of God could not develop, viz., evolve until it was dogmatically ascertained that Jesus is God (Second Person incarnate). Arian Christians did not accept this. If Jesus is the location, like a boat with two captains, of a human soul and divine reality, then Mary cannot be the mother of God, only of the body of Jesus. Try reading Newman as the Cardinal details the principles of a valid evolution or development of doctrine.

Islam too has evolved and developed. Like Christianity (e.g., Catholicism and Protestantism) a large divide has evolved between Shia and Sunni. And it seems that such a divide can lead to violent conflict, just as it did for Christians in the 30-Years War in Europe (though that war included more than religious factors). Indeed, one reason some Muslims' kill other Muslims² or some others³, etc., is that clamants for the original deposit have evolved positions that exclude each other to such a degree that only forceful repression can save the day. If you do not think that Catholicism has ever used repressoin, including lethal suppression, in the course of its history, you need to study history. Just consider how the "Christian" Franks under Charlesmagne converted the pagan Saxons at the point of a sword (with the possible loss of a Saxon head) and you will have all the violence you need. It is to be noted that Frankish monks did enter into the conquered Saxons and with patient charity realized a conversion of the heart. But the baptism itself was under the threat of death. Yet more, Charles was backed by the Pope of that time. Islam is full of bloody conflicts, internal and external. What does this mean for an analysis of religion per se?

All acts of any type that are to be subsumed under religious behavior constitute the formal object of "religious study", a science focused upon the formal object, and not a moral system.

@VRS, the study of religion is the study of behavior carried by people who consider it to be religious. In a discipline such as "religous studies" the concept of "the dignity of religion" cannot be used to exclude from the study any religious behavior one might wish to judge as not worthy of dignity. The scientific "knowledge of religion" is amoral, i.e., is concerned with what happens religiously and with a theory to explain these happenings, not with their dignity. Judgments of dignity derive from moral principles and morality is a different area of study. What might be considered an act not worthy of "true" religion is the product of moral reflection, and is at such valid. However, such a moral(izing) judgment has nothing to do with "religion" per se and all its manifestations. This conceptual error underlies, I hold, the opinions uttered by @Gregory.
There can be no room for doubt; only those who are depraved and lost to all sense of dignity, knowledge of religion, and hardly conscious of the existence of God...
😇 🤗More
There can be no room for doubt; only those who are depraved and lost to all sense of dignity, knowledge of religion, and hardly conscious of the existence of God...

😇 🤗
I have to agree with you Gregory. Even in parishes here in the United States and maybe other places in the World does not obey the teaching, and are not norm, but follow and do what they want...
Really heart breaking.More
I have to agree with you Gregory. Even in parishes here in the United States and maybe other places in the World does not obey the teaching, and are not norm, but follow and do what they want...

Really heart breaking.
In matters of religion the media and the majority of men today must be considered as ignorant; and in consequence of this ignorance they make no crime of exciting and cherishing hatred against other religions and even their own neighbor.
His Eminence, Cardinal Pietro Parolin, is keen, precise and experienced in matters of religion and it would be wise for good Catholics to listen to what he teaches …More
In matters of religion the media and the majority of men today must be considered as ignorant; and in consequence of this ignorance they make no crime of exciting and cherishing hatred against other religions and even their own neighbor.

His Eminence, Cardinal Pietro Parolin, is keen, precise and experienced in matters of religion and it would be wise for good Catholics to listen to what he teaches regarding religion. Also, it would be a dishonest speculation at this point to consider the malice, foul, and inhuman methods of ISIS as having any foundation to religion. Unfortunately, any false religion or extremist faction can claim Islam or Christianity as their own. No true Christian or Muslim can fail to shrink from the horrors of ISIS; only those who are lost to all sense of the dignity of religion.

Jak ta rumunka ma w końcu na imię?
A Lucia. 😁
Luchilka, ty rumunko 😜