Francis says Words of Jesus Christ are not the Word of God

Chaos Frank tries to explain the Gospel… Francis says Words of Jesus Christ are not the Word of God For his Sunday Angelus address yesterday,…
Marie Madeleine
We must remain polite in our language, despite the disgraces we are witnessing. Pure hypocrisy, hatred towards God, rejection of doctrine, the opposite of the holy gospels. He mocks God in everyone's face. How arrogant...
The only titles that suits this person is: the False Prophet. The little horn. He is the one who will help the antichrist to sit on the Seat of Peter. He doesn't love God. He is …More
We must remain polite in our language, despite the disgraces we are witnessing. Pure hypocrisy, hatred towards God, rejection of doctrine, the opposite of the holy gospels. He mocks God in everyone's face. How arrogant...

The only titles that suits this person is: the False Prophet. The little horn. He is the one who will help the antichrist to sit on the Seat of Peter. He doesn't love God. He is very dangerous (poor priests, bishops and cardinals, poor world!). And the only one he serves is Lucifer, with the help of his close friend : the antichrist.

Daniel 7:8 While I was contemplating the horns, suddenly another horn, a little one, came up among them, and three of the first horns were uprooted before it. This horn had eyes like those of a man and a mouth that spoke words of arrogance.

(2Thes. 2) 11 This is why God sends them a power of seduction so that they believe the lie, 12 And be condemned, all those people who, instead of believing the truth; delight in iniquity.
Angelo Santelli
Poster ultradark will call you a sedevacantist, LOL. I have said since posting here that Bergoglio must go. He is filth.
Focus on Jesus our Lord and Saviour and Mary his Mother and our Mother and pray for good sheppards to guide us to the Truth
Hugh N. Cry
And Jesus asked him, “What is your name?” He replied, “My name is Legion; for we are many.” Sounds like dialogue. Just more wacky statements from Francis/Jorge. Is it heretical, possibly, but I’m a simple layman and don’t have power to pass judgment. I ignore him and pray this hireling is soon replaced. Have mercy on us Lord for we DO know what we are doing.
John A Cassani
While it is very clumsy, if not outright wrong, to say that the Scriptures are not Jesus’ own words, there is a distinction between His words in the Gospels, which He speaks as man, and those of the Old Testament, which He inspired as God. In quoting these verses of the Old Testament, Jesus elevates them to the exalted level of the Gospels, in a very similar fashion to how He elevated the institution …More
While it is very clumsy, if not outright wrong, to say that the Scriptures are not Jesus’ own words, there is a distinction between His words in the Gospels, which He speaks as man, and those of the Old Testament, which He inspired as God. In quoting these verses of the Old Testament, Jesus elevates them to the exalted level of the Gospels, in a very similar fashion to how He elevated the institution of marriage to the level of Sacrament at Cana. Of course, it is wrong to imply that anything in the universe, aside from sin, belongs to anyone but God. I think it goes without saying, anyway, that the Christology coming out of Rome these days is an utter disaster.
paul grech
Bergoglio is a heretic spawn of satan.
Sunamis 49…21/11/revelation-of-priest-who-read-complete.html. It tells the content of what is to come upon the world.
Those who have read the third secret of Fatima, except for the Vatican hierarchy, say that what it contained is much more than what the Vatican revealed in the year 2000.
Even those who have dedicated themselves to studying it in depth have concluded that there is …More…21/11/revelation-of-priest-who-read-complete.html. It tells the content of what is to come upon the world.

Those who have read the third secret of Fatima, except for the Vatican hierarchy, say that what it contained is much more than what the Vatican revealed in the year 2000.
Even those who have dedicated themselves to studying it in depth have concluded that there is a leaf that was not made known.
Moreover, researchers such as Antonio Socci, began to study the subject to debunk rumors that the 2000 text was incomplete and ended up firmly believing that there is something else that was not published.
Here we will discuss what Father Malachi Martin revealed about the contents of the Third Secret of Fatima, which he read in 1960, provided by John XXIII himself.

Father Malachi Martin was an Irish Jesuit who was born in 1920 and died in 1999.
He was a paleographer who devoted himself to the study of ancient documents from biblical times.
A first-rate scholar, he earned three doctorates, developed fluency in eight languages and was an expert in Semitic script from the time of Abraham.
By the age of 30 he had become a professor at the Pontifical Biblical Institute.
He was also a highly respected exorcist.
And John XXIII brought him to Rome because he wanted a person with extensive Muslim and Jewish contacts.
And he became an assistant to Cardinal Bea and an active participant in the Second Vatican Council.
It is said that he was being groomed to join the Church's ruling elite because of his recognized brilliance.
But at some point, Father Martin seemed to have become disillusioned with the leadership of the Church and in particular the Jesuit order.
And in 1964, near the end of the Council, he asked to be released from vows and to live independently.
He was driven, in his words, by his conclusion that many in the Church, and particularly in his own order, were more interested in power than in saving souls.
And he would later denounce the Jesuits for allying themselves with Marxists, especially in Central and South America; he was referring to Liberation Theology.
In 1965, he moved to New York, where he worked washing dishes and driving a cab, but soon established himself as a writer, writing 17 successful books, about fictional stories, but which he would later say 90% had happened, although he had disguised them.
His novels are prophetic, especially 1998's "Wind-swept House," with a plot that centers on pressure on a pope to resign so that a pope who will make liberal changes can be elected.
He died of an intracerebral hemorrhage due to a fall, and in a documentary it was said that when he was admitted to the hospital he reported that he was pushed by a demonic force, off the stool on which he was standing.
Father Martin acted as private secretary to Cardinal Augustin Bea for six years, from 1958 to 1964, at the time of the Second Vatican Council.
During this time he said he read the Third Secret of Fatima and came to know the major players who orchestrated the changes that took place in the Church.
He recounted, for example, that during the Second Vatican Council, Cardinal Bea came to Martin's room in anguish and was sweating anxiously.
And he told him that he had just heard the theologian Hans Küng, then a priest, say that unlike the Protestant rebels of yesteryear, he and his group would stay inside the Church and change it from within.
One day in 1960, Martin found himself traveling in a car with Cardinal Bea and John XXIII.
There were four people present in the vehicle: the driver, Pope John, Cardinal Bea and Malachi Martin.
And during that trip Pope John himself gave the Secret to Malachi to read, because he spoke fluent Portuguese.
It was written on a sheet of paper, not on the four sheets of paper presented by the Vatican in 2000.
And on many subsequent occasions Martin spoke of the Third Secret, even though he was under oath not to disclose explicitly its contents, but he cleverly sidestepped it.
When someone else touched on questions of the Secret, he would say yes or no, whether it was in the Secret or not, to comply with not disclosing it.
For example, in his last live interview in the late 1990s on the Art Bell show, before millions of listeners, Malachi said that there is something terribly horrifying about the Third Secret.
He admitted that there will be a world war and a great disaster in which many people will die.
And he then made it clear that God would eventually have to intervene with the three days of darkness.
And that this was beyond anything imaginable.
Most shockingly, a listener told Martin, that he had heard from a priest, who had claimed to have read the Third Secret, that the last Pope would be under the control of satan, and that when Pope John XXIII read this, he fainted, thinking it might be him.
To which Martin replied, yes, that sounds like he had read the text of the Third Secret.
In 1997 Father Martin referred in more detail to that possibility, saying that we could indeed have an apostate Pope, and that in that case we would be involved in something terrible.
We would be in something like a nightmare that would test the faith of the people and that the faith of the majority would be shattered to pieces.
If this happens, he said, the kingdom of darkness would have the prize and everything would have to go underground.
Let us remember that already in the apparition of Our Lady of La Salette, in 1846, Our Lady spoke of Rome losing the faith.
And Abbé Combe, editor of the Secret of La Salette, said that the visionary Melanie explained that the Church would be eclipsed and that for a time the holy sacrifice would cease to be offered in churches, there would be no more public worship.
But however it would not cease, it would be offered in caves, in tunnels, in barns and in houses.

According to what Malachi Martin divulged, the Third Secret covers three main themes.
A physical punishment of the nations, involving catastrophes, man-made or natural, on land, in water and in the atmosphere.
A spiritual punishment, far more terrifying and distressing, especially for Roman Catholics than physical hardship, which would consist of the disappearance of the faith, a period of widespread infidelity in many countries.
And third, that Russia was the regulator of the Fatima calendar.
The role of Russia is very important, because the cure for the evils of the world, will begin in Russia.
And that is why the Virgin Mary has actively spoken about Russia in Fatima.
Salvation will come from that area, especially from Ukraine and Russia itself, which is extraordinary.
Martin said in 1990 that what was said in the Third Secret of Fatima was already being fulfilled, the Church was in the midst of a spreading apostasy.
And he declared in 1997 that a great majority of Catholics were in apostasy, driven to loss of faith by apostasizing Churchmen.
He said more than 20 years ago, that a considerable minority of Cardinals, Bishops, Priests and Religious were in apostasy.
They no longer professed the basic truths of Catholicism and yet they were in charge of the church.
We are facing a self-demolition, he said.
And he said further, in Rome there is an immovable force, which cannot be dislodged by ordinary human means.
That is why Christ chose His mother who should be the one to come and finally save the Church.
Finally he said that this terrible process could be avoided, it need not happen, if two requests made by the Virgin Mary were granted.
One, that whoever the Pope might be, that he publish the text of the Third Secret in its entirety for the whole world to read and know.
Two, that the Pope, with all his bishops acting collegially, then consecrate Russia explicitly to the Immaculate Heart of Mary.
Also Malachi Martin said that a powerful group had performed within the Vatican a consecration to the devil.
And then, asked about this, the exorcist Gabriele Amorth answered that it is perfectly credible, that it has probably been done.
But this is a topic for another time.
Well, so much for what we wanted to tell about what one of the people who read it has said about the contents of the Third Secret of Fatima.
This was told by Father Malachi Martin more than 20 years ago and the things he said it would contain seem to be coming more and more clearly to pass.
Perhaps we should pray for what Malachi Martin suggested, that the Church publish the third secret of Fatima in its entirety and that the Pope consecrate Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, in union with all the bishops of the world and specifically naming Russia.
And I would like to ask you if you consider that there are already clear signs that the facts contained in the third secret of Fatima are beginning to take place, or not yet.
Bergoglio is a permanent disgrace, imposition and impertinence! I can't see him any more as Christ's Vicar.
Hound of Heaven
Many times when Pope Francis preaches, even though I read it in translation, it appears to be an alien version of the scriptures and Church teaching, not quite 'in sync' with traditional Catholic dogma, as I understand it, at any rate. He also often appears to be tapping into perspectives which reflect Arianism.