
Dangerous Precedent: Vatican Wants Cecilia Marogna

The Vatican asked Italy to extradite Cecilia Marogna, the friend of Cardinal Becciu.

The Vatican has no formal extradition treaty with Italy. Nevertheless, the country allows extraditions to States without treaties, but only if they guarantee the rights of the suspect. Here the problems start.

The Vatican considers the canonical order as the first source of legislation, has no separation of powers, doesn’t accept the International Court of Justice, and is at the Pope’s whims.

An example: The Vatican is conducting an abuse trial against a former seminarian. The trial should never have started because the alleged crime was prescribed. However, Francis simply wrote a July 2019 "rescriptum" cancelling the statute of limitations ad hoc, although the non-retroactivity of the law is sacred.

The newspapers applauded Francis, but others remembered that he was more merciful with friend Zanchetta.

Further, Marogna's extradition would open the door both ways. Italy could ask to arrest and extradite some cardinals bunked up in the Vatican.
