De Profundis
Parody Or Real Life? Masked & Confused Joe Biden Promotes New COVID Vaccines: Allegedly receiving a COVID shot, President Biden says, “We’re going to have well over 1.1 billion shots and we’re going …More
Parody Or Real Life? Masked & Confused Joe Biden Promotes New COVID Vaccines: Allegedly receiving a COVID shot, President Biden says, “We’re going to have well over 1.1 billion shots and we’re going to continue going. We’re going to do our part.” What’s most alarming is what he says at the end: “The largest part in the world is getting everyone vaccinated.” As it is widely known at this point, the COVID vaccines are not necessary, nor are they safe or effective. So, why the relentless effort to continue getting everyone vaccinated?
I wouldn't trust the flu shot either.
George Obregon
How do you know the "flu shot" is not just a flu shot with Wuhan-jab gene-therapy mixed in?
/The Non-vaccinated Shall Inherit The Earth. ✞More
How do you know the "flu shot" is not just a flu shot with Wuhan-jab gene-therapy mixed in?

/The Non-vaccinated Shall Inherit The Earth. ✞
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
I hesitate getting nother COVID-19 shot, after reading about all the illnesses, symptoms, and cancer some people have developed after getting the vax. Don't know if it's the cause, but I m not interested in another shot.
Flu shot, sure. Another Covid-19 shot, no thanks.🤪
Carol H
Please don't touch the Flu shot either. All made by the same companies with the same agenda. Since my aged parents stopped taking their annual flue shot they are in better health! The symptoms of "the Flu" is your body detoxing - trying to flush out poisons. It's a good thing.
You're looking at this the wrong way. Biden got the real shot - they want him out.
Sunamis 49
Could be.
Sunamis 49
Louis IX and getting rid of useless eater i guess?
Louis IX
Could be
Louis IX
‘Part’ to what end? Pharma profits and kickbacks to gov. Officials?