
Francis Opens Novus Ordo Churches for Protestants, FORBIDDEN for Catholics

During his November 4 speech at an ecumenical meeting in Bahrain, Francis encouraged his audience to maintain the "fine habit" of making church buildings available to other communities "for the worship …More
During his November 4 speech at an ecumenical meeting in Bahrain, Francis encouraged his audience to maintain the "fine habit" of making church buildings available to other communities "for the worship of the one Lord.”
He added that “the praise of God” is the “spiritual cenacle” to make unity among Christians.
This is the same Francis who is banning the celebration of Roman Mass in parish churches. It is clear from Francis' words that he sees the Novus Ordo as just another form of Protestant worship, while he opposes the Catholic liturgy.
Picture: Vatican Media, #newsFqsukhsmax
Ivan Tomas
The false prophet spoke again.
Another excellent gloria.tv cartoon.
Darrell J Roman
The man they call Francis is not a Roman Catholic! Case closed! as Archie Bunker would say in "All in the Family." Case closed, he is not in any way Roman Catholic, he is a destroyer! Case Closed!
That picture looks like a fine masonic hall. No wonder Francis went
John A Cassani
Yes it does. It is, I believe, a Neo-Catechumenal Way church. They are known for putting the ambo on a par with the altar.
Sancte Teotónio
This reminds me of the hegelian dialectics: you have a thesis, then you have the ones who are against -> the anti-thesis.
Since we are making belief that no one has the absolute Truth (doubt introduced by Kant and Descartes), the thesis and the anti-thesis have to clash with each-other (because both have bits of truth), and in the end we are left with the synThesis of both sides.
At the political …More
This reminds me of the hegelian dialectics: you have a thesis, then you have the ones who are against -> the anti-thesis.

Since we are making belief that no one has the absolute Truth (doubt introduced by Kant and Descartes), the thesis and the anti-thesis have to clash with each-other (because both have bits of truth), and in the end we are left with the synThesis of both sides.

At the political level we see this in the framing of left/right wings. Another instance is the importing of "migrants" to clash with natives and then we are left (after the clash in which someone has to die, the necessary sacrifice), with the end result which will be some kind of synthesis of both sides, which supposedly brings us closer to the truth.

Francis is doing this a the religious level. Giving green pass to prots in catholic churches, the catholics aren't going to like (at least some) and there is going to be a clash and chaos. What this people believe is that they can wait for the order out of the chaos.

This is literally a revolutionary mindset. Only revolutionaries are willing to create chaos to "progress" to some higher order to "advance times".

Our Lord loves order and not chaos and He would never create chaos to bring order out of it.
Jeffrey Ade
You are right! Good observation! Our Lady of Fatima, keep you!