
Viganò: Francis, Beware of Hell!

Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò directed on June 29 a “Severe Warning” regarding eternal life to those pastors — including Francis — who promote the LGBTXYZ agenda. It is for Viganò "painful and tragic …More
Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò directed on June 29 a “Severe Warning” regarding eternal life to those pastors — including Francis — who promote the LGBTXYZ agenda.
It is for Viganò "painful and tragic" to see that "wicked shepherds" join in the “brazen promotion of sodomy” by the state which is corrupting people from an early age. Viganò calls these shepherds "traitors and mercenaries."
A big part of the Catholic hierarchy up to the pope is in “apostasy” and an “enemy of God, of his law, and of our souls,” Viganò explains. This is visible by the fact that homosex flags "fly on the facades of cathedrals, the balconies of bishops’ residences, and even inside churches.”
Viganò insists that Francis has surrounded himself with "immoral persons who wink at LGBTQ+ movements and hypocritically simulate a welcome and an inclusivity that betrays their choice of field and their sinful tendencies.” Thus, even Bergoglio is considered among those who “make sodomy licit in the name of a charity which …More
Abp. Vigano should re-acquaint himself with The Church's official definition of "apostasy" before condemning other Catholic leaders of it. Short Version, he's wrong and they're not.
A good priest tries to warn those who are on the road to that they are in danger. Well done, Archbishop Vigano
atreverse pensar
He doesn't says: "Pope Francis"; only Francis or Bergoglio
Christopher Jay Kimsey
Very true, silence brings forth death, and discretion defers only in crises. The Archbishop is a true friend of Christ & His Church. If we stray in our pronouncements, it is Christ's example and the Traditions of Faith, Word, & Martyrs that guides are example for living Christ filled and productive lives. The Righteous are bold as Lions, contending for the Faith. Whether it be Peter or Paul, our …More
Very true, silence brings forth death, and discretion defers only in crises. The Archbishop is a true friend of Christ & His Church. If we stray in our pronouncements, it is Christ's example and the Traditions of Faith, Word, & Martyrs that guides are example for living Christ filled and productive lives. The Righteous are bold as Lions, contending for the Faith. Whether it be Peter or Paul, our prayer is for sanctified living and an end to crisis of Faith.
“When you have something to say, silence is a lie.”
— Jordan B. Peterson
Catholics after weeks of Francis obsessively attacking them for being 'rigid'