
Brazil: Cowardly Bishops Pretend to Be "Responsible"

Many Brazilian states and cities are reopening their activities, including religious services, while the Brazilian bishops continue keeping their churches under lockdown.

Roraima Bishop Mário Antônio da Silva, 53, the deputy president of the bishops’ conference, told NcrOnline.org (June 11), that the church will “avoid an immediate return to in-person activities” to preserve the people’s health.

“We'll certainly be criticised, but we have to be responsible,” he feigned.

These are the same bishops who promote the gargantuan decline of the Church in their country because they are replacing Christ with boring leftwing slogans.


Like Francis they want churches shut forever.
Alex A
Rambling musings of mine:-In Matthew 16:18 Jesus then continues: "And I say also unto thee, That thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it....." What might the Devil be saying to Francis?....perhaps....." Upon this 'feather' you will be able to demolish His church." Nah! He couldn't, could he? Ticklish question though.
Nothing new,
Most Catholics are being led by faith alone...