
"Pandemic": French Nun, 117, Europe's Oldest Person, Beats Covid-19

Europe's oldest person, Sister André Randon, a Daughter of Charity of Saint Vincent de Paul, survived COVID-19 without even getting sick from it, France24.com reports.

The religious will celebrate her 117th birthday on February 11. Sister André tested positive for Covid-19 in her retirement home in Toulon on January 16. She was isolated from other residents, but displayed no symptoms.

Later, she told journalists that she wasn’t afraid “because I wasn't scared to die.” On the contrary, “I'm happy to be with you, but I would wish to be somewhere else – join my big brother and my grandfather and my grandmother.”

A former Protestant, Sr André became a Catholic in 1923. She was born in 1904, exactly five months before Alexei Nikolaevich (+1918), the Tsarevich of Russia. Antonín Dvořák died seven weeks after her birth.


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Not to disrespect her, but it probably was a false positive. A monk in his 90's I know was also told he had it (because of positive test). After 2 weeks of isolation, he emerged saying that the doctors were wrong. He came to this conclusion based on common sense. He had no symptoms and felt fine. He rufused to go along with the notion he "beat the virus".
Cuthbert Mayne
Well she survived Vatican 2 so covid would be a walk in the park
Life is not worth having if it is not worth losing.
Tough enough to make it to 117? No surprise you beat this sort of influenca.
The exact opposite sentiment of the world.