
More Bishops, Sisters Push Young People Into Homosexuality

Four more bishops and the Louisville Ursuline sisters signed a statement of a Cardinal and seven US bishops supporting the homosexuality of young people, “God is on your side,” they believe.

The four new bishops are John Dolan (San Diego), Joseph Kopacz (Jackson), Ricardo Ramirez (Las Cruces, retired) and Anthony Taylor (Little Rock).

From the Ursuline sisters, five sisters representing the leadership signed the statement. They hope that “more communities will join us.”


la verdad prevalece and 2 more users link to this post
la verdad prevalece
Timothy warned that in later times many would abandon the true faith to follow diabolical doctrines. Jesus Christ also said that many would come in his name to deceive many souls, just as Saint Peter warned that false teachers would drag many into immorality, Saint Paul also said that just as the devil disguises himself as an angel of Light, these impostors disguise themselves as ministers of …More
Timothy warned that in later times many would abandon the true faith to follow diabolical doctrines. Jesus Christ also said that many would come in his name to deceive many souls, just as Saint Peter warned that false teachers would drag many into immorality, Saint Paul also said that just as the devil disguises himself as an angel of Light, these impostors disguise themselves as ministers of Justice but they will receive the eternal punishment they deserve.
The Virgin in La Salette also prophesied that apostate priests and nuns would abandon the faith and drag many souls to eternal perdition. Ursuline Sisters join growing list of US bishops telling LGBT youth that ‘God is on your side’ | News | LifeSite (lifesitenews.com)
To find what is right we must be rid of the accumulation of things we now know to be wrong.
Cuthbert Mayne
Of course they would. Where else would they get their meat?
So misguided! Where are their confessors? Our Lady of Good Success, pray for us!
Pope Innocent lll
Rather than promote the beauty and immense productivity in living chaste, these frauds willfully choose to defy our Creator.
In past centuries, teaching in a Catholic School, a chaste nun could completely focus her life on the love of Christ, and instructing children.
By the time one single faithful nun retired, she had guided along many hundreds, even …More
Rather than promote the beauty and immense productivity in living chaste, these frauds willfully choose to defy our Creator.
In past centuries, teaching in a Catholic School, a chaste nun could completely focus her life on the love of Christ, and instructing children.
By the time one single faithful nun retired, she had guided along many hundreds, even thousands of baptized children in the sacred faith and general knowledge. Her way of life: modesty and fidelity to Christ, significantly aided in the building of strong nations.
The chaste nuns of the past, are legendary.
Disgusting apostates leading souls to hell
Seriously, @JezusMaryja1 Could ANYONE confuse today's clergy with Jesus? From the look of these women, I doubt anyone would confuse them with nuns. :D Especially that scary "manly" one in the dark blue.
they r sisters of Lucifer and until they repent and convert we have to pray for their conversion so they will not loose their eternal souls.
Holy Bible says about many ANTI -CHRISTS....It is time...