
Benedict's Funeral "with Simplicity"

Vatican spokesman Matteo Bruni announced that Benedict received the Last Rites on Wednesday afternoon after Holy Mass. He will lie-in-state in St. Peter’s Basilica from Monday January 2nd till Wednesday …More
Vatican spokesman Matteo Bruni announced that Benedict received the Last Rites on Wednesday afternoon after Holy Mass.
He will lie-in-state in St. Peter’s Basilica from Monday January 2nd till Wednesday January 4th. Benedict XVI’s funeral will be presided by Francis on Thursday, January 5, in St Peter’s Square to allow the most possible people to assist in person.
In accordance with Benedict’s wishes, his funeral rites will take place "with simplicity." Benedict XVI will be buried in the Vatican Grottoes in the tomb of John XXIII, where John Paul II was initially laid to rest.
Cardinal Gerhard Müller, who founded the Benedict XVI Institute to make available Joseph Ratzinger’s collected works, told NcRegister.com that Benedict XVI will be remembered as “true doctor of the Church for Today” and a “great thinker.”
Archbishop Georg Gänswein said that Benedict told him in his last hours, “Please pray for me!"
For Gänswein the death means “a great and personal loss,” “I am deeply grateful and …More
Laura Yunque
We should not be canonizing him. Pray for his soul.
Ralph Alexander Michael Curtis
He used the Papacy to destroy the Church from within and is praised for his efforts by his followers.
The Heresies of Benedict XVI
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
He is praised because he did a lot of good as well. He opened the doors wide for Catholic traditionalism and traditional faithful with "Summorum Pontificum", which the worthless bishops tried to supress. Despite his faults, Benedict XVI will be honored for this great work. He also tried to initiate in the last 1 1/2 years of his reign an investigation into American nuns, which have become radical …More
He is praised because he did a lot of good as well. He opened the doors wide for Catholic traditionalism and traditional faithful with "Summorum Pontificum", which the worthless bishops tried to supress. Despite his faults, Benedict XVI will be honored for this great work. He also tried to initiate in the last 1 1/2 years of his reign an investigation into American nuns, which have become radical dissenting/progressive liberals. But it doesn't really matter that heretic Francis stopped the investigation....because all the radical liberal Orders of nuns in the USA which 70-75 years ago were magnificent Orders flourishing with vocations, and now ALL aged communities with average ages of 80+. Investigations don't matter anymore. In 5-6 years, they will 90% be gone. Good riddance.
Ralph Alexander Michael Curtis
Pope Francis is the natural product of Vatican II. Pope Benedict XVI was the architect of Vatican II. He put the Latin Mass on a lesser level than the Novus Ordo. It's like putting Barabbas above Jesus. The so called Trads. are content with this.
Impressive hard work to get all those fragments together. But there is one thing. I always wonder how you guys think that saying out loud to the members of another belief system that they are wrong and heretic because that is just how it is, will bring about peace. You expect to drive every nail, every time with one hammerstrike. B!6 must have learned from the Regensburg Lecture that diplomacy is …More
Impressive hard work to get all those fragments together. But there is one thing. I always wonder how you guys think that saying out loud to the members of another belief system that they are wrong and heretic because that is just how it is, will bring about peace. You expect to drive every nail, every time with one hammerstrike. B!6 must have learned from the Regensburg Lecture that diplomacy is a painful path until Jesus comes back. And then what will Jesus say? Will he go straight with the heels up front against everything that is not catholic? Is that how you see reality?
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
"does it have a more important meaning?"------like many news o outlets have speculated, the death of Pope Benedict XVI means that Pope Francis won't be around for long either. His health is NOT good, and everyone expects him to very quickly resign. So many faithful Catholics hope he does, and a true Catholic replaces him.
Laura Yunque
God have mercy on his soul.
Pope Benedict XIV died at the end of the year , does it have a more important meaning ? we pray that God have mercy on us and receive this good servant in Paradise
Sally Dorman
Cardinal Gerhard Müller already calling late Benedict VI "Doctor of the Church'
We are all deeply grateful for this good and holy Pope - and at the same time very sad - let us all continue to pray for his eternal rest - Our Lady of Fatima, intercede for the Church, which has yet to obey your wishes and commands at Fatima. We still need the official release of the 3rd Secret of Fatima and the true consecration of Russia, as you have asked.