
It's Not True, That the SSPX Did Not Involve the Police

After Father A., a member of the Priestly Society of Saint Pius X (SSPX), went on trial in Belgium for alleged sexual abuse, Belgian media claimed, that the SSPX had tried to resolve the problem without involving the police. But "Radio Télévision Suisse" reported on June 4th that the opposite is the case. The SSPX did indeed involve the authorities in 2011 after suspicions arose against Fr. A.

Picture: FSSPX, © Jim, the Photographer, CC BY, #newsStphdjbvnn
jacouille54 Try conforming thoughts to reality and use Catholic methodology of dialogue. Otherwise discussion will be a battle of abstractive and conflicting ideas. Truth is not subjective therefore it does not result from its majority acceptance. Otherwise today, we would probably have the Arianic interpretation of the Dogma of Holy Trinity because over 90% Bishops have supported heresy. Law of …More
jacouille54 Try conforming thoughts to reality and use Catholic methodology of dialogue. Otherwise discussion will be a battle of abstractive and conflicting ideas. Truth is not subjective therefore it does not result from its majority acceptance. Otherwise today, we would probably have the Arianic interpretation of the Dogma of Holy Trinity because over 90% Bishops have supported heresy. Law of the sects is a disproportion of analogy to canon law in true Church and religion. I reckon you syncretise and indifferentiate religions[see syllbus errorum]. And Divine law codified in CC is above "Modern Rule of Law", you adhere to, which for example since early 20th century lead to the greatest Holocaust of unborn children. Sapienti sat!
@Rafał_Ovile : call me an evil freemason revolutionary if you like. Modern Rule of Law is by no means anti-christian (the Church has accepted it) and works better than a communitarian society where crimes are judged by rabbinical or sharia or canonical or tribal courts depending on your faith or ethnicity.
jacouille54 Your argument stems from the school of legal positivism because you reduced it to legal system as closed, logical system in which correct decisions can be deduced from predetermined legal rules without reference to Church ecclesiology, theology, philosophy and social transformations. This mentality is influenced by great revolutionaries of the lat 500 years, especially freemasonic French …More
jacouille54 Your argument stems from the school of legal positivism because you reduced it to legal system as closed, logical system in which correct decisions can be deduced from predetermined legal rules without reference to Church ecclesiology, theology, philosophy and social transformations. This mentality is influenced by great revolutionaries of the lat 500 years, especially freemasonic French enlightenment separation of CC and state. Suggest less emotional exaltation and more reasoning pro bono Ecclesiae.
@Rafał_Ovile : if a priest or a bishop commits a crime, he should be answerable before a criminal court just like everybody else. What you're advocating is a kind of hush-hush mafia justice system. Shame on you !
Today, the next phase of neomodernist revolution inside Catholic Church lead by Francis is the submission of Churchmen to civil law, its executive organs, parallel to abandoning canon law and discipline. Through decades MSM propaganda of massive sexual abuse among Roman-Catholic clergy, as part of antichurch strategy, financially and spiritually destabilized our Mother Church. It is the extreme …More
Today, the next phase of neomodernist revolution inside Catholic Church lead by Francis is the submission of Churchmen to civil law, its executive organs, parallel to abandoning canon law and discipline. Through decades MSM propaganda of massive sexual abuse among Roman-Catholic clergy, as part of antichurch strategy, financially and spiritually destabilized our Mother Church. It is the extreme outcome of the dangerous false freemasonic separation between the Church and state contrary to real autonomy. Canon law with traditional discipline and education in seminary formation to priesthood is sufficient to minimize the small percentage of offences in clergy and discipline offenders through isolation in convents. However, today's ecclesiology submitted to worldliness does not aim to restore true autonomy of Church and state by return to Christendom. Catholics should be smarter and vigilant than attending media "Olympic games" and "priest hunt" with antichurch for those that were educated in new ecclesiology. Priests in the last decades were subjected to education which gives little or no Catholic theology, philosophy and ascetic protection against multiple temptations of the ongoing neomarxist western decadence. No different is the repressive hunt for FSSPX with end to destroy and subjugate Fraternity under civil law to neomarxist "safe-space". The urgent priority of the Church is to return to Catholic Ordo, by implementing classical education from grade one to seminaries on Church premices.