
Abuse-Hoax Turns Into Open Persecution: Innocent Cardinal Pell Will Be Imprisoned On Wednesday

The falsely convicted Cardinal George Pell will be remanded into custody after a plea hearing on Wednesday. Pell is likely to be sentenced in the fortnight after that hearing, reports TheAge.com.au …More
The falsely convicted Cardinal George Pell will be remanded into custody after a plea hearing on Wednesday.
Pell is likely to be sentenced in the fortnight after that hearing, reports TheAge.com.au (February 26).
He has always and vigorously maintained his innocence that became clear during the trial.
There is overwhelming evidence that Pell cannot have committed the crimes he was convicted for - even if he had wanted to do so.
All the witnesses have confirmed that abusing children on a Sunday in the sacristy of Melbourne Cathedral after Mass would have been impossible. People who were near Pell testified that no abuse had happened. To no avail.
Pell's mendacious accuser asked the media “not to reveal my identity.”
The Vatican issued a statement (February 26) reiterating their “utmost respect" for the [corrupt] Australian judicial authorities but are waiting for the outcome of the appeal.
Picture: George Pell, © Mazur/catholicnews.org.uk, CC BY-SA, #newsXqdscnjhpr
diane wyder shares this
Holy Mary and Saint Joseph, Terror of demons, protect and strengthen and saveCardinal Pell
Am not convinced by any stretch. Sounds like a hatchet job
There are many accusers and where are the defenders?
They were there, over 25 witness took the stand and many others were outside supporting this innocent Cardinal, but they were drowned out by those who hate the catholic church! It was pure evil, the smirks and joy on the faces of those who hate the church were like the same smirks on the faces of those who turn up hurling insults at pro life rallies.
GTV My comments: 1. "He should not be trialed under civil law which is the accomplishment of the great theological, philosophical and social revolutions of the last 500 years, from Luter to Frankfurt school. It is the the example of false Church and state separation which leverages civil law over God's law." [Pure Evil: The Bogus Accusations Against Cardinal Pell]
2. "Today, the next phase of …More
GTV My comments: 1. "He should not be trialed under civil law which is the accomplishment of the great theological, philosophical and social revolutions of the last 500 years, from Luter to Frankfurt school. It is the the example of false Church and state separation which leverages civil law over God's law." [Pure Evil: The Bogus Accusations Against Cardinal Pell]

2. "Today, the next phase of neomodernist revolution inside Catholic Church lead by Francis is the submission of Churchmen to civil law, its executive organs, parallel to abandoning canon law and discipline. Through decades MSM propaganda of massive sexual abuse among Roman-Catholic clergy, as part of antichurch strategy, financially and spiritually destabilized our Mother Church. It is the extreme outcome of the dangerous false freemasonic separation between the Church and state contrary to real autonomy. Canon law with traditional discipline and education in seminary formation to priesthood is sufficient to minimize the small percentage of offences in clergy and discipline offenders through isolation in convents. However, today's ecclesiology submitted to worldliness does not aim to restore true autonomy of Church and state by return to Christendom. Catholics should be smarter and vigilant than attending media "Olympic games" and "priest hunt" with antichurch for those that were educated in new ecclesiology. Priests in the last decades were subjected to education which gives little or no Catholic theology, philosophy and ascetic protection against multiple temptations of the ongoing neomarxist western decadence. No different is the repressive hunt for FSSPX with end to destroy and subjugate Fraternity under civil law to neomarxist "safe-space". The urgent priority of the Church is to return to Catholic Ordo, by implementing classical education from grade one to seminaries on Church premices." [It's Not True, That the SSPX Did Not Involve the Police]

3. "Since his(pp BXVI) abdication, the liberals have been doing what liberals, clerical or civil, always do – silencing the opposition and using the levers of the institution to destroy it." [marklambert.blogspot.com/…/anglican-blogge…html]

Remaining Catholic resistance should join forces in the battle against evil otherwise following battles will also be lost. SURSUM CORDA!
"The jurors must have judged the complainant to be honest and reliable even though many of the details he gave were improbable if not impossible.... There are some who would convict him of all manner of things in the court of public opinion no matter what the evidence." (Source)
Holy Cannoli
Pell, who remains on bail, left the court on Tuesday without speaking to reporters, who virtually mobbed him as he walked from the courthouse steps to a waiting car.
The corrupt, leftist Establishment of Australia convicted before the trial began.
Anyone who was ever in a sacristy, let alone of a Cathedral, after Sunday Mass, knows that this is a busy place.
Holy Cannoli
...Cardinal Pell Will Be Imprisoned On Wednesday
Not exactly. Chief Judge Peter Kidd has indicated he will remand Pell in custody tomorrow (Feb. 27) but with an appeal already lodged, Pell’s barrister Robert Richter QC could ask the Court of Appeal for appeal bail. www.theage.com.au/…/cardinal-pell-w…More
...Cardinal Pell Will Be Imprisoned On Wednesday

Not exactly. Chief Judge Peter Kidd has indicated he will remand Pell in custody tomorrow (Feb. 27) but with an appeal already lodged, Pell’s barrister Robert Richter QC could ask the Court of Appeal for appeal bail. www.theage.com.au/…/cardinal-pell-w…
The theage paper is to dangers to even wrap up fish N chips with!
Holy Cannoli
If you can rebut what I posted from The Age, do it. If not, you ought to simply shut up and not attempt to discredit another posting or poster. 🤦
First of all, don't tell me to shut up, otherwise i will tell you to shut up, would you like that? i bet you won't, so please don’t play online games with me, for your information I was not knocking you personally I was stating a fact, that the age is a left leaning rag paper, especially so when they have such bias clowns like wright as their “special writer” Theage claim they are a center media …More
First of all, don't tell me to shut up, otherwise i will tell you to shut up, would you like that? i bet you won't, so please don’t play online games with me, for your information I was not knocking you personally I was stating a fact, that the age is a left leaning rag paper, especially so when they have such bias clowns like wright as their “special writer” Theage claim they are a center media outlet, they are not, they are full on left. I stand by what I posted, the age is not even worthy of fish warp.
Holy Cannoli
The article deals with Cardinal Pell and his impending jail sentence. My post deals with that subject directly while your post did nothing other than it being a weak attempt to discredit the source linked.
...the age is not even worthy of fish warp. 😀
'fish warp" 😀
The word is "wrap", Einstein. It is your mind that is "warped" not this article.
Until you can stay on the subject matter of a given …More
The article deals with Cardinal Pell and his impending jail sentence. My post deals with that subject directly while your post did nothing other than it being a weak attempt to discredit the source linked.

...the age is not even worthy of fish warp. 😀

'fish warp" 😀

The word is "wrap", Einstein. It is your mind that is "warped" not this article.

Until you can stay on the subject matter of a given thread you ought to SHUP UP and go away while you're at it.

You can have the last word if you wish. I am done with you. Dealing with rubes spoils my joie de vivre. 😎
I was done with you a long time ago, however i will leave you with my final comment, your condescending attitude on this site towards myself and others have been noted over the years. So I suggest you look in the mirror and do yourself a favor, shut up!
He is on his way to heaven, Jesus was innocent and was condemned. What a blessing for a cardinal to walk in Jesus’s shoes...
On his way to heaven? Are you being sarcastic? He is a convicted child sex offender and on his way to prison and on his way being defrocked.
Convicted by what? By a CANGAROO court no less.
May God rebuke Australia for what they have done to this innocent man. Anyone who condones this witch hunt against a true man of God have his blood on their hands!
alex j
I am an 'aussie' and I'm saddened by the result[s] of the"Pell case" not because of the verdict itself-that is the purview of the courts, from a legal perspective my opinion counts for nought- saddened for the man himself. If he is in need of forgiveness, may God speedily dispense his mercy to him. If not, then may God support him in this terrible ordeal[s] that lie ahead. Looking for someone to …More
I am an 'aussie' and I'm saddened by the result[s] of the"Pell case" not because of the verdict itself-that is the purview of the courts, from a legal perspective my opinion counts for nought- saddened for the man himself. If he is in need of forgiveness, may God speedily dispense his mercy to him. If not, then may God support him in this terrible ordeal[s] that lie ahead. Looking for someone to blame, i.e. the left wing media, is not helpful, nor are the comments from other bloggers that perceive Cdl. Pell as a some martyr wrongfully convicted. Such extremes of for and against the verdict do little if anything, to help the man himself nor indeed his alleged victims. Whatever the final outcome- he has lodged an appeal against the verdict- He surely is in need of our prayers and again, let us not overlook the alleged victim[s] they too need our prayers.
alex j do you personally know Cardinal Pell, have you ever meet him, or spoken to him?
Hey GTVisrockin... your hero, the convicted child sex offender, (soon to be ex) Cardinal George Pell has withdrawn his bail application for bail and will most likely spend tonight in jail.
Hey Troll, welcome to the Gloria TV web site, you will learn a lot about the Catholic Church on this awesome site, perhaps you may even become Catholic, i will certainly be praying for you. May the sufferings of the great Cardinal Pell who fought the good fight be the tool our lord uses for your conversion to the One, true, holy, catholic and apostolic Church! St Mary Mckillop intercede for …More
Hey Troll, welcome to the Gloria TV web site, you will learn a lot about the Catholic Church on this awesome site, perhaps you may even become Catholic, i will certainly be praying for you. May the sufferings of the great Cardinal Pell who fought the good fight be the tool our lord uses for your conversion to the One, true, holy, catholic and apostolic Church! St Mary Mckillop intercede for Cardinal Pell, who faces the same trials and persecution you went through!
alex j
@GTVisrocking. Let me ask you a question before I respond to your question. Is it not God Almighty himself, and only himself, who truly knows what's in a man's heart? If you accept that assertion, which I'm sure you do, then it follows that our knowingness of any person is at best, imperfect. That's why I was at great pains not render an opinion of Cdl Pells innocence or otherwise. Now to your …More
@GTVisrocking. Let me ask you a question before I respond to your question. Is it not God Almighty himself, and only himself, who truly knows what's in a man's heart? If you accept that assertion, which I'm sure you do, then it follows that our knowingness of any person is at best, imperfect. That's why I was at great pains not render an opinion of Cdl Pells innocence or otherwise. Now to your question. My only contact with Cdl. Pell was when he was Auxiliary Bishop to Melbourne [ 1987-1997] and in that capacity he celebrated the first Pontifical High Mass using the Extraordinary form of rite since V2. My wife and I, along with hundreds of other faithful, [estimated congregation of over one thousand] received the blessed sacrament from his Lordship. In conclusion one may ponder more deeply on the claims of Cdl. Wuerl, Cdl.Chupich, etc. all claiming to have no knowledge of McCarrick's 'evil deeds' Did they? or perhaps he was very astute at avoiding any worthwhile scrutiny.
Hey GTVisrockin, ....
You heard it here first. Two minutes ago ... George Pell has been sent to jail where he will remain at least until his appeal. He will probably be in the company of other Catholic clergy doing time for paedophilia and child sex offences. That's right where he belongs.
alex j
Andrew3186@ Please dial down the gloating over Cdl. Pell's imprisonment. Out reaction as Catholic's should be tempered with sadness and besides, the verdict maybe overturned on his appeal. If so, where does that leave you? Equally the verdict maybe upheld. But as Catholic's, we need to remind ourselves of the Gospel account of Our Blessed Lord's response to the crowd who wanted to stone to death a …More
Andrew3186@ Please dial down the gloating over Cdl. Pell's imprisonment. Out reaction as Catholic's should be tempered with sadness and besides, the verdict maybe overturned on his appeal. If so, where does that leave you? Equally the verdict maybe upheld. But as Catholic's, we need to remind ourselves of the Gospel account of Our Blessed Lord's response to the crowd who wanted to stone to death a woman accused of adultery.
alex j
1. You asked. Is it not God Almighty himself, and only himself, who truly knows what's in a man's heart?
Yes indeed it is and that is why he has bought forth defenders of this great prince of the church. God does indeed know the heart of Cardinal Pell’s. Thomas More sums God’s heart up perfectly:
“Tribulation is a gift from God – one that he especially gives His special friends.”
2. That’s …More
alex j
1. You asked. Is it not God Almighty himself, and only himself, who truly knows what's in a man's heart?
Yes indeed it is and that is why he has bought forth defenders of this great prince of the church. God does indeed know the heart of Cardinal Pell’s. Thomas More sums God’s heart up perfectly:

“Tribulation is a gift from God – one that he especially gives His special friends.”

2. That’s wonderful that you and your wife received a blessing from a true and faithful apostle of Christ, indeed you have been blessed. As for me and my family, we are much deeper involved and have known Cardinal Pell over the years when he was in Victoria, we also were friends with one who would definitely be called today, a saint, Father Des Byrne. You may not be aware of him, however if you do some research and ask the right people, you will soon come to know that he was one of the best preachers Melbourne had. The reason why I mention Fr. Des is because he is another who suffered in the 80’s and 90’s during the mod squad of arch Little. There is so much I can tell you that would explain the hatred both inside and outside the church for our dear Cardinal Pell, but I will not do it online. However I will say this, as God is my witness I know Cardinal Pell would never, ever harm anyone, he is and will always be a faithful servant of the lord, he is our next St. Mary Mackillop.
Please in the name of Jesus Christ do not ever mention Cardinal Pell in the mix with Cdl. Wuerl, Cdl.Chupich, McCarrick's and etc, for it was the likes of those in the mod squad (I Hope you know what the term used in Melbourne Mod Squad means) that Cardinal Pell was ousted from and fought against during his time in Victoria and it is the likes of those who happen to still be around that are saying we promised we would get you Pell for dismantling the mod squad in Victoria.
My Family and I will defend and proclaim the innocence of Cardinal Pell until our very last breath. How is it that, you who live in Melbourne and are unable to see the resemblance of Luke 23:18-42. Even my atheist friends tell me this is all B.S
May God send Cardinal Pell a multitude of saints and Angels to give him the strength to carry his cross.