
“Changing Positions Is Sign of Maturity” - Will Francis Change?

Pope Francis said in his opening address at the Youth Synod that the delegates should speak "openly and bravely” although he is known for punishing those who do so.

He then said that “constructive criticism can help." And, "If there is someone I don't like [Dubia Cardinals, Viganò], I must listen more intently.”

Francis asked to “welcome and understand others", to "change our convictions and positions" calling this "a sign of great human and spiritual maturity.”

He repeated his old clichés that the Church should not "always" have a "ready-made answer" and not be "closed to [alleged] newness" and to be closed to [alleged] "surprises of God".

"We may need to move in unpredictable ways", he added. So far Francis' liberal-modernist ideology has been very predictable.

De Profundis
Viganò: "I want to dialogue"
Francis: [Silence]
Lisi Sterndorfer
"...to change our convictions..."
We expect that your word means what you say, Francis.
It would take a miracle to change his Jesuit Liberation Marxist mindset!
Pope Francis, Cardinals Baldisseri and da Rocha, is that each said that the answer for the youth of today can be found at Vatican II. The problem is the youth of today are so over Vatican II. This is not even funny.
The biggest "surprise" of the last 2000 years - is that someone has been wicked enough to strive to convince the Church that Christ is okay with homosexual behaviour and it isn't really sinful.
What is taking place at these synods is ridiculous! What on earth are they trying to claim- that Jesus Christ permits the sin of homosexuality and it is His Will that we change our gender?
God created us to …More
The biggest "surprise" of the last 2000 years - is that someone has been wicked enough to strive to convince the Church that Christ is okay with homosexual behaviour and it isn't really sinful.

What is taking place at these synods is ridiculous! What on earth are they trying to claim- that Jesus Christ permits the sin of homosexuality and it is His Will that we change our gender?
God created us to be male or female in our Mother's wombs, consequently it is an enormous sin to claim that He made a mistake. As for Homosexuality - it is a sin so depraved, that even Lucifer does not want to accept the responsibility for causing it, which is why he is trying to con the world through the luciferian Vatican that the sin is not from himself, but is something given the world by GOD.

Stop wasting your time you False "Prophets of Doom" Your doom laden prophecy claiming that God could be so "surprising" that he will scrap the entire morality of the Bible, and start all over again with LUCIFER'S viewpoint is frightening indeed!

Read your Bibles doomed false prophets! Those sins that you are apparently so comfortable with - are sins so depraved, that even the Devils who inspire them run from seeing them carried out. (As St Catherine of Siena was told by Our Lord during her Book of Conversations entitled "Dialogues"

Our Lord will not be mocked! Repent all whom say that you serve Christ - yet partake of the sins of the Devil and help him pretend to everyone that you are serving Christ instead of himself.
paul grech
Another talkfest aimed at continuing to demolish the church.
It’s going to be a very selective listening process, because Francis already knows very well what result he wants this Synod to have.