Vered Lavan
Fuego Eruption and shooting stars. Fuego Eruption and shooting stars. Timelapse of Fuego prior the disastrous eruption in May 2018. Whatch a sequenz of strombolian eruptions with 2 shooting stars above …More
Fuego Eruption and shooting stars.
Fuego Eruption and shooting stars.
Timelapse of Fuego prior the disastrous eruption in May 2018. Whatch a sequenz of strombolian eruptions with 2 shooting stars above the volcano. Above the the stars of the Crux/'Southern Cross' (! The Southern Cross is one of the 48 classical constellations of antiquity. At the time of ancient Greece, the constellation was still visible from the Mediterranean. Due to the precession movement of the earth, the visible position of the constellation has shifted southwards. (Wiki) - Today it ist visible in Asia (Ecclesia in Asiae), Africa and South-America !! 🙏 Q.:
Vered Lavan
The Southern Cross is one of the 48 classical constellations of antiquity. At the time of ancient Greece, the constellation was still visible from the Mediterranean. Due to the precession movement of the earth, the visible position of the constellation has shifted southwards. (Wiki) - Today it ist visible in Asia (Ecclesia in Asiae), Africa and South-America !! 🙏
Vered Lavan
A german comment in the picture of the volcano-eruption: "No human hand can grasp this cross ... By the way, the cross has gone ... this is only done on earth." - How thruth!
One more comment from Vered Lavan
Vered Lavan
The volcano beneath the 'CROSS' !! - Der Vulkan unter dem 'KREUZ' !! 🙏
Tina 13
Wer zur Umkehr mahnt und aufruft wird als Störenfried behandelt und verfolgt.
Vered Lavan
@Tina 13 - Viele halten es nur für "Naturerscheinungen" und ignorieren die Hinweise.
Tina 13
Wieviele Zeichen brauchen die Kinder Gottes noch ?!
2 more comments from Tina 13
Tina 13
Kehrt um solange noch Zeit ist.
Tina 13
Vered Lavan
@Theresia Katharina - Ja, das ist richtig! Yes - this is right. 👌
Theresia Katharina
@Vered Lavan Man sieht das Kreuz des Südens direkt über der Spitze des Vulkans, wo der Feuerschein der herausgeworfenen Lava zu sehen ist! Die Natur gerät in Aufruhr wegen der vielen gottlosen Handlungen der Menschen! @Gestas @Tina 13 @Sunamis 46
Vered Lavan
Also in the Folder: Vulkanausbrüche weltweit ✍️
Vered Lavan
Picture of the Eruption: Fuego Eruption - June 2018. 🤗