
There Has Never Been a "Female Diaconate" - Cardinal Müller

Cardinal Gerhard Müller has stressed that there has never been an ordained female diaconate in the Church. He pointed out to LifeSiteNews.com (May 9) that female "deacons" received a blessing that …More
Cardinal Gerhard Müller has stressed that there has never been an ordained female diaconate in the Church.
He pointed out to LifeSiteNews.com (May 9) that female "deacons" received a blessing that Müller compares [in an unfortunate way] to minor orders.
Müller stated that he has reviewed all the sources on the topic. He came to the conclusion that proponents of a female diaconate “bend individual historical documents until they fit.”
Picture: Gerhard Ludwig Müller, © Mazur/catholicnews.org.uk, CC BY-NC-SA, #newsHzosziqvzr
God bless you for telling the truth
While we're on the subject can anyone tell me the Church's purpose for a male permanent diaconate?