
Cardinal Marx "Can’t Wait For A Conclave", Already Acts "Like The Pope”

There is a widespread impression among Vatican officials that the German bishops, led by Munich Cardinal Reinhard Marx, are indifferent to Vatican interventions. An anonymous high-ranking official at …More
There is a widespread impression among Vatican officials that the German bishops, led by Munich Cardinal Reinhard Marx, are indifferent to Vatican interventions.
An anonymous high-ranking official at the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith informed CatholicNewsAgency.com (September 12) about this.
The source added that "everyone knows" what the Germans want to achieve because they have been very noisy about it.
[These themes are: Communion for Protestants, blessing homosexuality and adultery, abolishing celibacy, introducing female deacons, abolishing Church doctrine.]
The official also said that “Marx can’t wait for a conclave to act like the pope.”
And, “He has decided he knows what is best for the Church and he will see it done.”
Dr Bobus
Marx can't wait for a conclave. Reminds me that Hitler couldn't wait to fight the United States . . . and that he also couldn't wait for his army to invade Russia. The result was that in 1945 Germany was in ruins
Le cardinal Marx « ne peut pas attendre un conclave », il agit déjà « comme Pape ».
Les fonctionnaires du Vatican ont généralement l'impression que les évêques allemands, dirigés par le cardinal Reinhard Marx de Munich, sont indifférents aux interventions du Vatican.
Un haut responsable anonyme de la Congrégation pour la Doctrine de la Foi en a informé CatholicNewsAgency.com (12 septembre). …More
Le cardinal Marx « ne peut pas attendre un conclave », il agit déjà « comme Pape ».

Les fonctionnaires du Vatican ont généralement l'impression que les évêques allemands, dirigés par le cardinal Reinhard Marx de Munich, sont indifférents aux interventions du Vatican.

Un haut responsable anonyme de la Congrégation pour la Doctrine de la Foi en a informé CatholicNewsAgency.com (12 septembre).

La source a ajouté que « tout le monde sait » ce que les Allemands veulent réaliser parce qu'ils ont été très bruyants à ce sujet.

[Ces thèmes sont : Communion pour les protestants, bénédiction de l'homosexualité et de l'adultère, abolition du célibat, introduction de diacres féminins, abolition de la doctrine de l'Église].

Le fonctionnaire a aussi dit que « Marx ne peut pas attendre un conclave pour agir comme pape. »

« Il a décidé qu'il sait ce qu'il y a de mieux pour l'Église et qu'il le fera. »

[Et l'Antéchrist s'en frotte les mains en se disant : « Ça, c'est un pote ! »]
SirHammer shares this
He desperately wants to burn forever.
St Michael the Archangel defend us in battle
Benedict Joseph
Should it come to pass soon, and our worst fears are realized, we have the consolation of knowing exactly what has been transpiring. There will be no more room for denial or self-deception. God spare us.
i would not be surprised he wants to be Pope ,but God He is not sleeping .and the time will come to do justice
Dr Bobus
Once again: Eight years in Rome taught me that everyone at the Vatican is afraid of the Germans except the Americans and the Brits
..."except the Americans and the Brits" --by virtue of the fact both countries have natural moats guarding their borders. :D
Dr Bobus
By virtue of:
1. Churchill not giving in to Hitler.
2. The US defeating Germany in WWI & WWII.
3. The US.occupying Germany since 1945.
Hope that helpsMore
By virtue of:

1. Churchill not giving in to Hitler.

2. The US defeating Germany in WWI & WWII.

3. The US.occupying Germany since 1945.

Hope that helps
Dr Bobus
Cardinal Schweine schmalz.
mr. producer
The Germans have been socially engineered by the Bolsheviks since the end of WWII. General Patton was correct, we defeated the wrong enemy. Churchill was up to his eyeballs in debt to the Rothschilds, just like his dear old dad.
Dr Bobus
Social engineering is a consequence of the hyper centralized nation state. Hyper centralization of nations began long before the Bolsheviks
Dr Bobus
Debts or no, Churchill still refused to deal with Hitler
...elevated by...Pope Benedict.
...and even after it became known that Marx had made his conservative brother bishop Mixa a public "child molester" what turned out to be a lie.
mr. producer
JPII elevated Bergoglio to bishop, despite the Jesuit superior warning him not to.