
Bishop Strickland’s Removal "Blatant Injustice,’ Says Bishop Schneider

+ Full statement of Bishop Athanasius Schneider on the removal of Tyler Bishop Strickland, Texas

The one charge which is now sure to secure severe punishment is the careful keeping of the traditions of the Fathers.” These words of St. Basil (Ep. 243) can most aptly illustrate the deposition of the Bishop of Tyler, Texas, U.S.A., His Excellency Joseph E. Strickland. The deposition of Bishop Joseph E. Strickland signifies a black day for the Catholic Church of our day.

We are witnessing a blatant injustice towards a bishop who did his duty in preaching and defending with parrhesia the immutable Catholic faith and morals and in promoting the sacredness of the liturgy, especially in the immemorial traditional rite of the Mass.
All understand, and even the declared enemies of this Confessor Bishop, that the accusations brought against him are ultimately insubstantial and disproportionate and were used as a welcome opportunity to silence an uncomfortable prophetic voice within the Church.

What happened to the bishops during the Arian crisis in the 4th century, who were deposed and exiled only because they intrepidly preached the traditional Catholic Faith, is again happening in our day.

At the same time several bishops, who publicly support heresy, liturgical abuses, gender ideology and openly invite their priests to “bless” same-sex couples, are not in the least importuned or sanctioned by the Holy See.

Bishop Strickland will probably go down in history as an “Athanasius of the Church in the USA,” who however, unlike St. Athanasius, is not persecuted by the secular power, but incredibly by the Pope himself. It seems that a kind of “purge” of bishops, who are faithful to the immutable Catholic Faith and the Apostolic discipline, and which has been going on already for some time, has reached now a decisive phase.

May the sacrifice, which Our Lord asked from Bishop Strickland, bear plenty spiritual fruits for time and eternity. Bishop Strickland and other faithful bishops, who were already asked to resign, who are currently marginalized or who will be the next in the row, should say in all sincerity to Pope Francis:

Holy Father, why are you persecuting and beating us? We tried to do what all holy Popes asked us to do? With fraternal love we offer the sacrifice of this kind of persecution and exile for the salvation of your soul and for the good state of the Holy Roman Church. Indeed, we are your best friends, Most Holy Father!
Sally Dorman shares this
"Bishop Strickland will probably go down in history as an 'Athanasius of the Church in the USA,' who however, unlike St. Athanasius, is not persecuted by the secular power, but incredibly by the Pope himself.
True Mass
Bishops must declare!! Call your bishop. I'm Spartacus!
Ons mooie Universele Rooms Katholieke geloof is vele duizenden jaren oud. Ons Oude Testament loopt parallel met het Testament van het Joodse geloof, de Heilige Maria was een joods meisjes, een Jodin, de Heilige Joseph was ook een Jood en daarom was Jezus ook een Jood, sterker nog tot het jaar 72 konden uitsluitend joden Katholiek worden. Het Romeinse Rijk heeft de katholieken honderden jaren vervolgd …More
Ons mooie Universele Rooms Katholieke geloof is vele duizenden jaren oud. Ons Oude Testament loopt parallel met het Testament van het Joodse geloof, de Heilige Maria was een joods meisjes, een Jodin, de Heilige Joseph was ook een Jood en daarom was Jezus ook een Jood, sterker nog tot het jaar 72 konden uitsluitend joden Katholiek worden. Het Romeinse Rijk heeft de katholieken honderden jaren vervolgd en letterlijk voor de leeuwen gegooid. In Nederland was het Rooms Katholieke geloof van 1584 t/m 1845 verboden. De katholieken hadden schuilkerken om hun geloof te belijden.
In de Tweede Wereldoorlog werden door de Duitsers de joden en de katholieke zigeuners naar de gaskamers afgevoerd. Omdat het Rooms Katholieke geloof haaks stond op Hitler zijn denkbeelden zouden na de joden zeer waarschijnlijk ook de Rooms Katholieken door Hitler vervolgd worden.
Joden en traditionele Rooms Katholieke worden van tijd tot tijd door de samenleving vervolgd, omdat hun geloofsprincipes haaks staan op wat de goddeloze samenleving, de ketterse samenleving wil. Tijdens het Tweede Vaticaanse Concilie wilden de Rooms Katholieke in Europa en Noord Amerika emanciperen met de samenleving, het mooie Traditionele Rooms Katholiek geloof werd aangepast aan de behoeften van de samenleving. Het Traditionele Rooms Katholieke geloof werd afgeschaft, sterker nog de traditionele gelovigen werden vervolgd door de eigen Rooms Katholieke kerk, de organisatie van de Rooms Katholieke kerk nam een ketterse houding aan tegenover de Traditionele Rooms Katholieken. De huidige paus Franciscus is nog veel verder gegaan en heeft alle traditionele Rooms Katholieken uit de kerk gezet. Bishop Strickland is hier een mooi voorbeeld van, een martelaar voor zijn geloof. De Crisis in de Organisatie van de Rooms Katholieke kerk die de vervolging van de Traditionele Rooms Katholieken heeft veroorzaakt is zicht nu aan het verdiepen en versnellen. De breuk tussen de Tweede Vaticaanse Concilie kerk en de Traditionele gelovigen is al gaande, het is een kwestie van tijd dat de Rooms Katholieke kerk implodeert en in duizenden stukjes uiteen valt. Laten wij God bidden voor een oplossing.
Bergoglio-Zanchetta-Rupnik is not holy and is not my father in any sense of the word. 👎
Ivan Tomas
The wolves can't be fathers of any Catholic.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
It won't disappear if Faithful Catholics stand with orthodox and holy bishops like Bishop Strickland and Archbishop Vigano, and keep to the traditions and beliefs of our Church, liturgical and all others.
It will only disappear if Catholics let it disappear by obeying tyrants,apostants,heretics and homosexuals like Pope Francis, Tucho Fernandez, etc, etc. They can do what they like with the idiots …More
It won't disappear if Faithful Catholics stand with orthodox and holy bishops like Bishop Strickland and Archbishop Vigano, and keep to the traditions and beliefs of our Church, liturgical and all others.
It will only disappear if Catholics let it disappear by obeying tyrants,apostants,heretics and homosexuals like Pope Francis, Tucho Fernandez, etc, etc. They can do what they like with the idiots who blindly obey, but we will remain with the True Faith and traditions. Like Bishop Strickland, we will not bend or yield. That's the way of the coward. We should have learned that from the in the end, bad example of Benedict XVI who yielded to their pressure and resigned...and we have suffered as Catholics since.
Not this time.
Ralph Alexander Michael Curtis
How can a Catholic Bishop be a Bishop in a non Catholic religion? When Archbishop Lefebvre was kicked out of the Vatican II Church he said that they kicked him out of a Church to which he did not belong. Vatican II has kicked out the Roman Catholic Church. Is this too difficult to understand?
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
You're right. Too bad so many others don't understand, and instead willingly see this unjust persecution of Bishop Strickland, etc. as the "will of the Holy Father". As long as Catholics are brainwashed like that, there will be little change for the better. But small (and not so small) communities of faithful Catholics will remain to keep the faith with the bishops brave enough like Strickland to …More
You're right. Too bad so many others don't understand, and instead willingly see this unjust persecution of Bishop Strickland, etc. as the "will of the Holy Father". As long as Catholics are brainwashed like that, there will be little change for the better. But small (and not so small) communities of faithful Catholics will remain to keep the faith with the bishops brave enough like Strickland to lead us. When the Vatican II "church" of homo Francis finally dies out with him, we will still be there.
Ralph Alexander Michael Curtis
Genesis 3:15 in action.
Abp Carlo Maria Vigano's statements present truth, clarity and logic:
"The removal of His Excellency Archbishop Joseph Strickland, especially after the failure to ambush him with the Apostolic Visitation, appears as a cowardly form of authoritarianism, which in no way fits with Bergoglio’s rants about “welcoming” and “inclusiveness.”
Seeing the sacrilegious and perverted Marco Rupnik incardinated …More
Abp Carlo Maria Vigano's statements present truth, clarity and logic:
"The removal of His Excellency Archbishop Joseph Strickland, especially after the failure to ambush him with the Apostolic Visitation, appears as a cowardly form of authoritarianism, which in no way fits with Bergoglio’s rants about “welcoming” and “inclusiveness.”
Seeing the sacrilegious and perverted Marco Rupnik incardinated in the Diocese of Capodistria, or Bishop Michael Olson still in office despite the petition of the faithful of Fort Worth following his abuses and scandalous behavior with the Carmelite Sisters of Arlington, while one of the few faithful Bishops is persecuted and kicked out for no reason shows us in all its arrogance the tyranny of the Argentine Jesuit.
A tyranny that is even more scandalous to the faithful due to the fact that the majority of the Pastors are silent out of cowardice or complicity.
This affair will reveal who stands with the true Church of Christ and who chooses to stand with His declared enemies. To remain silent and endure this umpteenth violation of the most basic principles of justice and truth is to make oneself complicit with a subverter.
The removal of His Excellency Archbishop Joseph Strickland, especially after the failure to ambush him with the Apostolic Visitation, appears as a cowardly form of authoritarianism, which in no way fits with Bergoglio’s rants about “welcoming” and “inclusiveness.”
Seeing the… twitter.com/CarloMVigano/status/1723365699068850561
— Arcivescovo Carlo Maria Viganò (@CarloMVigano) November 11, 2023"
There is nothing 'HOLY' about what's taking place right now. The truth is, the Church, for all intent and purposes, has reached a point where its about to disappear - courtesy of the Usurper and his Cohorts; to be replaced by the Church of the NWO led by Francis.
God help us all.
Ivan Tomas
As St. Catharina of Siena said to the real pope in Avignon then: Bishops and Cardinals should be a manly men. They must call an Imperfect Council!
Same for bp. Strickland.
They shouldn't play for a victim, but be a manly men and enjoy their martirdom for their holy mother Church.
And how about their flock!?
Our Lord trusted us to them, the successors of the apostles.
We all must be the candles of …More
As St. Catharina of Siena said to the real pope in Avignon then: Bishops and Cardinals should be a manly men. They must call an Imperfect Council!
Same for bp. Strickland.
They shouldn't play for a victim, but be a manly men and enjoy their martirdom for their holy mother Church.
And how about their flock!?
Our Lord trusted us to them, the successors of the apostles.
We all must be the candles of the Light, the candles which will just smoke, but burn and burn to the end for Christ and his Church!
Holy Father, why are you persecuting and beating us? We tried to do what all holy Popes asked us to do? With fraternal love we offer the sacrifice of this kind of persecution and exile for the salvation of your soul and for the good state of the Holy Roman Church. Indeed, we are your best friends, Most Holy Father!