
What a Looser! Francis-Archbishop Insists: No Conversion!

Francis shows that “evangelisation” takes place in fraternity, “not in conversion,” Jean-Paul Vesco OP, 59, a former business lawyer who became Alger Archbishop on February 11 told Cath.ch (February 20).

In Algeria (population: 45 million) there are not even 6000 Catholics but 45’000 Protestants.

For Vesco, Francis is “revolutionary” because “he affirms that baptism is not the condition of salvation” and “has dared to take the risk of affirming a human brotherhood, beyond religious affiliations.” However, there is no risk in claiming this because that’s what the oligarchs want to hear.

Vesco is confronted with the fact that the Protestants are expanding in Algeria, one of the Arab countries with the highest number of conversions, obviously not to the Francis Church.

“They are good,” Vesco replies, but “more in line with a pattern of thought found in the Muslim religion.”

This is the difference between the Vesco religion and Protestantism, “Where we affirm the existence of a universal brotherhood, the evangelical churches emphasise entry into a community through baptism.”

Then, Vesco has a moment of lucidity, “The Protestant churches are not our competitors; they also have their share of truth that perhaps escapes us.” None of Vesco’s priests devote all their time to the Church.

The Moslems are also more serious than Vesco, “We meet Moslems every day who tell us they know our religion and why it is not a true path to God” – which in the case of the Vesco religion is perfectly true.

This is for Vesco no reason to look at Islam “in a negative way.” On the contrary, “We have to get rid of the idea that we have to evangelise, that we have to bring others into contact with our truth, and at the same time accept that there may also be a part of the truth in Islam that escapes us.”

In other words: Vesco is wasting his time as a bishop. He should return being a business lawyer hoping he was more competent in that field.


What he says is false.
J G Tasan
He must be one of those trained communist-clergymen... 😡 😤
Ave Crux
This is egregious, blatant heresy which repudiates the teachings of Christ Himself, Who gave us the mandate to baptize "the whole world":
"14 At length he appeared to the eleven as they were at table: and he upbraided them with their incredulity and hardness of heart, because they did not believe them who had seen him after he was risen again. 15 And he said to them: Go ye into the whole world …More
This is egregious, blatant heresy which repudiates the teachings of Christ Himself, Who gave us the mandate to baptize "the whole world":

"14 At length he appeared to the eleven as they were at table: and he upbraided them with their incredulity and hardness of heart, because they did not believe them who had seen him after he was risen again. 15 And he said to them: Go ye into the whole world and preach the gospel to every creature. 16 He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved: but he that believeth not shall he condemned. "

The Protestants are putting the apostatized Catholic Church to shame. Woe to these prelates at the time of their judgment. Will they even escape Hell after not trying to stop so many others from going there by teaching the true Faith?
Gast6 shares this
Archbishop of Algiers agrees with Bergoglio that Baptism isn't necessary for Salvation
la verdad prevalece
Angelo Santelli
Nice way of telling Gordo to "go shove it" on his Latin Mass frenzy.
First, my observation, that of a canonically ordained Priest:
Gordo, the colon compromised faux Pope, who told us that Christ did not recite the Lord's prayer correctly, and recite a beatitude "Blessed are the poor in spirit-- these are the words of Christ-- with simply "Blessed are the poor". How can any Catholic think this …More
Nice way of telling Gordo to "go shove it" on his Latin Mass frenzy.

First, my observation, that of a canonically ordained Priest:

Gordo, the colon compromised faux Pope, who told us that Christ did not recite the Lord's prayer correctly, and recite a beatitude "Blessed are the poor in spirit-- these are the words of Christ-- with simply "Blessed are the poor". How can any Catholic think this morbidly obese shill is legitmately the Vicar of Christ on earth?

>>Archbishop Roche’s application document for Traditionis custodes has “hardened the front" between the Vatican and the Catholics, is "highly aggressive," and a “pastoral faux pas,” Dutch Auxiliary Bishop Rob Mutsaerts writes on his VitamineXp.Blogspot.com (January 3).

He notices a “barely concealed impatience" to wipe out the Roman Mass. “The ‘pope of mercy’ shows little mercy for those who embrace the Traditional Latin Mass.”

Mutsaerts locates an increasing “loss of confidence” among Catholics, “If what was recommended yesterday no longer applies today, nothing is certain.” He asks if “everything from before Vatican II is deleted.”

The faithful may receive the Roman Rite sacraments of confession and marriage at the Society of PiusX, he stresses, but not in canonically recognised communities such as the Fraternity of St Peter.

Further, priests who occasionally celebrate the Roman Rite must explicitly endorse Vatican II while "those celebrating the Novus Ordo - I am one of them - are not asked to accept the Council of Trent.”

His conclusion, “If the Vatican mandates an inspection for celebrants of the Old Mass, in fairness, it should also be mandated for [the legions of] freelance-celebrants of the Novus Ordo who are all doing their own thing.”>>
"my observation, that of a canonically ordained Priest:" As always, zero evidence shown for this claim @Stronzo Santelli
가입을 원합니다
Looser // emphasis? Like Riiight.
Protestants are expanding in Algeria //And Iran.More
Looser // emphasis? Like Riiight.

Protestants are expanding in Algeria //And Iran.
Dear Mgr Vesco, how can you obey the order our Lord gave us without converting people : "Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey all that I have commanded you"
Grammar mistake in the title:
Francis Archbishop - it should be Francis' Archbishop.
Unfortunately it was translated falsely to several languages...
Dr Bobus
Vesco needs to be reminded that the motto of his order is Veritas not Fraternitas
Another perv bishop looking to increase the number of unbelievers.
Wichita Knight
"Looser" (?) As in "turn the nut on the bolt counterclockwise until it is looser"? -the grammar police.
Dr Bobus
Well done. You've corrected someone for whom English is a third language.
Nb: The meat pies from the MIF Deli are delicious.More
Well done. You've corrected someone for whom English is a third language.

Nb: The meat pies from the MIF Deli are delicious.
Wichita Knight
@Dr Bobus If English is his third language, I commend him. However the difference between the two words is something he needs to learn. I think you will admit that misuse of lose/loose is widespread, as is the misuse of apostrophes. I taught English in Germany for a while and had a heckuva time dealing with exasperated students trying to make sense of the English language. German (and Romanian) are …More
@Dr Bobus If English is his third language, I commend him. However the difference between the two words is something he needs to learn. I think you will admit that misuse of lose/loose is widespread, as is the misuse of apostrophes. I taught English in Germany for a while and had a heckuva time dealing with exasperated students trying to make sense of the English language. German (and Romanian) are much more consistent.

My most memorable language gaffe was when we first moved to Germany and had to fill out the customs declaration. My wife and I had brought a birdcage along, and not knowing the German word for birdcage I tried to put down "a cage for the birds" (ein Käfig für die Vögel). What I actually wrote down was “ein Käfig für den vögeln” which turned the noun “birds” into the verb, well, Austin Powers would call it “shagging". The customs officials doubled over in laughter and waved us through.
Yes ,we see that kind of fraternity all the time since the French Revolution. China,Russia Cuba etc ,comrades all!
Live Mike