
Francis Uses Left Hand For Making Sign Of The Cross

During his Sunday visit at the Church San Marcello al Corso, Francis used his left hand to make the sign of the cross (video sequence below). Even left-handers use the right hand for this. Using the …More
During his Sunday visit at the Church San Marcello al Corso, Francis used his left hand to make the sign of the cross (video sequence below).
Even left-handers use the right hand for this. Using the left hand is considered rude and disrespectful. It therefore needs a conscious effort to act otherwise.
John Paul II used his left hand to impact the blessing, when after breaking his right arm.
Maybe the priests in the Black Mass do that. He just forgot where he was.
Claudius Cartapus
The president Trump doesn't put his topknot in the other side… The Brown spots on the side of the head of the pope Francis are on the good side ! This video is not modified.
Novella Nurney
Please provide the link or the specific search phrase you used to find this video on Vatican news please. I searched at the site numerous times but was unable to find video footage of his visit before the crucifix at San Marcello del Corso, only still shots. Thank you very much for your work!
I agree with mystic, the video could have been mirrored so it appears he is signing himself with the left not with the right, we have plenty enough with all the bad things happening inside the church and the Pacha mama and errors and heresies coming directly from the pontificate, to add more things, I do not believe short videos without reference and without more of the video, link and info.
We …More
I agree with mystic, the video could have been mirrored so it appears he is signing himself with the left not with the right, we have plenty enough with all the bad things happening inside the church and the Pacha mama and errors and heresies coming directly from the pontificate, to add more things, I do not believe short videos without reference and without more of the video, link and info.

We were told to stay away from people who rumor or are involved in things like that, too bad there's not a dislike button. Sorry this is very distasteful if it does not have more video, link and/ or specific reference.
Unless they removed some moles, it is a mirror imaged video.
Along with the refusal to kneel, that's just plain creepy. I've seen a few former Greek Orthodox converts forget which shoulder they should touch first, but he isn't Greek nor is he Orthodox.
Arthur McGowan
He does not make the epicletic gesture at Mass. It is required for validity.
Holy Cannoli
In the Epiclesis of the True Mass (again, I remind you, this is the prayer which beings, "Qui Pridie"), the obvious emphasis is on the fact that the priest intends to do what Christ did at the Last Supper, namely, consecrate the offerings, change them into the Body and Blood of the Savior. In the "Epiclesis" of the "New Mass" the emphasis has been obviously and unmistakably shifted, even …More
In the Epiclesis of the True Mass (again, I remind you, this is the prayer which beings, "Qui Pridie"), the obvious emphasis is on the fact that the priest intends to do what Christ did at the Last Supper, namely, consecrate the offerings, change them into the Body and Blood of the Savior. In the "Epiclesis" of the "New Mass" the emphasis has been obviously and unmistakably shifted, even though the words used are generally the same. Here there is nothing left to indicate that the "president" is actually consecrating, or intends to.

The new form of Consecration
Arthur McGowan
That's weird. (That website, I mean.) I'm talking about the "epicletic gesture," which occurs at the words "Hanc igitur oblationem..."