
Burke: No Bishop Can Dispens from Sunday Obligation

Bishops cannot “dispense” from Sunday Mass because this is a Divine law of which “no human has the power to dispense from," Cardinal Raymond Burke explained.

Talking at a May 20 Livestream for the Rome Life Forum, Burke said that circumstances can prevent from attending Sunday Mass. In this case the obligation doesn't bind, but it remains nevertheless.

Burke condemned distribution of Communion with masks, gloves or sanitisers, because this doesn't respect the truth "that Christ is giving himself to us.”

He knows that the Church used special methods to give Communion to infected persons but such methods were never applied to the faithful in general.

A coronavirus vaccine from aborted children would be “rightly abhorrent” for Burke, and vaccines cannot be imposed on the citizens, “The State is not the ultimate provider of health, God is.”

The Cardinal also warned of State control via microchips, and of groups using the coronavirus for promoting agendas like one world government, environmentalism and alteration of the Faith.


Thank you Cardinal Burke!
Burke: "The consecration of Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary is more needed today than ever ... Recognizing the necessity of a total conversion from atheistic materialism and communism to Christ, the call of Our Lady of Fatima ... remains urgent"
Novella Nurney
Bishops can't do a great deal of things. They rarely do the things THEY CAN DO! This has yet to put stop to abuses of every kind, from desecration of the Eucharist, massacre of the mass, avoiding laity like we have the plague, (even in times of not having the plague ) , and etcetera ad nauseam. May God Strengthen the good Bishops we have!
De Profundis
On this picture from the stream, chosen by voiceofthefamily.com themselves, Burke lookes desperate. Very sad/depressed but trying to smile.
The wearing of Face Masks is based on false "Science" -- a "study" in Jan. claimed "asymptomatic spread" of this Cold Virus (never before claiimed as to any Cold Virus) -- that study has now been DEBUNKED as "flawed" -- it is a fraud and admitted as such by the actual Scientists behind it --the Mainslime Media has given no coverage to this-- there is NO basis for wearing face Masks. MDs/Surgeons …More
The wearing of Face Masks is based on false "Science" -- a "study" in Jan. claimed "asymptomatic spread" of this Cold Virus (never before claiimed as to any Cold Virus) -- that study has now been DEBUNKED as "flawed" -- it is a fraud and admitted as such by the actual Scientists behind it --the Mainslime Media has given no coverage to this-- there is NO basis for wearing face Masks. MDs/Surgeons where them to keep spit out of body cavities it has nothing to do with viruses from the mouth -- if you are infected/symptomatic you don't go into Surgery as a medical person, ever. Here is the report on the now DEBUNKED study that caused the wearing of face masks: www.sciencemag.org/…/paper-non-sympt…
Yes, this should be huge news, right up there with the fact that wearing of face masks is a risk to health; the health of the wearer. Give people a bit of power and they become power mad, make up rules as they go!
De Profundis
'From the beginning of the crisis there has been a failure on the part of the Church . . . . .to announce clearly the Gospel and to insist on the exercise of her mission in accordance with the Gospel also in times of international crisis.'
De Profundis
“It is also clear that individuals and groups" are using time of "profound suffering" to "promote their agenda" by advancing "a single world government, the promotion of environmental causes, and even radical changes in the practice of the Catholic faith"