
Virus Makes Francis Go Virtual

Francis’ March 8 Angelus and March 11 General Audience will only take place virtually and will be streamed from the library of the Apostolic Palace because of the coronavirus.

The Angelus will be shown on the screens in Saint Peter’s square and distributed by Vatican Media.

Until March 15, the participation of guests at Francis’ morning Mass is suspended.

Picture: © Mazur, CC BY-NC-SA, #newsPejagyjfnf

Pachamamas will make him fall into hell. Repent.
St Michael the Archangel defend us in battle
It's quite normal, because, figure it out, and it's a scoop: the Antichrist has landed at my house out of sight (fake news of course).
Tomorrow we will see what he will say about International Women's Day.
Up next: Automated virtual confessionals to fight coronavirus. Shades of that old sci-fi movie THX-1138
No one was going to see the false pope anyhow. Covid19 just gives Francis a fig leaf. The sheep know the Voice of the shepherd, and it ain't Antipope Francis's.
Novella Nurney
Yes, I'm sure thousands are in mourning over this news. 🤨