
Monsignor Strickland: Francis More Interested in Silencing Viganò than Solving the Problems

"Archbishop Viganò is swiftly excommunicated while Theodore McCarrick remains unexcommunicated, after years of his crimes against the Church have come to light," writes Monsignor Joseph Strickland on X.com (6 July).

Instead of addressing the "serious questions" and "allegations" raised by Monsignor Viganò, he is being summarily removed from the Church "with an obvious motive to silence him".

Monsignor Strickland notes that Cardinal McCarrick and a long list of others have contradicted Church teaching "and their voices are allowed and even openly supported".

Therefore, "we are left with only stones to cry out for justice because the voices of faithful disciples are muted, ignored or even silenced".

Strickland is referring to Viganò's role as a whistleblower. In 2018, Viganò revealed that he had informed Francis at the beginning of his pontificate about the abuse problems surrounding Cardinal McCarrick, who was subsequently disciplined by Benedict XVI.

But Francis reversed Benedict's measures and sent Cardinal McCarrick on various missions, including to China.

We should all be practicing for martyrdom every day,it may be closer that you think!
White and red
Christopher Shahrazade
I would not be surprised if BIshop Strickland starts speaking out against Francis more, in the style of Archbishop Vigano. God bless both of them.
Boanerges Boanerges
God bless him, but he is next!
Church history is full of light and darkness fighting
From bad popes to Anti popes and all inbetween
Judas eventually hangs himself the enemies days are numbered
P. O'B
Good for Bishop Strickland, but it's hard to see how Archbishop Vigano has been silenced.
Father Karl A Claver
Francis and Biden are two peas in a pod.
la verdad prevalece
Examining the timeline of Pope Francis' alleged cover-up of bishop imprisoned for sexual abuse - LifeSite (lifesitenews.com) Nor has Bergoglio excommunicated his convicted homosexual predator protégés Grassi or Zanchetta.
la verdad prevalece
la verdad prevalece
Monsignor Strickland: Francis is more interested in silencing Viganò (because it implies Bergoglio's complicity with the predator McCarrick)
3 more comments from la verdad prevalece
la verdad prevalece
Archbishop Viganò: The Pope's actions against McCarrick are all administrative and therefore without appeal. The Vatican's response to these gay scandals is aimed at protecting gay clerical networks at all costs.
Naomi Arai
That poor priest is going to be attacked. God protect him.