Slowly but Surely: Francis Has Begun Corrupting Poland

To the cheers of the oligarchs' media, Rev. Adam Świeżyński, 50, a Catholic priest, took part in an "ecumenical" ceremony to [pseudo] "bless" homosexual concubines in Warsaw, Poland, on 17 May.

The blasphemy took place in an Evangelical Reformed parish in Warsaw. The main actors were Michał Jabłoński, the preacher of the parish, and Halina Radacz, a preacher of the Evangelical Community of the Augsburg Confession.

Świeżyński stood at a table covered with a rainbow flag and "prayed". Already back in May, Świeżyński pseudo-blessed homosexual concubines during an official event in a Protestant parish in Warsaw, saying that he had "nothing to reproach himself for" because he gave the blasphemous blessing according to the norms of Francis' "Fiducia supplicans", although this text speaks, at least in theory, of "spontaneous blessings".

Świeżyński told (owned by Polish oligarch Michał M. Lisiecki) that he hoped Francis' "Fiducia Supplicans" would pave the way for similar blasphemies in the Church.

"The fact that this is not happening at the moment is incomprehensible to me and makes me feel ashamed," said a shameless Świeżyński: "I interpret this as a denial of Christ's teaching and a practical negation of his attitude towards people." It is a monstrous blasphemy to say that Christ condoned and encouraged sin.

Świeżyński is a purported philosopher and editor-in-chief of the philosophical journal "Studia Philosophiae Christianae" and Professor of Christian Philosophy at the Faculty of Christian Philosophy, UKSW. From 2005 to 2009, he was even pro-rector of the Gdansk Theological Seminary.

People like Świeżyński are valuable tools for the Vatican because they help to slowly corrupt local churches that are horrified by Francis' homosexual propaganda machine.

If, instead of promoting sin, Świeżyński had celebrated a Latin Mass, his bishop would have suspended him.

Jesus will separate the lambs from the goats
Apostasy is here to stay, people ARE embracing the lie...
Oh Lord dont wait any longer and come. AmenMore
Apostasy is here to stay, people ARE embracing the lie...

Oh Lord dont wait any longer and come. Amen
I guess I understand they are trying to change their hearts and come to Jesus but how can the lay the RAINBOW flag on our Lord's altar? Dear God, someone explain to me please! I just a dumb lay person.. but this is awful. I tried to believe the Pope was doing good... DEAR GOD, please help us and our priest!
YES…let there be no doubt or debate whatsoever: We are now at the diabolical point where, according to the powers that rule and reign in the Vatican, it is perfectly legal and valid and admirable for a Priest of Holy Mother Church — an Alter Christus — to stand at any time and in any place before other witnesses and in the presence of God Himself and pronounce the “blessing” and sanction of …More
YES…let there be no doubt or debate whatsoever: We are now at the diabolical point where, according to the powers that rule and reign in the Vatican, it is perfectly legal and valid and admirable for a Priest of Holy Mother Church — an Alter Christus — to stand at any time and in any place before other witnesses and in the presence of God Himself and pronounce the “blessing” and sanction of Christ and of the Church upon sodomy and sodomite unions, but it is illegal and invalid and a juridically punishable offense for that same Priest to offer the currently proscribed Latin Mass, the same Holy Sacrifice of the Mass that spiritually nourished multitudes of Saints, Martyrs and Doctors of the Church for centuries. You can love, embrace and promote abomination, but must abjure, reject and denounce holiness. This is where we are in Holy Mother Church today. And yet, to our great shame, the vast, overwhelming majority of the Church’s 5,000 Bishops throughout the entire world remain silent and passive as cotton; which in itself, is the deepest, most calamitous betrayal of the Faithful, who are heinously and monstrously misled, deceived and deluded as a result of it. May God help us, and deliver us out of the foul, demonic clutches of those who seek the destruction of our souls.
Father Karl A Claver
A small morsel of truth. Immediately before and after the Soviet control of Poland, most all priests wore cassocks., or religious habits. Now, thirty years later, very few cassocks or religious habits are worn by priests.
Everything sterile just like the sin.
Louis IX
Looks like a spontaneous blessing.(sarcasm)