
Facebook's Censorship Office Eliminates Cardinal (Video)

In a January 12 video, retired Guadalajara Cardinal Juan Sandoval Íñiguez, 87, Mexico, described Covid-19 curfews as “a pretext for imposing a new world order without Christ.” He accused Bill Gates of …More
In a January 12 video, retired Guadalajara Cardinal Juan Sandoval Íñiguez, 87, Mexico, described Covid-19 curfews as “a pretext for imposing a new world order without Christ.”
He accused Bill Gates of orchestrating a second pandemic that is about to come.
FaceBook.com's censorship office didn't like the arguments of the cardinal, labelled them as "false information," and censored the video. Nevertheless, the video was widely spread on the internet (below).
Cardinal: "They want to reduce the population, because they say we are many; that seven and a half billion people on earth are many, that the earth cannot sustain them, and that we have to eliminate about 5 or 6 billion, so that, of course, only they remain."