
Detractor of Cardinal Pell Dead

Damian Dignan, a detractor of Cardinal George Pell, died on Saturday in Ballarat, Australia, from leukaemia. He was one of three controversial men who accused Cardinal George Pell of having “touched …More
Damian Dignan, a detractor of Cardinal George Pell, died on Saturday in Ballarat, Australia, from leukaemia. He was one of three controversial men who accused Cardinal George Pell of having “touched their genitals” in a swimming pool in 1972.
Dignan had a history of violence and was arrested for drunk driving. He has also made accusations against former teachers. The pool manager's wife testified that “neither she nor her husband ever saw anything untoward".
Pell will face a hearing in March to determine if he would face a jury trial. He has consistently denied the charges.
The whole thing is a lurid Australian setup. God bless Cardinal Pell
Lets hope Cardinal Pell is innocent , Jesus was innocent and He had to carry his cross
Let us continue to pray that the truth comes out about Cardinal Pell, where ever it leads.