
A "Saint" in His Private Swimming Pool

When John Paul II (+2005) installed a swimming pool in his summer residence in Castel Gandolfo, the cost for it was queried by cardinals. John Paul II's response at the time was, "So what? This is …More
When John Paul II (+2005) installed a swimming pool in his summer residence in Castel Gandolfo, the cost for it was queried by cardinals.
John Paul II's response at the time was, "So what? This is cheaper than another conclave."
The Francis-friendly IlSismografoBlogspot.com published the pictures on August 9.
Benedict Joseph
His body was ripped apart by an assassin's bullet. I don't begrudge him a dip in a pool for the maintenance of his health and well-being. For all his deficiencies, and they were there, I wish he was still walking the earth instead of the facsimile we have presently.
The Perplexing Pontificate of Pope John Paul II
Since the Pope has no money except what is given him by the faithful though long centuries to promote the cause of Christ, it's inconceivable that a Saint Pope spend it on a pool, when there is a beach just a few miles away, which is public and free to use (even if one were to hypothesize that public bathing was morally licit). Besides there are private clubs in Italy were you can go to the pool …More
Since the Pope has no money except what is given him by the faithful though long centuries to promote the cause of Christ, it's inconceivable that a Saint Pope spend it on a pool, when there is a beach just a few miles away, which is public and free to use (even if one were to hypothesize that public bathing was morally licit). Besides there are private clubs in Italy were you can go to the pool for a nominal fee. No need to spend thousands of dollars to build a pool.
There is plenty to take issue with regarding JPII without bringing this up. When you're pope it's not easy to simply go to a public beach or even a private club. The monies spent on security alone for such outings would quickly exceed the monies necessary to build a pool. Not to mention take a look at the picture. In this age of ubiquitous cameras, how would it be for there to appear in the press …More
There is plenty to take issue with regarding JPII without bringing this up. When you're pope it's not easy to simply go to a public beach or even a private club. The monies spent on security alone for such outings would quickly exceed the monies necessary to build a pool. Not to mention take a look at the picture. In this age of ubiquitous cameras, how would it be for there to appear in the press all over the world pictures of a dripping wet elderly man in trunks and bathing cap with the caption: "The Pope!"

It is good that he be mindful of his fitness and physical health, as we all should. Some people ride bikes, or run. Some people find the exercise of a good swim invigorating and relaxing.
Dr Bobus
In the 1990s I was twice in the Papal Gardens at Castel Gandolfo. The pool, hidden behind bushes, was outdoors. I was told that when JPII wanted to swim in Rome, there was an indoor pool that would be cleared of people before he arrived. That pool existed before JPII was pope.
Die drei Bilder in einem
How he led the Church
When it comes to JPII scandals, a private swimming pool would be pretty low down my list: well below the Assisi meetings and kissing the Koran.
I have seen a report which says the book which JP2 kissed was not the Koran, but another book with a Christian theme.
If you want to know what JPII thought of Islam, see this video www.ordo-militaris.us/holyleague2018-…
@BrAlexisBugnolo Is there also a report for the Assissi gathering as well? 🤐