20 pages
On the supposed invalidity of the Novus Ordo of episcopale consecrations due to its Spirit Christology. We have dealt in the past with six different reasons for which this new rite must be invalid. Of …More
On the supposed invalidity of the Novus Ordo of episcopale consecrations due to its Spirit Christology.
We have dealt in the past with six different reasons for which this new rite must be invalid. Of these, not a single one has been disproved to our satisfaction. In this relatively short booklet we are almost exclusively concerned with the question of how invalidity is related to the “spiritus principalis”. In fact, we are encountering a seventh reason for invalidity: the “conciliar sect” makes no distinction between the formal cause of the high-priesthood in Christ Himself and the formal cause of the consecration of the apostles. It may astonish traditional Catholics to hear that the difference is an infinite one. It is the difference between the infinite and non-created existence of God who became Man on the one hand, an existence which is that of the Eternal Word Incarnate; and, on the other hand, the finite, created power of the priestly character, which confers only a limited …More
Dr Bobus
Why do you consider yourself qualified to judge whether or not it's valid?
I'm unable to download booklet. Please allow.
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