
Cardinal Müller Backs Francis: Abu Dhabi can be "correctly interpreted"

Francis’ 2019 Abu Dhabi Declaration is in line with Benedict XVI’s Regensburg Lecture, Cardinal Gerhard Ludwig Müller claimed in an interview with Kath.net (January 2).

According to Müller, the basic content in both statements is that no one may invoke God to justify violence against those of other faiths.

Müller even says: "Apart from individual formulations that can be clarified and protected from misunderstanding, the overall intention of the Abu Dhabi Declaration is to be acknowledged."

In truth, the main Abu Dhabi error cannot be clarified and Müller himself is not able to do it.

For it claims that God wants the difference between the sexes in the same way as He wants the difference between the Catholic religion and the other [false] religions.

Picture: Gerhard Ludwig Müller, © Michael Swan, CC BY-ND, #newsKegxlcbued

Gesù è con noi
Müller stop selling yourself, remember that when someone tries to sell Christ, he ends up selling himself. www.lifesitenews.com/news/does-pope-franc…
la verdad prevalece
Let's not forget that Müller is a modernist. Müller seems to want to deceive us because he ignores the fact that it is the Muslims who are attacking the Catholic faith and yet those with whom Bergoglio signed the Masonic pacifist agreement support the assassination of those who convert to Christianity. Müller stops with your hypocrisy and falsehoods.
But the pachamama, you cant strech it
You can strech and strech ,to make it sound good
In fact, it can be "correctly interpreted". The Abu Dhabi Declaration is wrong. That's the correct interpretation. See how easy that was?
Trying to square a circle, Cardinal Muller ? Are you having this problem because you are refusing to consider that the resignation of BXVI might be invalid?
The Church as founded by Jesus Christ...the Mystical Body of Christ... is supremely more valuable than the one modern churchmen have erected around it... ie., the Vatican bureaucratic system. It is a body that has been mortally infected with …More
Trying to square a circle, Cardinal Muller ? Are you having this problem because you are refusing to consider that the resignation of BXVI might be invalid?

The Church as founded by Jesus Christ...the Mystical Body of Christ... is supremely more valuable than the one modern churchmen have erected around it... ie., the Vatican bureaucratic system. It is a body that has been mortally infected with Modernism. Let the bureaucracy die, if that's what's necessary to protect the Mystical Body.
Of course it is in line with Benedict XVI’s Regensburg Lecture, because he is a modernist too. All VII popes are modernists.
Thors Catholic Hammer
Cardinal Muller knows that Benedict xvi did not properly resign.
He is afraid of the problems this has created for the church.
He is steering a middle ccourse between the false pope Bergoglio and the real pope Benedict. In fact that is what most of these clerics are at . Hoping that Ratzinger and Bergoglio will die soon and utterly indifferent to the massive confusion perpetrated by both men..